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Ysa Pa Apr 2016
To have met a stranger
To remain strangers
You never said 'I love you'
But you made me feel you loved me too
For a stranger, you were my favorite
You always would be, I thought of it
We're so close yet lightyears apart
Thank you for making me realize I have a heart
Started as one
Back from where it has begun
A stranger who walked a path of two
And a writer who can finally bid adieu
Ysa Pa Apr 2016
I was red, you were blue
You had a different hue
I was me and you were you
Together, we had our own color
Together we were purple
Ysa Pa Apr 2016
Breathing nothing but confusion
Living in an ambiguous situation
Amidst the uncontrolled explosion
Clutched by a whirlwind of commotion
Entrapped by daily damnation
Your voice is still  my only salvation
Even though I try my hardest, why is it still always you?
Ysa Pa Apr 2016
The singing of phones cut midway
The conversations that flow exactly after
The unnoticed change from night to day
The difference in context of everything that mattered

Now there was...

The silence of phones that used to ring nonstop
The ringing of phones currently unanswered
The mornings when it's impossible to get up
The middays wherein silence is heard
The nights when it's impossible to sleep
The midnights when eyes won't even blink
The day breaks that slowly creep
The dawns that felt like the sun was going to sink
The dusks wherein the rain poured
The fading daylight which was warmly gazed upon
The darkness of a nightfall which enveloped that unspoken word
The gust of air that continues changing from here on
The burning of letters that should have existed
The writing of letters that no longer exist
Regret for the words left unsaid and for the empty words said instead. Regret for things that weren't done.
Raymond Lucifer Apr 2016
Love and lust and torment
Lost and found and suffer
Poems are conveyers of emotion
But in happiness
There is none
There is betrayal
And lies
A mystery waiting to be solved
In the folds of a poem
Words and papers and all
But where is the sunlight?
Where are the birds and sparrows?
Cliche may it be, but happiness is scent of flowers
Bathing in summer rain
The crunch of pine needles
The sound of pencil scratching of paper
A page turn of a book
A simple good morning message
A child laughing, squealing
Someone holding your hand
A gentle kiss on your lips
A hug where one does not want to let go
It's the warmth of a fire after a day in the cold
Your favorite song blasting through speakers
A first high school dance
The first time you climbed a tree
Or rode your bike to the candy store
Eating pie or cake or long taffy treats
A new videogame
Or the realization of a new idea
Happiness is everywhere
I can see it through eyes and ears and smells
Through blushing and smiles and giggles and sighs -
- so why don't we write about it?
saw some depressing stuff earlier. Thought you guys might need a breather from rain and cold to warmth and light :)
Raymond Lucifer Apr 2016
Spring break of roses, lilies, acorns, and unfortunate allergies
A fortnight to spend
Choosing our stars in the
unknown colored sky
You show me Orion, Centaurus, Canis, Crux
Only become brighter when
the days are longer nights are shorter
Summer months of hot sun, cool water, sticky lemonade
You show me water gun fights and barbeques
Poolside lounges,
I see your body
Not ******
Just mystical
On how God could give us such a creature
that is so beautiful
Your hair, your eyes, your hands
as they hold mine
Dizzy but not confused
Given but not taken
Your fingers clutch harder
As the winds get frenzied, colder
The trees are now an array of colors
Too gorgeous to describe in words
The leaves fall and spin and twirl
You show me how they dance for us
You show me laughter in piles of leaves
You show me thankfulness in pumpkin pie and burnt bird
That gluttony is okay as long as it's your food
your food of corn and chocolate cake and bread
We go outside to accidentally sleep
Under our stars
but I remember
Your smile that was lit up by the starlight
Then it turned to the winter months
Where it is lit up by the shine of sun on snow
And we stay inside for the fire
and the chocolate calendars, for the presents, for the family
We go outside for the snow, the playtime, the giggles and the laughs
The red noses and the flushing cheeks
We stay outside to find our stars -
- gone
but not forgotten
You tell me they'll return and with it, you steal -
- one kiss
You show me love that I now can't deny
So I clutch your hand and tighten my grasp
So I know you won't let go
And when it turns to spring
So close now
I know
That I can tug you outside
While we're laughing at each other
And I can drag you to the grass
And point up and say
"Look, they came back."
And you'll say
"They never left."
somethine i wrote for someone. first poem - yayyy!
Just some words on the run.
swift across the page.
fleeing from each
snappy slogan you
slip them into;
as is the fashion,
in the social media age.

Cash-bag that hashtag,
in your ego's account.
watch that self
worth multiple,
until finally you're
the apple of your
own eye.

For other's “inspiration,”
flash your bare
cheek ***.
for other's “motivation,”
show that six pack
muscle stack.
As if you're both
the world highest ideal
and  it's base foundation.

But, all that's wrong
is true of me too.
so just like them
pass me by.
After all, this whole
thing is more words on the run.
Not too sure. Good idea, but maybe needs some work?
Ysa Pa Mar 2016
With your touches
My skin ignites
In your clutches
We made memories that night

The feeling of your lips
Carved onto my nape
As my fingertips
Traced your shape

I felt your breath
Your whisper of air
I didn't think of death
As you played with my hair

You were vulnerable
Honest, clingy and warm
You were unstable
You were like a storm

I felt the warmth of another
Through your embrace
Cozy turned to bother
Because of your gaze

You stared at mine
With those burning eyes
I knew in my mind
That your words are nothing but lies

You professed your passion
You spoke of love and devotion
You declared your affection
I'm afraid that its been heard by the wrong person

If only you were mine
And those words were for me
Then everything would've been fine
And I would have the right to be happy

As our hands intertwined
We bid adieu to night
You were momentarily mine
As we welcomed tomorrow's light

Thanks for the momentary happiness
That you won't even remember
Because during that lonely night
You were drunk and I was sober
Ysa Pa Mar 2016
A rose in the snow
A diamond in a plow
A single cloud on a hot day
A lone bud amongst the flowers of May
A sole tree on a cliff
Amidst lines, there is a hieroglyph
A white lily in a field of red tulips
A solar eclipse
A volcano in the ocean
A center of planetary revolution
An aurora atop icy regions
A rainbow above desert nations
A sunset in the sea
A sunrise in the city
A moon in the afternoon sky
A mother's unique lullaby
A bright evening star in a cloudy night
Within darkness, a presence of a candlelight
Still, nothing can compare
To you, none would resemble, none can dare
You are beyond comparison
And I can only provide one reason
I don't shiver or stutter when you're present
Around you, it just feels pleasant
I've never met anyone like you
Nor heard anyone say my name like you do
When the sound of my name slides from those lips
I feel safe
You make me feel safe to be me
You make me feel safe
Ysa Pa Mar 2016
My darling songbird
My beloved thrush
Whose name, my favorite word
Whose demeanor is plush
Coated with elegance
She paves the seas
As she performs her dance
My demons appease
Whose voice is serenity
Overpowering the storms
Whose love is unmeasured artistry
Whose touch is an invisible form
Whose care knows no bounds
Whose eyes are unlike any other
Whose arms are the safest ground
She's the lady, whom I call mother
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