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Dog Years Jun 2018
She is the Desert
Hot, radiant, dangerous
One I dare not cross
stopdoopy Jul 2018
Remember that time
I told you I'd felt
like a plant recently?
I'd gone out
and soaked up some sun
after those dark winter months.
The feeling  is
the same when I think
of seeing you again.
To hear that sparkle of a voice
the light of your touch.
You are radiant,
and I a faithful stalk of green.
not the best but I'm very happy with this piece
selflessflaws Apr 2018
I need to see you, so I can work everything out. its just like one of those "solve for x" math equations, where I need the unknowns to figure everything out. you seem happy. you're smiling and I'm wondering, what kind of people wander into your mind? is it her? she's the beautiful, radiant one, with skin like silk and a voice like sunshine with the moon in her eyes. is it them? those people with plants sprouting from their veins, their souls so pure, like they grow from the earth itself. is it me? the ordinary girl. the girl with hair of gold but a mind so broken that you only see the pieces if you open your eyes wide enough.
a Mar 2018
A clear face that has this glow
Big brown eyes and bushy brows
Chubby cheeks but somehow still has cheekbones
A smile with dimples that she gave herself
Buck teeth that are super white and bright
4'9 with thighs of steel
Perky ******* that finally grew in
An *** that's bigger than her tiny body
Hairy legs showing others she doesn't care
Scars on her body representing the obstacles of her life
All with a personality that's bigger than her.
join and look in the mirror and find the things you love about yourself. I usually avoid mirrors but my mom put this random one down and it was facing me as I did my homework. First time in a while I looked in the mirror and had good things to say.
Cora Lorraine Mar 2018
As sunlight spread across the floor
and crawled over the rustled sheets
that you hid beneath,
your heart swelled
and your mind emptied
to accommodate the possibilities of the day.
Your fingers started walking toward the door,
taking your cover with them.
Upright your frame sat, then
through the doorway your eager feet danced.
Into the invigorating sunlight,
over the liberating grass that had grown
to comfort the soft skin of your toes as you
chase down the daylight
and gave new meaning to the word
jonni inferno Mar 2018
storm winds howl
in fury rage
lash dark clouds
in thunder running
lightning laced
they storm across
her cool
impassive face

she answers
in silence
immortal grace
her face
softly knowing
her smile
sometimes showing
in silence

added link to pic/poem
mikhaila Jan 2018
I am a sunflower
I am the Son’s flower
pollinating the earth with the seeds of joy

I am a sunflower
I am the Son's flower
bending but never breaking under the strength of the wind

I am a sunflower
I am the Son's flower
regrowing a generation focused on self-growth rather than world-growth

I am a sunflower
I am the Son's flower
shedding tears for the hopeless, feel, and the weak
for the ones who don't have the strength to grow
for the ones who need just a tad more sunshine
for the ones surrounded by drought
I shed tears in hopes of giving them joy, hope, life, and happiness again

I am a sunflower
I am the Son's flower
someday in the night
the moon will a little bit more radiant
stars will appear many more
and you will forget that you are alone
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