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ShenequaMonroe Mar 2016
I could live in your lap
But I rather reside somewhere deeper
I could live in your mind
But I rather make you feel me some place sweeter
Miss me like you never saw me
Want me like its what you never had
Both graduated with PHDs
Speaking knowledge when those head games are applied
I could submit to my knees
But I need to look into the eyes of the one..
I crave more of you than just fun
Quick nights and games with our tongues
Let the raw truth follow
After one night comes tomorrow
Then those lust filled lies become that much more hard to swallow
So until then..let me hold this lock
With infatuated anticipation hoping
You will insert your key inside my Pandora's Box
Get me off with the thoughts and energy of your touch and actions
Cause contractions inside the walls only you know
But you have yet to let it be known
That your lap is where I call home...
inspired by Andre 3000 and someone special
Nirvana Mar 2016
Ever wonder if-
          Seeking in someone's life  
          was possible & ain't a crime
          whose life would you chose?
          for sure, I'll opt for yours!

Ever wonder if-
          given a chance
          to get someone's glance
          whose face would you opt?
          for sure, you're the one I got!

Ever wonder if-
          we could give away our smile
          & make others happy for a while
          whom would you give your smile to?
          for sure, every time I'll give it to you!

Ever wonder if-
          were allowed to die with peace;
          in someone's lap, who put you at ease
          whose lap would you opt for?
          for sure, I'll need yours!

Ever wonder if-
          sacrificing our life
          was possible to let others survivor
          for whom you'll sacrifice your life                                   for?
          am **** sure, I'll do it for yours!
Arvind Bhardwaj Mar 2016
One day after working for long I was taking a nap,
A pure white dove in the form of love, came & sitted in my lap.

I was shocked and also amaze,
I never thought about and never craze.

I was thinking what to do, keep with me or let her flew

Suddenly, my attention went on dove,
So sweet & So cute, I gone silent my feelings gone mute.
Heart was beating but mind was quite,
Is this a trap or everything alright?

Leave it and let it be, I thought..

With the passage of nights and days,
I was changing in many ways,
sometime I was dark, sometime I was grey,
I was behaving like an actor in Life's Play.

I was learning new things from dove,
How to Hate and How to Love.
How to accept and How to refuse.
How to have fun  and How to amuse.

I was so happy and so amused.
One day dove came and refused,
Dove said Its the time when I have to fly,
You learnt everything from me, Now learn How to CRY

That was the day when dove left my lap,
I remain silent for a long time gap.

Then I realized, sometime Life teach a lesson in the form of dove,
I learnt what I need, I will win yes indeed.
I sat with a cat in my lap.
This cat is having a nap.
I wish she'd get off me,
I have to go ***.
This cat in my lap should ****.

This kitty is itty & bitty.
She jumped up to where I was sitting.
She needs to get down,
I'm wearing a frown.
My bladder is making me giddy.

So here I sit like a twit.
My lap must be made of catnip.
My need is so great
But she just won't vacate.
This cat in my lap should get.
The cat's name was Mystery, by the way.

© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
She's pure alley cat
With fur and fluff so soft
She let's me pet her
If I put a hundred in the cuff

She dances like a pole cat
Around and around she swings
Up and down the bar
Spreading her butter flying wings

She can screech and howl
She's got the sharpest nails
When I  jump on her back
She really gives me Hell

She's every boy's dream come true
She every boy's nightmare
She's purely into herself
She's a wink and your last prayer

— The End —