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Yousra Amatullah May 2022
Light is the tongue that speaks his heart, using 'aql
Yousra Amatullah May 2022
I don't want to fall in love at the end of downfall

I want to fall in love when the world starts to come to an end
Only to witness true strength, true principles, true colour

I want to fall in love with one who already has fallen dead in love with his Lord

And when I do,
It's because he asked Allah swt to whiten his sight, and to increase the glowing of his chest

And when I do,
It's because He placed love in me too

Yousra Amatullah May 2022
The wind is chasing trees,
I hear the green leaves
And I hear the green leave,
I see a desert giving birth
To another sea
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2022
People never really leave
You either meet them again in personย 
Or you'll find their flowers blooming, contemplating that image in the mirror
Delicacy8100 Apr 2022
A normal night arises,
we take comfort with one another as we have in many past connections.
You reach for me I oblige.
My body yearning for its pleasure,
a silent request for more than traditional
I grasp you with a deep ****** of my body.
Pulling my leg up resting it on your left shoulder I
slowly pull your lips to mine.
Dropping my right leg connecting our bodies,
our toes gently touch.
I can feel your smile, as our bodies naturally take their own course
gripping together.
Your body heated your rhythm climbing
I pull away just enough to include your hand allowing you to feel me as your manhood penetrants.
Guiding you gripping you with nothing more than my lady.
I plead for you to lay deeper
allowing you to experience my true pleasure
Your one finger touching gently my lady's grip tightens
our stare
opening up as you experience my ****** control.
Loving one's self is knowing your place in the world.
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2022
Some sleep after birth only to wake up dead
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2022
She is beautiful,
Wearing red

Within her chest
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2022
You are so beautiful Ma Sha Allah Allahouma Barik.
Yes! I'm talking about you!

Imagine someone putting you together, piece by piece.
Every detail, every inch, every atom that makes you YOU was put together with utmost wisdom. His wisdom.
He swt wants you to look the way you actually look; amazing.

He wants you to have that skin color and texture. He wants you to have those beautiful eyes, even if you can't see through them. He wants you to have that beautiful nose, lashes, eyebrows, arms, legs, hands, feet and so on. Even if certain parts do not work properly, even if you do not fit into the beauty standards of today's world. And even if people start calling you names.

Remember, He named you first.
He swt named you with utmost wisdom, care and love.
Don't lose that name. Please, don't lose the way He created you just to fit into a beautified lie..

Love, I want you to understand that there is wisdom in every inch of your body; His wisdom. Meaning you're constantly carrying His wisdom around. That way you're constantly reminded of your name, of who you truly are;
A servant of Allah swt, crowned with the beauty of His wisdom

My Dear Poet Apr 2022
Iโ€™m tired of collecting the tears
that the sun never dries
Iโ€™m resolvedย to chasing the wind
let the breeze blow my eyes
Iโ€™ve decided to fan my fears
and live while Iโ€™m alive
breathe as much fire
and burn till I die
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