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Farsolatido Jul 2021
What a lovely day today,
time goes by because of the perfect weather today,
tingles through my heart,
will keep it as a beautiful memory today.

What a lovely day today,
if only we can see each other,
laughing and having fun together,
it ***** to stay at home to miss out on a special event today.
happiness is a choice
George Krokos Apr 2021
A wasted effort can be seen to be like a trial run
and the objective would be to learn and have fun.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early '90's.
gravelbar May 2020
Lazy and lethargic
Loopy and lost
Little dizzy dots dancing through glass
Distorted and reorganized daily
Finding wiser ways warily
Cutting rosemary from the dirt
Megahertz blurt thoughts into blankness
Blankets on the back porch
Roaches in the feed corn
Violating duties sworn
Better to be never born
Steel shorn clean, violently
Violets growing amongst ivy
Mahogany inseparably blending into ivory
Talking more quietly
For you
Zelda Apr 2020
if freedom is a
state of mind
then I am a prisoner
trying to find peace
by avoiding life;
the things I can't have
aren't worth having,
but I want
Azariah Apr 2020
The past is a place where everyone wishes to go to once in a while.
But if all wishes came true
Then no one would be satisfied.
This is why minds should process,
That progress comes by being friends with the day and moving with time.
kain Aug 2019
Asleep next to me
You seem so at peace
Those frowning lips
Finally relaxed
Your forehead
A smooth canvas
Eyelids balanced closed
With steady breath
I know you
Have a boyfriend
But I still love you
From time to time
I'm honestly not sure if there's a part one to this poem. However, if there is, I'm sure it's mediocre at best.
Destiny Nov 2018
Is it wrong to..
Feel too much
Do too much
Like too much
Love too much
Trust in your gut and your heart and soul trying to find control.
The balance between lust and fate
Love and hate . Searching finding loving learning ..
....wanting needing getting having ..
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