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Rae Aug 2016
The importance of friendship is infinite.
So often, people use each other for memories and fun times.
But it isn't supposed to stop there, is it?
We are supposed to lean on each other when times get hard.
We can't let fights get between us, we can't let relationships distance us.
For there are bonds that can be created; bonds stronger than any you can see.
Just one talk with a real friend can set your worries free.
And friends are not followers, that is obvious to me.
They are treasures and gifts from God.
They are a shoulder to cry on when times get hard.
They are laughs when you want to cry.
And wings when you want to fly.
They are secret keepers, and dream believers.
They are motivators and personal cheerleaders.
But it is most important to realize that friendship isn't one-way.
Because we are all human, and the world doesn't revolve around you.
Friendship is about caring and loving unconditionally.
It is about giving not to receive, but giving because you believe.
Believe in love and friends and fun and laughs and crying and deep conversations past 3am.
Believe in relationships deeper than any with some cute boy.
Believe in a lifetime of care and joy.
i couldn't make it without y'all
Emily Kincade May 2016
You should give her your attention
She will punch your arm
Pinch your ******
Bite your shoulder
Jump on your back
Crawl across your lap
She will **** you off
But she only wants your eyes
She will run miles
Fight thousands
Leap canyons
Climb cliffs
Swim the Pacific
Just to feel your attention
Don't let her feel like she is insignificant
You say she's your world
But you treat her like she's just a country
You say she's your princess
But you treat her like a street rat
You say youd do anything for her
But you won't even text her back
She may **** you off
But that's only because of you not holding up your part of the relationship
She is hurting because of your carelessness
She is burning because of your ignorance
She is crying because of your conceded ways
You will lose her
No matter how many times you say
I love you
Those words will never matter until you put actions behind them

I struggle with you not holding up your side of this relationship
I struggle to believe you when you say you'll never leave because you have once and no one can be sure you won't do it again
I struggle with feeling important when your minds works like: Facebook + instagram + **** + guitar + food + sleep + everything else > me
I struggle to feel loved because your word is not credible

My daddy told me a man is as good as his word

I just wanted attention
Hello I'm sad
Dark Mess May 2016
Why do we tend
To act like fools
To be adored by people
Who can't even see our significance.

We always pretend,
But we're nothing but tools.
While we give out our all,
We're just prisoners in their fence.

Until when will we force our pieces,
To fit into other people's grace,
While they just stand and watch,
How we struggle, fall, and shatter.

But I assure you that there is,
Somewhere that we have our space,
We just have to seek and be the perfect patch,
Because in some people's eyes, we wholly matter.
Janine Jacobs May 2016
we finally met
somehow I knew
nothing will ever be the same
my world has been divided
between before you
and after you
Alaska Apr 2016
I've realized
I've always
been everyone's
second choice

once their
number one
leaves, they
start putting
me first.

actually, sometimes
I'm not
even a
second choice

I'm the
last resort.

but for once
I was the
first choice without
being a second
one at all.

Thank you.
Thank you
for making
me feel
Nigel Finn Mar 2016
Our words have power. Our story is important. I think it's important to remember that, and I know people forget it sometimes (I certainly did), and some people don't believe it at all, but I believe that even if nobody is listening, even if there's no-one to tell your story to; it is still important.

Sometimes it's all we're left with and we have to cling to it with all our might. We're lucky enough to be main characters in a lot of other peoples stories and that's a hell of an achievement. We get the chance to influence other peoples stories,and they in turn influence even more peoples stories. Without us, everyone elses stories get shortened and there ends up being less variation in the story-telling world. If we don't add to the storytelling process then the whole world slows down.
Every single relationship we establish with someone gives them more of a story to tell. Even if you don't make a story of your own you're still a vessel for other peoples stories to travel through, and that's amazing in itself.

The tiniest detail can change everything - the memory of holding a hand, a snippet of information, recommending a favourite ice-cream, falling over in a hilarious manner - it travels through other peoples stories, and without you that story doesn't get told, or gets told at a later time by someone else, by which time the person you could've shared your story with has missed out on the chance to pass that story on to a whole host of other people. That changes the whole storytelling world. Every future chain of events in which you could have, but didn't, tell your story becomes different - there's less of a story, it's not as full as it could have been, and everyone, albeit unknowingly, suffers a little more for it.

Most of us aren't wise enough or powerful enough to be the true "wise man" that our speices name **** sapians implies, changing the world in a dramatic way in one fell swoop with a single action or in the course of our lifetime, but we're certainly capable of being pans narrans (story-telling apes) and injecting a bit more variety in the lives of others. I can't think of a better reason to exist other than mattering so much that the whole future of the world becomes less varied, and slightly less impressive, if we simply cease to be.

Every moment of joy, every moment of anger, rage, suffering, jealousy, euphoria and even numbness contributes to the stories we end up telling other people, even if we're not talking about those moments specifically. We learn from them, we change because of them, and the stories we tell evolve with each new experience.

You don't even need to write yourself, sooner or later, somewhere down the line, someone will write something that never would have been written if you had not existed, and their work will be all the more glorious for the stories you helped to pass on. You are literally part of a bunch of great works yet to be written. You are a poem. You are a play. You are the beginning, middle and end of several bestselling novels. You are the first sentence in a book that grabs a publishers attention and the last in one that spawns a whole franchise. You are important and without you the whole literary world loses a masterpiece that would make a whole bunch of people feel like they weren't alone in the universe. You are their comfort as they lie awake at night with nothing but a book, and the inspiration that causes a child to believe in themselves. I can't think of anything more important than your words, your thoughts and the story you have to tell, but I know that, without them, the world never becomes as glorious as it could have been.

I love you, I know that others love you as well, and I'm certain that a part of the love that people feel for you will travel throughout the stories they tell, eventually end up in a famous book, song, or an artists brushstrokes and cause someone else to love that piece of a story you helped create.

And then they'll pass it on...
A note I wrote to a friend.
jennee Mar 2016
don't look at me as if i'm some piece of side trash left alone to rot like a cigarette ****
stop discarding my worth and comparing me to those less like me
i am not expendable
but i am just like you, not an ashtray of growing remains and dust

Taki Kumiko Feb 2016
When something is lost,
The importance of it is found,
Everyone gives such a fuss,
Until it is safe and sound.
gravygod Dec 2015
what is it called when you need constant reassurance of your importance?
what is it called when you require frequent contact and kisses to feel wanted?
or when you feel like you don't matter at all to the person who matters to you.
what is it called?
cause i cannot find any appropriate words to describe how i feel.
how i am intensely pathetic and miserable both with and without you.
what even does that mean?
i'm nervous for the fallout
for the day you look into me and say
that you no longer love me.
i feel it coming
i sense it with my whole being
i can already feel you leaving me;
how my chest caves in
my knees grow weak
and my cries go unnoticed
but you still walk away
until then you just turn your head.
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