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Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I am humble
when I’m aware
that I don’t know anything for certain;
that all I am aware of
are philosophical-questions
with uncertain changing answers.
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I am optimistic
that Destiny
will reveal to my mind
the answers and solutions
as I continue to ask Destiny
about how I can achieve
joy and happiness
within the situations
Destiny is bringing me.
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
In my youth
when I was in school
I thought like everybody else
learning was done
by reading textbooks,
and I would have a successful life
if I read
lots of books;
but after many years of book-learning
I discovered that book-knowledge
did not enable me
to be joyful and happy;

I discovered that
to be joyful and happy
what I needed was
not knowledge
but wisdom
about how to be
joyful and happy;
and to achieve wisdom
I had to do philosophy:
thinking originally,
learning from my own experiences,
asking questions about
how to achieve my
unique joy and
unique happiness
in my unique situation
using my unique self.
Iz Jul 2019
I don’t want to leave him
what I mean is
I can make it the 216 hours
till we both go
I fake love until we don’t have to create it
but what if  one day the roles change
I the one who gets lead on instead of love
will I wish the trust over the comfortable lust
Mickey Jul 2019
I don't have the strength to ask you.
Everytime I think I have the power to bring it up I fall back.
I am so afraid of all the what if's. Terrified of the answers you could give.
And I just don't have the strength to ask you.  
They have broken me with this before.
Turned me down or made me feel worthless.
So really, I am afraid I will never have the strength to ask you.
"What do you think of me?"
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
Is living
striving to discover
the answers
to the questions
in my mind
about how to achieve
joy and happiness
within an unknown Destiny?
Myat Thwe Naing Jul 2019
is it in the irony?
is it in simplicity?
opacity of superfluous vocabulary?

Is it hiding in the metro
In the thick of the stench of weary passengers?

Is it in soft petals that welcome a sweet romance?
Or the trodden leaves, wilted soft too?
Written two months ago on my phone, though i’m not sure why? Apparently it was “inspired by where’s waldo, wildred owen’s foreword thingy, that quora answer w the petals on a wet bough thing”
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Question marks behind your eyes

Why do you have love hearts in the centre of your eyes,
When you look at me?
Why do your iris’ glow a different colour,
Each and every time we speak?
Why does your smile rise, when I appear out of nowhere?
Why do you think about me, when I am not even there?
Why do you find me attractive?
Nobody else does.
Why are you always waiting,
For a time when there is an ‘Us’?

Why are you bothered if I don’t notice your look?
Why do you mention me when you are talking about love?
Why can you not concentrate when you are reading your book?
Why do you persist, where other people have given up?
Why dream at all that I could be the one?
Why think of me when you hear a love song?

Why describe me when talking of your ideal mate?
Why never speak until it is too late?
Why keep it secret, the way that you feel?
Why be scared of rejection, when only love can heal?
Why not take a chance at a thousand ‘I love you’s?
Maybe one day I will say, I love you too.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Faithful or hateful

Faithful or hateful, the choice is yours.
I can only ever be grateful for your company ‘The one I adore’.
You’re so funny; you make me laugh like no other does.
I guess you love me.  Is this what you call love?
I am still asking the questions, never getting satisfaction.
Still searching for clarification, so here I am asking.

Are you faithful or hateful?  The choice is always yours.
You are still ‘The one which I adore’.
You showed me your light
And I was blinded by such a beautiful sight.
Your beauty thrills me;
You make my heart skip a beat.
You make me rise, to my feet,
Just to kneel down before you unworthy.
If only you could, I would ask you to love me.

I don’t know if you’re faithful or hateful.
All I know in my heart is that I will always be grateful,
For once you loved me and I too loved you
And between us two, we had something unnamed
And it could never be tamed,
Because once we were real…
Now we are only in old flames.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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