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Julia Mae May 2016
you said, jump
i asked how high?
however much will help you
to fall asleep at night
and by that i meant
i want you to plummet to your death
you're not jumping into the sky
you're falling in love face first
with concrete

you were always so great
at telling me to go die
i asked you how high
because i needed to know
how far must i go
for you to get the **** out of my life
taia Apr 2016
frogs leap and take flight
lily pads shift under weight
the still surface breaks
boom! another one haha
BrittneyForever Apr 2016
When I STOP thinking
how to plan a detailed life for me
I START Living
the detailed life that was planned for me
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Man on a ledge
Looking over the edge
At the sea of people crowded around
Just to watch if he's stepping over to come down
Most shouting for him to jump
For they only think of him as another suicidal chump
They think that could never be them
They would never have thoughts that grim

But he is just an average man
Yet here on the ledge he stands
It could be you,it could be me
Those ignorant people can not see
It only takes one simple thing
To break that final string
When out of life, all happiness has been expunged
To make you want to take that plunge
To give up and lung

The man on the ledge said a prayer for those below
That they're never in this darkened hole
That they never fell this low
With the echoing of "JUMP" ringing in his ears, the volume only grows
He steps over into the unknown, that day all the people got their show
Cat Fiske Mar 2016
Almost jumped off that bridge,
sadly I wish I did.

instead I found some relief in *** cigs,
and used to help me forget,

I held my breath to calm down,
until tomorrow came around.
been mylife the last 2 months.
My heart beats
I hear hearts beating
I'm not the only one
The two of us

Closer to you
Sounds are louder
Away from you
Tears are falling

Your palms wide open
My heart leaps and jumping
My palms wide open
When will you be jumping
Hans Dytian Feb 2016
Birds are flying!
So many birds flying!
So finessed,
Fluid, and breezy
Look at that flight!
So cool...

Frogs are hopping!
Yes they're hopping!
Such Jump!
Look at me do it!
I was really bored...
But there's nothing wrong with making people happy. :)
Megan H Feb 2016
As a lost little bird
I can confidently say
That being alone in this nest
Is a terrifying ordeal.
My mother taught me how to fly,
But I'm afraid to jump.
Will I hit the asphalt?
Or will I find success?
I could live out my life
In this tiny little nest.
It is comfortable,
And I enjoy being here.
Or I could jump.
I could find out if I can fly.
But this could also be the day I die.

It just doesn't feel right.
The weather is rainy
And I'm huddled in my feathers.
Do I still have a chance to jump
If everything feels wrong?
Dawn of Lighten Jan 2016
Hold on to my palm,
And I'll sing you a warm psalm.

Take you away from the judging eyes,
And clear you from those painful cries.

My dear you have harnessed the majesty of perfect smile,
But your agony you carry can be seen from more than a mile.

Let me lift you up upon the air,
And soar upon the sky like doves in pair.

Let me shelter you from this unforgiving wind,
And embrace the stars together to our final end.

In mean time hold on to my palm for a voyage.
Because I want to share with you a time less age.
You won't know until you let your walls drop,
And then experience what maybe a time of your life,
Because sometimes it does take a leap of faith.
Annie McLaughlin Jan 2016
46 stories up
two halls down
fifth door on the left
through the sitting room,
the kitchen,
second bedroom door
past the twin sized mattress
and posters of drugged up bands
pull back the curtains gently
unlatch the balcony door
step outside and try to catch ---
oops, too late
I jumped.
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