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Ysa Pa Mar 2016
I'll be waiting
By the locked keyless backdoor
I'll linger
No matter how many times the moon greets the day
I'll stand by
Or how many times the sun kisses the night
I'll still be here
By the locked keyless backdoor
That you had no idea existed

Even though there are a million locked keyless backdoors
I'll break them all down
Once I'm tired, and I am
I'll wait.
When the world puts him down
it's his way to defy gravity
Whenever he needs a break
from this cruel reality

When he needs to let out steam
but deosn't want to be mean
being a cruel person?
Not even in his dreams!

When he is hurt
and critical damage is delt
he writes down words
just for himself

Whenever he gets wounded
that is when
he takes out a piece of paper
and bleeds out with his pen
is it the blood in my vein
perhaps the DNA in my cells
The fact that im partially insane
or the way my name spells

Is it the tone of my skin,
perhaps places that i've been
or is it simply
the time I was born in

what are the variables
that make me me
my limitations
and the person i can be

is it the people i keep around
the loves that i've found
their personalities
and how they're earthbound

is it my fault
can i blame anyone else
for the way that I am
other than my self
There is nothing above me
I’m living life on a pedestal
peace and quiet is all I see
with my sight that ranges for miles

time keeps passing
but I’m not getting old
every day is sunny
so I’ll never feel cold

I’m living the way I want
everything is as it should
you can ask me if you wish
but you know it’s all good

My life is the picture
that I myself drew
everything I could wish for
has finally come true

My life is like a song
I can’t help but sing
but everything is changed
once I hear the alarm ring
I vredens tider
Med de triste munde
Er det vigtigt at huske
På de gode stunde

Kroppen bliver bundet
Af sindets tanker
Og udvikler sig efter
Til et emotionelt anker

Når vreden den rammer
Og bliver til fysiske skrammer
Bliver sund fornuft
Sat bag stål og trammer
Alexa Jan 2016
I stare through you
past flashing cerebellar heat and
pulsing hippocampal consideration.

My eyes go sharp
squinting to keep unfamiliar truths from being heard.

My heart thuds
plods along in graceless intervention
righteous soldier
amongst tumultuous, chaotic drums.

Hands acquiver
wringing with uncertainty
a drumming tell of what swells within.

A crack of resolution
keeps a swaying mass
upright, holds true.

Cherishing a fleeting pause
amongst crumbling fortitude.
Hi Dec 2015
At times you're in doubt,
At times you're in pain,
At times that you think that you're in vain,
I'll be there.

At times you feel lonely,
At times you feel small,
At times that you feel weak and you need someone strong,
I'll be there.

I know I'm not that good of a help,
I know I'm not that wise,
I know that sometimes I'm weak too,
So what, I'll still be there.

My best friend,
My Partner,
My Lifetime,
*I love you.
I'm sorry you feel that way, but don't forget that even if you don't want me to, I'll be there for you no matter what. Just smile and be happy or try to be happy and even if you can't tell me what you're facing we'll get through it together. :D
Sethnicity Oct 2015
"I'm so tired of the burnt up planet and its lack of luster!", says my son...

I'm spent!,
writing socially conscience wit for years
I've been asking Why the ******* Sheep
will Live and Lie for radioactive Die

I see nothing great in the Powers That Be
Even my Colored Brethren can't cure the virus
Woe is me
for passing on the burdens to my future seed
But today am I ready to Bleed.

Are we ready to change no matter the cost?
I think on that Vote we've Lost,
Lost our Focus, Lost Our Souls, Lost the Will
to fight or,
to give or,
to hold back
anything for our kids
Hum and Be in

Father and Mother And Holy Son makes Trinity
but here on this Earth there is no Euphony
It's so beautiful how we travel through this galaxy
Yet insist
We persist to Catastrophe
The next time you are ****** or, Confused or, Drunk or, Abused
Just look beyond this Earth and enjoy the view
Every light in the sky is a life form All its own
if we Hum the Ohm while Alone
the Vibe-Ration will lead Us home

I feel bliss when the Breeze and Ocean cover me
even though
I'm stuck on this Rock scared to Just
Hum and Be in

So when I'm tired soles worn and weary
please Just let me
Hum an Be In

A forgotten song sung in Piece
One I verse to calm the Beast
when all the Battles have been lost
When all this money has lost its cost
As the Caps melt into Waves
and Life Giving Sun beams death rays
Sing a Song in Peace and let us
just us being human
Devin Lawrence Oct 2015
I've always craved you,
Like a dog gnawing on bones,
And I disappear.
"Do you like looking at the stars?"

I guess. Maybe.

Yes of course. I have ever since.

"What color is your favorite?"

Not quite sure. Rainbow??

Blue! Definitely blue.

"Do you like pizza?"


Yes!  Yes!

You weren't aware
how I was never sure
til' you came but never cared
I've long been searching for a cure
For my uncertainty in life
and cowardice
But you slashed all of those with a knife
And made them all worse
when I thought you had the antidote
never knew I read the wrong note

Now from my faves
they started to become my dislikes
from my midnight craves
now I start to say "yikes"

And that is the summary of your impact
throughout my life~
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