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Ili Norizan Aug 2016
I said hello,
He said goodbye,
For there's tomorrow,
Unless I somehow die;

Don't forget me,
Never let me go,
This is our little infinity,
Our happily ever after you know;

Time is of the essence,
So chase after all your passion,
Always go the distance,
Even if it tests your patience.

She always knew she loved,
Hating herself for doing it,
She knew she was in love with the wrong person.

He always knew she loved.
Hating himself for not loving her in return.
He always thought he was the wrong person.

Now she is not in love.
And he is.
Now he believes in them.
And she believes nothing of the existence of love.

They know they are in love,
But she had already been hurt in waiting.
And now he feels her pain too.

They could always ease away each other's pain.
But pride in many ways,
Works without thinking,
And I wish they could see it too.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2016
The distance between us at times seems to be too many miles away
Yet in my heart, you always remain the same
I take solace in the fact that you are only a poem away

If I am lonely I reread every line
My heart seems to beat in time
It reads like a spoken word
even when you have not uttered a word
Your poem plays in my mind like a verse in a favorite song
When I am weak it makes me feel stronger encouraging me to press on
because you are really only just a poem away

The distance seems to suddenly become so thin
as I begin to read your poems again
or as I personally jot down yet another line as I feel more inspired
Lifting me up much higher
It feels like a drink of cool water on a hot summers day
Yet I still at times desire some real face to face time with you
You are unique and special and absolutely no one else can take your place
For now I must slow my mind down into a more patient pace
It seems,like just at the right time, you write another line
Then you once again, become just Only A Poem Away
We are bonded by both blood and by our love for words as
You Are Only A Poem Away!
This Poem is dedicated to My daughter, Gwen, who some of you here on Hello Poetry know from her poetic works that are posted on here. I love You Gwen so much! Thank you to all my Hello Poetry friends for reading Gwen and my poetic postings. I appreciate it so much!
I know you are such a busy lady. Your encouragement gives me inspiration and gives my heart wings and makes me feel like singing.
Love Always, from Your Butterfly Mom.
brandon nagley Jul 2016

Behold mine Jane


The star's and the rain
As us doth come
And go.


Though in the amount
Of hour's left; I shalt blow
Mine breath, into thy


Home sweet home,
I am with thee; verily
Mine queen, I've been


Trapped in this bed-
Spirit burdened, many
Demon's hate this light
That God hath started.


They do mark me
With their reptilian nails;
Though one day all
Their evil shalt fail.


And whilst I fight, I won't give in,
Mine glow doth shine, betwixt many men;
As ourn Creator bought us as one in him,
Soulmates, best friends, this heart doth yearn.


O' this heart doth yearn, a fervent burn,
Awaiting for thy buss of roses, sweet, serenading;
Creating heavenly poses.


On the right Christ
On the left side Moses; none losing focus,
With the mountain scented view.


None goodbye's, but to say
I do; a place always new;
As loving wilt be the
Highest command.


We'll bury ourn worries
In the ocean sand's; as
Thou shalt take mine hand,
With seraphim to be ourn


Catch mine breath
And touch mine

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( agapi mou )
Behold- See or observe.( Mean see)
Doth- does. Or do. ( This one using as does).
Sickly- poor health.
Verily,- truly.
Hath- have also means has. ( Mean this as has).
Reptilian-relating to or characteristic of reptiles.
Whilst- while.
Mine- meaning ( my) archaic form!
Betwixt- between.
Ourn- our.
Fervent- hot or glowing, mean this as glowing.
Thy- your.
Buss- kiss.
Pose- pose- assume a particular attitude or position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn.
Wilt- will
Seraphim- an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.
You might never know the pain
That comes with
Waiting for love...
You might NEVER even find.
The patience on love can make one grow really weary, but it is not for the faint-hearted because of this reason.
Help is on the way, squeeze your lids and dream away.

Wish away the hours past, as realities minutes pass through the hourglass.

The sunlight fades in your mind, and inevitable gloom takes control.

Why is life treating me so, I can’t take this many blows.

Somebody take my hand and guide I, the blind.

It’s the only thing that can tame the feelings inside.
Jemma Jul 2016
They call it *** for tat
I call it an exchange for that…

That favor you owed me
Oh, did you think that was free?

Do you really think it’s fair for you to take what’s mine
Yet if I ask for it back it’s not fine

Do you think it’s okay for me to show you respect
Yet when I ask for it in return you just continue to neglect

Neglect me, my wants and my needs
But yet I should stroke your ego and plant unwanted seeds

I don’t mean to be rude but I need to keep it real
If you don’t mind, I need something I can feel

I’m gonna need some reciprocity
Just give me a little hope and positivity
Jonesy Jul 2016
I am strong,
I can overcome any obstacle,
Once i put my mind to it
I'm a fighter.

When someone pushes me down,
Not only physically,
But Mentally and psychologically,
I will pull myself up and say,
" Nice try, but its going to take more than gravity to keep me down,because i am a fighter."

When you say i won't make it,
It just encourages me to work harder,
When you make fun of my flaws,
I continue to embrace them,
Nothing you say will bring me down,
I'm a fighter.

                                                               ­                  Jonesy 2016©
We are all fighters (ง ͠ ͠° ل͜ °)ง
Patience is hope in waiting.
As we wait,we develop.
Waiting without anxiety,
And knowing that God has it all under control.
Patience is never in vain.
There's time for everything.
Yours too.
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