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Haylin May 2018
I will never be able to look at red paint the same way after that night

Okay story time. This may be triggering so don't say I didn't warn you. So one night after I threw away my blade I was falling and I wanted to cut. But as I didn't have a blade I couldn't so I grabbed a tube of red water color paint and I sorta faded out and when I came back I had red paint all over my arms and legs. With words painted on in black that read "if you knew how broken I was would you still love me?". So yeah that's my story.
An artist paints a masterpiece.
Uses colour to represent intention and desire.
A highly detailed piece of art becomes his centrepiece,
his everything.

Occasionally he drops colour all around him.
Every colour at his disposal becomes mixed and splattered.

What has been used to create you is now the substance of new imagery;
A new art piece created on the floor called:
'A representation of my feelings for you'.
Kewayne Wadley Apr 2018
She covered me in paint.
Filling me with her outlook.
Standing there drenched we both laughed.
Her hands covered in acrylic.
She fed me apple sauce browns and pepperoni reds.
Banana cream tans as well as blueberry blues.
Her thoughts covered me in taste.
Hands warm to the touch.
Covered in paint I was identical to all her favorite things.
I became the table which she viewed the world.
Splashed in infatuation
McDonald tsiie Apr 2018
the first time i saw her stretch marks i
saw beauty as a landscape formed,
lightning collapsed on her earth
captured by my lavender mind
i painted cosmic energy on
her body, oil on canvas ii
created a portrait my
fingertip a brush as
i drew a valley of
a thousand hills
on her fragile
Arionna Apr 2018
He tells me that cliche again about van gogh and his yellow paint. He says i’m an artist like that. i’ll find my yellow paint. my salvation. how i scoop out hope.
i want to tell him i already have. the ugly things i shove inside myself trying to find happiness even if it kills me. my yellow paint has been entire cakes, has been sixteen shots, has been strangers i kissed and forgot, has been eating too healthy, has been eating nothing at all, has been dark nights i swaddled myself in, has been speeding on black ice, has been everything i could think of that would make me feel anything at all for once in my life. i wonder if i die like this they’ll say it was beautiful. they’ll talk about the poet who used the sharpest things in her life to carve the joy out of herself - they’ll say, oh, she knew it was toxic but she wanted to put the happiness inside of her again. she ate only captain crunch because it reminded her of her childhood, isn’t that so cute? well obviously it’s sad she’s dead but how romantic is it that she loved birds and flowers and once debated eating poison. how will they paint my ending. she unbuckled herself on highways because she wanted to be one with the sky. she refused to look before crossing the road because she believed in fate. she was a wonderful girl and will be missed while we wear socks with her face on them. van gogh ate yellow paint. we say he was trying to put the good back into him. but i’ve slammed myself against the ground trying to get death to stick. i know what self harm is when i see it.
I don’t like writing notes
laila shaaban Apr 2018
I am an artist.
I never chose to be but as long as I can remember art was near,
There was no first meeting, no awkward first impression.
It was always right there.
Art is a part of me, a quality written in my biology it’s my personality.
I can’t escape the urge to create,
To illustrate the beautiful picture in my mind,
To encapsulate feelings, project ideas, perfect a masterpiece.
I am an artist I paint;
I paint in hues colors and strokes.
I paint in words sewn together as delicate as a feather,
Yet as painful as a healing wound.
I cower every time I hear them being read aloud
Because these words are windows straight into my thoughts.
Leaving me feeling vulnerable, that’s why some art is unutterable.
Best portrayed using a paintbrush.
Coating the canvas with every color of the spectrum and every spectrum of emotion. Watching the pigments flow with no resistance,
A brush sweeping softly or with deep solid strokes
Always flawless because creativity can never be mistaken
It only awakens new perspectives perfected by the artist
Portraying her ideas precisely.
I am an artist because losing my self in art is my passion,
A distraction, imagine the endless horizons.
Art is the closest thing to magic,
A paintbrush the closest to a wand,
And an artist the closest to becoming an enchanter.
Octavia Williams Apr 2018
Splattered on the wall
Lay layers of lusterless paint
That crawl under your skin small
bumps with a faint taint
of a soft yellow haul
that drags you down to a feint
filled with reality
katie Apr 2018
a gold hue laced the clouds in the sky
while the calm blue covered it,
reminiscent of a scene from a painting

with the cool tones composing the base,
the artist continued adding warm tints,
giving the piece a unified appearance

then i thought, "what if people were created this way?”
from how you appear and move,
it’s almost as if an artist imagined you

your dark hair lays flat but holds softness,
your dimples emerge the moment you smile,
and your lips purse whenever you’re in thought

your laughter is more melodious than a thousand choirs
selflessness is a rare thing, but it’s your best trait
and your passion and spirit can make anyone a believer

is it possible that some people were just born perfect?
all perfectly proportioned and envisioned?
with a charm that you can sense by how they go about life?

perhaps the idea is a little too farfetched
since we can never truly be sure of the process
but when i look at you,

i see a masterpiece
is perfection possible?
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