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I one time saw in vision, the setup of a game,
a chess board that spread out before me, more than I could see. 
The chess pieces were many, yes more than I could name,
and when I looked above me, what I saw was startling. 
For I beheld that this vast game used more than just one board
yes, there were many levels, each one equal in its size. 
It left me musing at it all, so I turned to the Lord
and asked him to interpret all that lay before my eyes. 
He frankly spoke, “My son this represents the game of life.”
I instantly replied, “Oh Lord, this game is too complex!”
He then said, “Yes, indeed it is. I know it causes strife.”
“It’s meant to be a game that’s only won by those who let
me guide them in what moves they make.” “I’m looking for the few.”
“I’m looking for the humble who are wise enough to see
that it’s impossible for them to know what they should do,
and rather make their moves by faith while listening to me.”
And then the vision ended, I was left to contemplate -
about the way I’d lived my life, relying on myself.
Had to admit, thus far my life results were not that great
and so, I made resolve to put my own will on the shelf.
The years have passed on since the day I made that fateful choice,
and life has been much more a joy, in fact it’s like a game
where really all I worry about is listening to his voice,
and seeing how the moves he makes will ultimately play.
SPhiros 7d
My name is something lost then found
Screamed by one of the greatest mind
Both a mystery and accomplishment
Under the water I was made
Told of cultures that is ignored then found again
Willing to keep everything alive
Art is something daily seen
Yet heard and also feel
Mathematics that hides within the depth
In the naked eye you can't possess
Innovating it makes us closer to each other
With less words connects us to one another

Hint: My name is hidden
I choose to publish this as my first poem. This account is made anonymously, I changed everything from email to username. But through poems you can connect to one another, you can get to know a person and how they think, so if you can figure it out, I guess it's worth that you also know my name:) Thank you.
night drapes
day spreads
stars emit light
moons conceal dark
around the north star-fire
away from the south moon-water
stars journey
moons remain
in their wake
at their rest
stories extend
stories retract
The angel
Draws the Glock
With a swift flick of motion
Pulls the trigger
A bullet rips through your core~
As it strikes
The truth unveils
The show begins.
You kick & slam
But the enigmatic door remains~
You gave it your all
Concluding the telecast
Your white sore in a red hole
Rot, maggots & gore.
A true crucifixion of your soul.

~Burning in vengeance~

Now you face the mind~
A chasm carved by arrogance.
& now,
I become the angel
Trigger poised in suspense.
Your stormy tides erase my sandcastle pride,  
A jazz **** breaks where the silence once lied.  
Your moist earth cradles my seed, our heart’s noontide,  
Improv wails as the reverb collides.  

Our love, once shadowed, glows with dawn’s new light,  
Within, a thousand tiny flames aspire.  
Once storm-dark night, now shines with rainbow’s delight,  
Our love’s tide swells, a choir of soft fire.  

Yet still I wonder, does love’s hope burn bright?  
Was it the sacrifice or love’s own starlight?
Jack Groundhog Dec 2024
From the leaden sky
descends a dark winged lady —
Black sunbeams dawning.

Reddened night replies
and locks her blackened aerie —
Hunter’s moon is rising.

Morning herald cries
to summon sunburst faeries —
Sparks rise a-flaming.
G N Kayacılar Nov 2024
Darkness, meet the sound of water
I was a rampage, now I calm
Barren from ****** charm
Violet fissions igniting in my mind

I can feel an end coming,
A millennium long surrender
My castles rumble on rolling waters

           Darkness, meet the sound of thunder
Nat Lipstadt Nov 2024
~ following “A Simple Poem”~ (1)

But of course, we reference revelations,
for our brief self-description are guises,
meant to hide, meant to impress, reveal
little, enhance our mystery, preserve our
secrecy. expose and hide simultaneously
within our mid-of-night aura mystiques

Safe behind the curtain, we wizards speak
in voices and tongues, giving up our innermost everything in verse, write of our blessings and our curses, holding  little back while we give ourselves away, hint by hinting, writ by writing, a series of

I choose, I chose, to dress my chess pieces
in a clear varnish, **** the consequences,
sail towards the torpedoes, heading direct
to meet your eyes, giving up my forest
tree by tree, poem by poem, a leaf and
a branch, only tinkering and fussing like a new parent over each new virtual birthing,

and then once tidied,
once spent,
my secrets unconcealed,
we wonder quick if each
puzzle when connected
to its predecessor is 
as a tiny pointilisme dot,
a speck
and that you are wise enough to
comprehend how each speck,  
lives only unique in its
only tandem-with both the one
nearest and the ones dabbed a decade
long ago, and when you connect  
my dots, I stand before you completely
a full and a naked folio,
one book of a single reveal,
the sum of my totality,
an addition of many integers,  
summing up to 1


should we pass by each other,
our eyes will pierce, each wrinkle,
solving the equation of who we are…
a single human, readily identifiable,
total recognition, via the reconnaissance
of our letterered footsteps

Nov. 20
in the year twenty twenty four
Olivia Jane Nov 2024
I find myself dreaming even when I am awake.
In these dreams I am praying for Heaven's sake,
"Come quickly!" I cry "You must come and see!"
For instead of just one there are three!
Three young boys, all crying and full of goo,
They have come, my messengers, they have come.
It has not yet come to pass, this fate my dreaming makes...
But if it does, soon you will see in judgement Christ has come.
But if it doesn't, and I do not see those three same eyes staring back at me...
I must, as all before me, go to sleep in prayer for eternity.
Ylzm Nov 2024
Son of Dragon, born of Woman
Free to roam, in kings' ears whispering
Mighty kingdoms thus rose, and fell
But Son of Man, exiled and chained

In wisdom Dragon saw his end
His arm in might deceived to save
Corrupted the seed to remain
One King over all men on earth

Thus all flesh drowned yet his seed lives
For seed to father not of flesh
And Dragon in Abyss' depths bound
Awaits the End for Man's judgement

Son of Dragon, wise as father
Knowing Man as he knows himself
His kingdom from his kingdom rose
From ashes yet again to ashes

His eighth and last kingdom now reigns
Over all earth but least glorious
A constant decline from the first
This last an unseen mired wreck

Son of Dragon wise but not wise
As creature imperfect and flawed
All men bow but his kingdom falls
Against He who binds his father

Son of Man, weak but he's to rule
From dungeon's depths raised above kings
For his Father's sceptre he holds
And upon the dragon he rides

When kingdom by Man ruled as right
Gold's free and peace its currency
Without wars nor bribes kings subdued
A glimpse of that ordained to be

Son of Dragon schemes as End nears
Tempts Man he's now King of all earth
And stars bow and all heavens too
And Sons as brothers reign in Peace

The Dragon's Year, this year has come
Son of Man hears Son of Dragon
Peace tempts, and brothers sit to rule
And Mother's name is Babylon
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