We humans are trapped in illusion of emotions,
We humans are too fragile to be in sound motion,
We humans are hollow void,
Empty of everything that ignites the oil,
We humans are, pretending to be armoured stones,
So afraid of people, to eyes humans are prone.
Desperately empty yet filled with hopes,
Happily bleeding on path to adorn,
Like an orchestra filled with distracted hosts,
We humans, build castles of sand,
Yet we forget to keep away jinxed hand,
We humans are trapped in wraps,
Wraps of our over-love and understanding that lacks,
"If I had the map, i would get out of this track."
Oh but you deceive yourself like a brat,
Dragging your cores in maze that mirror you as vulnerable man,
Masking the fact, that you can!
Oh my dear!!
You unsee the keys and cry over locks,
You know the ways out ,
but decide to stay in doubt.
For you are always ignoring the oracle that surrounds.
That's the tragedy of you humans,
Who are trapped in emotions and frown.