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Carlo C Gomez Jun 2022
Desert pond,
       idle sun.

Salt, shadow,
       and the revealing light of midday.

She traipses from
the safety of the car
        to the danger at the water's edge.

One hand shielding her eyes,
the other,
        her over-exposures.

Discomfited by a lack
         of self-confidence.

Loving the water,
         hating her thighs.

birdy Jun 2022
the last time i felt wanted
i was eight
this feeling is haunted
having died many years ago
am i ee May 2022
46 minutes of my life ticking away
listening to your insecurities.

46 minutes of my life ticking away
listening to you wrapping yourself in knots
over what people might think.

46 minutes of may life ticking away
where I could have been laughing.

46 minutes of my life ticking away
where I could have been with the ONE.

Stop worrying about what other people THINK!
who cares what they think!

What do you think?
or not?!
Nicole May 2022
"If I want to be treated right, I have to be pretty."
- a maddening truth in my life.
I want to say that this is not true, but looking at myself right now? I feel like I'm this dying flower covered by lots and lots of blossoming ones. I want to pretend that idc, I should. But god knows how much I'm starved with validation and affection. I guess... I just want someone to love me, despite of my flaws in and out.
Zywa May 2022
I hardly dare to

do something, afraid to be --

a dupe of myself.
"Binnen de huid" ("Inside the skin", 1953, Han Voskuil, published in 2009)

Collection "Not too bad"
Zywa May 2022
I am a doer,

not a talker, and I choose --

to play wait and see.
"Binnen de huid" ("Inside the skin", 2009, Han Voskuil)

Collection "Not too bad"
Mrs Timetable May 2022
Accentuated my concealment
By concealing what I should of Accentuated
I covered up
What I should of been bold to reveal
But I couldn't...

Out of fear

Burying yourself so deep
Everyone can see
The human need to feel secure
The thrill of always looking,
Can chase, true happiness away, often finding what we want,
Then we make up excuses, turn, and walk away.
Never knowing, if we will ever find another,
That will touch our soul in any special way.
Too much interference, all around, with more created,
All of the time, so many bad decisions from quick choices,
That pops up in our mind, everyone is trained to think of,
Or make up what is negative about their life,
And others, to pass on their faults, and personal binds,
complements, and praise, only if they were making,
Money, to help their bottom line, a simple kind act towards another, often is turned around, some will say they got over,
Or used you, to praise themselves, in their mind, all their stories no in-betweens, they are the hero, or a victim every time.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 5/02/2022 AD
5:29 am
Nala Alfira Apr 2022
sometimes it's not the money
but the way it was taken

sometimes it's not the bruises
but the memory

sometimes it's not the wording
but the meaning

sometimes it's not the action
but the intention
that hurts
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