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Srishti Mundhra Mar 2019
A young and beautiful, but wretched soul,
Dreamt in an enchanted world of her own,
With enraptured stallions and unicorns,
Far away from the brutal world so widely known,
But little did she know, the doom of her fantasy land is close.

Long was the string of her heartfelt desires,
She wanted to gaze at the infinite stars,
And eagerly waited to whoosh to Mars,
Away from negativities and deep scars,
But little did she know, she'd always be on the radar.

Incessant lookouts for an escape,
Made her wearied, sick and frail,
It was then that the realisation kicked her brain,
For what is she suffering so much pain?
For a world that is best at growing only wolf's bane?

After a month of Sundays, time finally chipped in,
When she could take the world out for a spin,
To vanquish the conventionality like a fiery levin,
Now was the time to declare that she won't take it on the chin,
And little did the world know of its approaching ruin.

Prepared to confront the imposed tyranny one-on-one,
She took it by surprise like a curve ball,
Then the insurgence began bold and tall,
"Why are women objectified as puppet dolls?
Why do taboos exist only for womenfolk?"

Appalled by her fearless defiance,
The world warned her against such resistance,
And swore to banish her existence,
The girl merely snorted and said "to hell with your dominance",
And little did the world know, it'd be soon thrown into a vortex.

Shining from within like a blaze of sunlight,
Powered up by vexation from her plight,
She broke the ancient shields of the dark skies,
And swallowed the ossified world with plumes of her divine light,
Yet little did she know, she has pioneered a new set of star lights.

Hawa Apr 2019
In some parallel universe.
Where blessings are curse.
Where doctor are called nurse.
You keep your kids in the purse.
You sit on the dogs and houses are guarded by horse.
Where the grains are powder and the flour is coarse.
Where the rain is burning hot and the bird roars.
The money is nothing and your right matters.
The guys are scared to go out in the night and the world is hers.
Women's rights are something, next to impossible in our world. I can only hope, maybe somewhere else it's a real thing.
Makeup on,
Makeup off.
Beautiful voice,
Raspy Cough.

Modest or bold,
Wears a hijab.
Model-like body,
No six-pack or abs.

Masculine tomboy,
Wears fishnet-tights.
Regardless how we look,
We still have rights.
Anton Mar 2019
Jamie keeps a middle aged white man imprisoned below his house as an involuntary *** slave.
Jamie also donates a few hundred dollars each month to human rights organisations around the world.
Sam spends a few hours most weeks attempting to draw people’s
attention to both local, and international slavery.
Sam neither donates money to human rights organisations, nor keeps slaves himself.
Whilst most people who are concerned about human rights issues have a problem with slavery, there is some disagreement as to the most effective way to address it.
Some are of the view that Jamie, despite his direct participation in slavery, is doing more for human rights than is Sam. The theory is that by donating money to human rights organisations, one can offset the harm associated with keeping a slave, and in Jamie’s case, since the donations are significant, Jamie has accrued a human rights violation credit.
-Frightening thinking
See for more
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As I escape this
Tropical hell
To be with my family
And friends
Far in the east
I am reminded
Of the friends
I left
Just to be tortured
In this tropical hell
I weep as I swim to safety
It wasn’t a successful
For my friends are
Still suffering.
This “dead” girl will
Tell their story
And fight for them.
Tropical hell= Guantanamo bay.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
Better listen to me
This dead woman
Is talking
You should’ve
Treated me right
And not cheat
You may have found
Shall this convo begin in hell


Better to listen to me
This dead woman is
You shouldn’t be
You should’ve
Been open minded
You may have found
Shall this convo begin in hell


Better to listen to me
This dead woman is
You should’ve
Not beat me
You should’ve worshipped me
A goddess
You may have found
Shall the convo begin in hell.

Hide run scream fight
You can’t fight devious

Not that is inspired by PIGs song salambo
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
You are a bunch
Of snowflakes
There is a difference
From normal to terrorism
There is a difference
Between a Muslim extremist
And a flipping Buddhist.
When will this BS of racism
And bigotry
They are horrible.
Sudeshna D Mar 2019
Rules and jurisdictions
What if you disengaged?
Consequences you didn't sign up for
Will **** you or have you caged.

Born in a system that
You can't opt of
So innocent,
Oblivious to the paradox.

They say you have freedom
But do you really see?
They have to tell you, you have it
So are you really free?
Toxic yeti Feb 2019
As I watch the news
And witness the hate
I enter the death zone
My being
My body
Slowly die
As if I am in an
Extreme environment.
Toxic yeti Feb 2019
I am DNA
I am either a
Source of hate
I am either a
Source of celebration
It all depends on
How you look at
Me..... human DNA.
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