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Azariah Jun 22
I have figured it out.

Somehow, you are able to encapsulate love into a tangible gift that you give to me endlessly.
This is love.
Azariah May 19
I stopped writing...

But after several years,
You just send me a text,
And I realise I'm a mess.

Because here I am.
In the late A. M,

Missing you too.
I have no intention of responding...
Azariah Mar 3
We are much more than the pain that is written in our past.
Azariah Dec 2023
Let's be careful with who we view our broken pieces to.
Azariah Nov 2023
I would rather not decorate my day with you.
Because when the celebration is over,
I'll be left to clean up
by myself.
Azariah Nov 2023
A year ago I clung onto the covers on my bed... lamenting... heartbroken over you.

Today, you're more of a fading scar than a gaping wound.
Azariah Jul 2023
When we broke up,
I remember clasping my heart in my hand.

I could not believe that my heart had escaped out off its cage.

Trying to chase after you,
Desperately trying to get back to where it belonged.

I almost died trying to unlove you.
My first panic attack left me in awe about how deeply you had intertwined in my very being.
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