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Rosie Nov 2020
We decided to build a house
Made from glass dreams and ceilings of too high expectations
Laughter and secrets coated the walls
And dance parties lasted all night long.

But a storm came
With insecure winds and alcoholic rain,
And shattered the glass house.

I desperately collected the broken pieces
Slicing my hands and cutting my heart
Making my skin burn as I tried to mend the broken parts.

Worn out bandages and glue well past the expiration date
Were never going to fix this pile of glass
Though I never stopped trying
Til I noticed you had rocks in your hand
With no intention of ever putting them down.

So I let go of the glass
That forever marked my skin
And I walked away from the mess you made
Remembering to never
Build a house made of glass
Ever again.
eh... haven't written in awhile and decided to take a swing at it.
Pillu Nov 2020
Broken ‘her’, she cried out hard,
Calling for help,
Falling to the ground,
She had accepted her defeat.
Her body went numb,
He was drunk, but he didn’t care,
Forcing her under his oneself,
Ignoring her tears,
He thrusted even harder,
Breaking her soul into pieces.
Smirking finally, after he was all done,
Slapping her at last, until the soul left her body completely,
She was not ra*ed, she was killed!
There's another **** case in Pillu's country. It's not surprising. But it feels terrible, to know that even a 2-year old baby can get ***** and killed. What has she done? She didn't even get to speak.
Even one of Pillu's not-so-known friend got killed! Why do they have to suffer, for something which is not their mistake? *Pillu cries*
Isabella Nov 2020
You know you’re broken
When your own reflection
Won’t even look you in the eyes
Isabella Nov 2020
Acknowledging jealousy
Only validates insecurity
But why pretend
To be content
Andrew Oct 2020
Hold me a glass cup –
Something fragile seems too tough
For –
Wash the remains from
The clear insides

I will shatter
If dropped
Nikita Sep 2020
To write of love
Is to be naked
To be seen

To be open
And vulnerable
It is terrifying
starry night Sep 2020
My eyes are closed
But my ears listen

My mouth shut
But my mind goin' round about

Heart choose to rest and let it go
But my head wouldn't and keep it go

Must i go on and hanging on

Or give in to the dark

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