If you are going to do
what you are going to do,
then, me, too.
You know what they say,
"It's eye for an eye!" It's
never been a better time
to hoard your money or
build your fortress. If you
use your opulence just to
defend the devil's rigging,
it's not too far off to believe
others will come,
sneak in w/ gasoline
others will come,
sneak in w/ gasoline
speak in fire what they can't
say with words, still unheard
status as we know it
is based on make believe
is it so, so strange some
intend to burn
at inferno temperatures
in a city that infights
copy and paste?
then, is it strange,
except for the few,
the rich sit on their *****?
If you are going to do
what you are going to do,
then, me, too.
Me, too.
Me, too.