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LycanTheThrope Aug 2015
Jealousy is seeping through my skin
Like kerosene
My head is spinning from the fumes

You may have showed me where the matches were
But it was I who struck it aflame

Standing here
Never feeling so empty
A heart so ****** and twisted

She's been cornered
Pushed to lash out
Scared of being a lone wolf

Fire dances on her fur
Coal-black eyes
And embered teeth

All I could do was

Ashes fill her mouth
They've never tasted so dry

I don't want to be alone.
But you've already left me.
Crying again.
Sorry I haven't posted in forever.
Jenny Jun 2015
A scarce smile
A heart forbidden to love
A soul in great famine
Parched and dry
No fertile ground
No seeds to plant
But what does a ***** man want?
Oh I know!
A woman with two ***** of fat on her chest
Hips as wide as the ocean
Lips that only aim to please
And hands that could put a mans pain at ease.
If only these ***** men could take a trip in to our minds.
They'd be running for their lives.
Then the thought of using us as  mistresses of sexually explicit ceremonies won't ever cross their minds.
Something I wrote half asleep
Kamini May 2015
Stain your body
With fingers dipped
In the colour of
Joy and peace
Wet with the tears
Of the World
And know HER

Drench your heart
In a shower of petals
Dripping with the sound
Of silent thunder
And sink deep
Into HER embrace.

Fill your womb with
Sweet nectar ******
From the agony and ecstasy
Of HER love making
And bleed compassion
Onto a parched Earth.
India, Feb 2015
sweet ridicule Apr 2015
turns out that the more water you drink
the dryer your mouth is when
a pool of it runs down your throat
leaving your tongue sardonically parched

and writing poetry in classes filled with numbers
doesn't make them any clearer
      (however it does make you clearer)

people self-sooth all the time
playing with lips
squeezing arms
clicking pens

and wearing dresses results
in legs sticking to chairs
eating a lot
makes your abs hide

stay away away away
you won't for long

the more water you drink
the more parched you become
read read read
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
Turning a blind eye to the dark clouds
Looming over the horizon
Lightning lashing across like whip
Loud crackle and the thunderous roar
Lightning strikes with archer’s precision
Hitting the target with a vengeance
Cauterizing life in a matter of seconds
Zeus, unleashing the thunderbolt
So much rage in the Ether
Punishing relentlessly with nature’s fury
Now the clouds break loose
Intense darkness shrouds over the day
Clouds have opened up with running streams
As it washes away all the agony
It opens the eyes to an invigorating event
Replenishing the parched Earth
Waterfalls and rivers flows with life
Nature calms after the ferocity, bringing hope

— The End —