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Saudia R May 2018
One day

I hope you'll be as free as your laughter
Anji Mar 2018
You will say: “You’ve been holding out on me!” -
and that will be the day when this landslide of poetry
Finally comes spilling from my lips, because I can no longer withhold it -
And you will awake in the gardens that I’ve been growing here,
Looking at me with brand new eyes, like you’ve never really known me before,
Or seen me, or felt me, and we will roll together
Among these soft petals of imageries, fingernails like lilies
As you lift the pages, see them turning, these little white leaves,
Changing with the different seasons of visions and daydreams,
Thousands of hours passing in your eyes blinking, reading,
A living river of emotions flowing into those irises, of
All the things I cannot speak or explain or convey
When you are sitting here in silence, gazing deeply into me,
And I am leaning into your warm shoulder, wondering,
How I can turn these precious moments
Into the best kind of poetry.
I've kind of fallen in love with someone... is that totally obvious? ha. and he hasn't read any of my poetry yet... so I'm planning to just hit him with a whole book of it when the time is right.
Elaine Mar 2018
It isn't fair
You've gone and done it again
Made me love you
With reckless abandon
No thought of consequences or heartache
Just like last time

Did you know you were pulling me back in
Just when I thought I'd gotten out, gotten away
Were you aware
That with every text, every laugh, every touch
I was falling deeper in love with you
Until every poem I wrote was about you

Last time you weren't ready for this, for us, for a relationship
I waited as long as I could, but I couldn't wait forever
This time I made the same mistake,
Thinking you might finally be ready

And you might have been
Except that soon you'll be
Of miles

And I'll be here
And hoping
And praying
That one day you might love me enough to come home
I just read this back and it sounds more dismal than I intended. I don't blame him for anything, he's the one person that can always make me smile right now. Unrequited love just hurts, you know?
rosecoloredpoet Feb 2018
Maybe one day
We will run together through the meadows feeling the sun kissing our smiling faces
Leaving behind our dark shadows
Traveling to different places

Maybe one day
I will wake up feeling energized and optimistic
My thoughts will be clear, bright and realistic

Maybe one day
I'll start viewing the world like a child again
exploring everything with endless curiosity
cherishing every little detail
spreading only positivity

Maybe one day
I'll be waking up with you curled up next to me under the blankets
Hearing your raspy morning voice
Cooking you your favorite breakfest

Maybe one day
Love will conquer all the hatred
Everybody will be equal
No more discrimination or being manipulated

Maybe one day...
Notepad Feb 2018
One day you'll find her,
One day you'll love her,
One day you'll break her,
One day you'll lose her.
Iska Jan 2018
One day,
he will look at me and smile,
not worry.
One day,
he will hold my hands,
not check my wrists and thighs.
One day,
he will see me laugh,
and not search for tears hidden in my eyes.
One day,
he will dance and smile,
not hold me and cry.
One day,
he will kiss me in the mirror,
not cover my eyes.
One day,
we will go on adventures,
not terrified to go outside.
One day,
we will playfully banter,
not bicker and argue.
One day,
he will look at me and joke around,
not watch himself,
worried he will cause me to fall apart.
One day,
we will be happy.
One day,
we will be healthy.

One day... One day.
To all of you who are at that "almost"
Dreaming for the "one day"
To turn into "today"
Becuse I understand.
And it will happen.
....One day.

Also for DreamMare
Who makes me feel a little less alone
Keep writing my dear.
There is healing in it.
Leeann Rose Jan 2018
Early morning drink with ice, of course. I always felt so lost.
In my mind was dark, my soul was crushed and my life was built on pretending.
I smiled, I laughed a lot.
No one knew my heart was in a knot. My body was numb, My thoughts were evil. I tried to break through all that I was going through. Could this all be so true? Was I losing myself, was all something I was new to.  
Nothing I was use to.
The pain , frustration and anger.
I didn't wanna talk, some days I didn't wanna get up ... Everything was a fuss.
I had to figure out what was wrong, the depression I couldn't take ..I knew it would take over one day ...Will I ever be okay !?
mjad Nov 2017
Maybe one day you'll see me
Perhaps one day you'll love me too
Maybe one day you'll call
But you never do

Maybe one day you'll realize
Perhaps one day you'll laugh with me
Maybe one day you'll end the goodbyes
But you never do
Inspired by "from the dining room" Harry styles
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
One day
this is going to end
whatever that started
because time doesn't understand

the breeze comes
passing by decades
get everything replaced
this place will look no same

the fast we embrace
the memory escapes
and we forget it ever lived
that one day, we've been in.
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