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Taciturno a mal acompañado,
pues el viento es fiel
y con el me quedo.

Camino cual lobo estepario,
entre las sombras
y el silencio
pero canto con grito

Mi mirada te dice te quiero,
mi lengua miente al intento,
mis piernas de espagueti,
que fingen no conocerte,
tiemblan y se quiebran.

oscuro caminante
Obscrea May 2018
I'm happy to see him
Even if it's just one
Moment in a day.

But I don't know if-
He feels the same way.
Oskar Erikson May 2018
am born with an emptiness that is unable to be translated into words.
through nights without looking inwards for fear of never looking out.
knowing the best way to patch up this piecemeal pockmarked heart.
the planned escape route to run away with once it all turns to dust.

                                                  its funny how we always see the wrongs
                                                    just that moment too late.
Poetic T May 2018
Luminosity is the partner of obscurity.
                           As I watch each sunset
                           its as though tears are sinking
                           beneath a heart beat of existence.

But then the evanescence gives ways to
                           wonders of the penetrate
                          a void less canvass painting
                          eternity with random brushes.

Each has its beauty to bestow on the sights
                          of particles drifting coalescing
                          momentarily to envision the
                          changing styles of eternity.
Amanda Kay Burke May 2018
I stare at the temporary sky
I wonder when it will fall down and apart
Time is rigid, it won't bend, so spend
Each moment in the present close to your heart
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow
Jo Barber May 2018
My favorite people
were met on a whim.
My favorite memories
were made on a whim.

The most splendid castles,
the most magnificent sunsets,
the sweetest kisses;
all were had and done and seen
on whims.

Don't tell me that I'm silly
for following my heart
and permitting my life
to blow along with the wind.

My life was made on a whim,
and it'll likely end the same way.
Krishnapriya May 2018
The best version
Of this moment
happens when we
accept this moment
Just as it is

The smiles and tears
Anger and fears
Arrive and display
The palette of life
We watch and let go
Let the moment be
As still and as best
As only it knows
To be

We remain observers
In the silent stillness
Of love

Watching and accepting
Responding if need be
From love, for love

Come relax and enjoy
Moment by moment
The best version of life
In the silent sweetness of love.
Abigail Hobbs May 2018
I can't deny the fact that when I think of you, the wind always passes through. I know you're not gone from this world, but it's like your ghost. But I think of it as we were meant to be- but for only the time it takes wind to come through. Fleeting, passing, cherished, and just for a moment.

You taught me what it means to truly cherish every bit someone gives you- no matter how close they are, no matter who they are, no matter how long they stay.

This is what life is about- love, learning to love, cherishing, living with others in every moment. It means to live when things come unexpected. I love all of the moments I can remember- however fleeting- however small- whatever they were and meant to be.

And just like the breeze- you'll come and go, and I'll cherish whatever and wherever it does- without denial.
Just some prose I need to get out there. Healing is a time consuming process.
Yi Jiun Liu May 2018
Ese día como un día cualquiera
Entre tantas personas
Me senté al lado tuyo
El bus en movimiento guiando de lado a lado..
Mi cuerpo hacia ti
Sin darme cuenta el tiempo se detiene.
En ese instante la multitud desaparece y nos encontramos solos
No te miré a los ojos
No era yo mismo en ese momento.
No podía controlar mi cuerpo, poseído por el ahora
Nuestros movimientos sincronizados
Sin conocernos...
En el silencio nuestros latidos correspondían uno al otro
Siendo sincero estaba nervioso porque estaba a tu lado.
Ni una palabra , ni una mirada
Nuestras manos se encontraron
Entrelazados nuestros meñiques, realizamos una promesa que solo tú y yo sabemos.
No era amor, si no un sentimiento conocido.
Entre tú y yo
Ese momento que compartimos juntos.
Real story, memories that are important to oneself
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