I found that I was talking to myself tonight
No one in the room just me and the light
I think I've done lost it, that one final piece
There is now nothing in my head to decrease
Out of my cranium it must have crept
I bet you it did it last night while I slept
Now I'm talking right out loud
As if in my room there was a big crowd
Yep, it's official.......it is all gone
Yep, I think it left right around dawn
Wait for it.....wait....there it is, I just answered myself
Maybe I should go with the other crazies upon the shelf
Altho as I listen, I think I'm quite right
It's the most intelligent things I've heard in many a night
Yep, that proves, it I'm totally insane
It's done been let off of it's chain
Oh well what use is there to having one
It was never in use when I was having fun!!!!