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We humans are trapped in illusion of emotions,
We humans are too fragile to be in sound motion,
We humans are hollow void,
Empty of everything that ignites the oil,
We humans are, pretending to be armoured stones,
So afraid of people, to eyes humans are prone.
Desperately empty yet filled with hopes,
Happily bleeding on path to adorn,
Like an orchestra filled with distracted hosts,
We humans, build castles of sand,
Yet we forget to keep away jinxed hand,
We humans are trapped in wraps,
Wraps of our over-love and understanding that lacks,

"If I had the map, i would get out of this track."
Oh but you  deceive yourself like a brat,
Dragging your cores in maze that mirror you as vulnerable man,
Masking the fact, that you can!

Oh my dear!!
You unsee the keys and cry over locks,
You know the ways out ,
but decide to stay in doubt.
For you are always ignoring the oracle that surrounds.
That's the tragedy of you humans,
Who are trapped in emotions and frown.
Lyla Aug 2024
Each word is a map to a shared memory
Sometimes my directions are incorrect
Or may take you on a scenic route
Such that you forget the destination until you reach it
I guide by landmarks
The names of roads are all forgotten by me
Only their twists and turns remain in my mind
Heidi Franke Jun 2024
The moon did me a favor today

It didn't drag me down.

It made me look up.

Where else is future found?

Besides our
Hearts and Minds.

In the sky where you will find Birds.

And wings
With golden strings


An imperfect map.

I'm still looking up.
Jellyfish Oct 2023
Trying to navigate these bumpy waves,
While maintaining my gaze with my goals.
It's more difficult than the past me could've ever known.

There's a long dotted line that swerves along my map.
I've marked each stop for when I'll take naps,
but I'm still struggling with unexpected crashes.

A wave flips my boat and and it feels like a million minutes go by
Before I patch things up and things feel okay inside.

It feels like a tear in my map,
the map that lines my heart.
How do you recover when someone from your crew falls overboard?

What if something embarrassing happens during my journey and I can't press restart?
These are the kinds of questions I stay up all night asking the stars.
Amina Nov 2021
I Stick the whole world to my wall
and Notice
things that I almost Understand their real meaning
buying a world map
Jason Drury Sep 2021
“Keep your nose clean”

His intent was momentous.
An ant like phrase,
with mountainous exorcism.

“Keep your nose clean”,
His voice like Zeus,
thunderously subtle.

Echoing and vibrating,
through regret, sin,
and fueled debauchery.

This phrase kept me true,
on-course through,
dark seas.

A map to navigate,
knowing when,
to steer away.

“Keep your nose clean”
I hear him still,
his voice sobering.

“Yes, grandfather.”

“I will”
For my grandfather
Steve Page Aug 2021
I lift my pen at the scent of the coming rain.
The wind rises, and I sense the pain gathering strength
and after a beat or two, the drizzle scouts my face
- but I smile.

I have my compass, the North Star
and the maps I made before.
I can still climb this new stanza
navigate past the memorials,
through to the meadows beyond
and I can rest there, refill my pen with the rain
and write again.
re-write of Navigating the hills, flexing my writing muscles ahead of a poets retreat
Chris Saitta May 2021
I failed to love round, but fallen flat,
My head slumps down, over an ancient map,
My eyes roll back, over the mappa mundi verge,
Where waterfalls purl, and the sea serpent-sleep lies curled.
Mappa mundi are surviving Medieval maps of the world that often depicted sea monsters and dragons.  In spite of a common belief, most educated Medieval classes did not think the earth was flat (known as the Flat Earth myth) nor did most scholars from the classic Greek period on.  Similarly, no old world map contains the exact phrase “Here Be Dragons” to connote uncharted territories, though dragons and sea monsters often allegorically depicted the same.
Carlo C Gomez Apr 2021
Starting from the Euphrates
wayfinding a trail toward Babylonia
to divert her waters

mapping her ancient towers
her eyes
her desires
her pudendum

egressing out of the bitter river
surrounding her temple

until enlightenment
glisters betwixt the frangible pages of her
Dialogue of Pessimism:
"Who is so tall as to ascend to heaven?
Who is so broad as to encompass the entire world?"

Inspired by Jamadhi Verse's poem 'Minor Melancholy' and the music she provided a link to:
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2021
This level crossing--

and broken glass,

from naming to numbering,
names tend to define,
numbers are neutral,

they count the roads, follow their failings--

and absorb,

dictated by a headlight,
I feel nearer to the surface of us,

motion made of visible memories, arrested in space,

mere unorganized explosions of random energy,
and therefore meaningless--

to fall in love with our progress,
and yet be outgrown by it.

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