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Megan Edwards Apr 2020
Have you ever heard the sound of nothing?
A desolating sunbeam hitting the ground
Each individual on the hunt for something
Yet, nothing can be found.

The trees feel lonely,
They meet the sky for a chat.
They beg for money,
But the sky gets nothing back.

Together, the world turns grey.
The smell of death starts to cover the streets
While they all stand and wait
We just stay inside and try to fall asleep.
Just something abit different, hope you enjoy
Serendipity Mar 2020
She was teacups made of China
and sunny spring afternoons.

She was soup
on the stove
when it was raining and grey

She was the gentle touch
of a birds feather
landing on my nose.

She was comfort in its essence,
and I hope to never lose her.
Liz Mar 2020
Little droplets of green
speckle the woods.
High tinkling chirps is all I can hear.
Mossy bracken cobwebs the ground
and the puddles ripple as I trudge.
Maja Mar 2020
I wish I was clueless again,
that I could go back,

go back to a time when it didn’t hurt,
a time that wasn’t so black

I wish I could see the colours
of the sun and sky at day

now, everything is so dull,
every colour I see is grey

I wish I didn’t know,
that rejection hurts so much

I wish I didn’t know
the strength of coldness clutch

I wish I didn’t know,
that a broken heart breaks you

I wish I didn’t know
but sadly, now I do.
Wouldn't it be nice to return to when life was easy?
then again... was it ever?
Rimsha Afreen Feb 2020
Birds drop dead at my feet
I don’t know- if to die myself, or to give them life.

Now I know that heaved wings look like
Grey snows melting into each other

Life vaporizes from the summer sky
As a wounded dove trembles in my lap
No life wishes to grow older

Add the lessons learned to this math

Age is a wine, aged, so much sweeter and bolder.

Worth the price of a few extra spent grey aged years

We fear the end

However, we never quite understand it.

Apon the moments before we meet such of our last moments

We shall be glad on how we aged and lived our lives

Learned and earned our wisdom

Witch sowed our end to our life’s ending

Our ever-after future

A tapestry carved in wood like a knife.
nevaeh Feb 2020
they are eyes that have a special color
the exact color of the ocean in california.

it isn't the same ocean as anywhere else
it's the color of home.

it isn't a color at all really,
more of a feeling.

the feeling of your skin burning
and cool blue-green-grey.

it can't be copied
or drawn or painted.

it is the color
of being
in love.
stuck on an idea
Erian Rose Feb 2020
Colors are just colors
What's the point
of hiding the rainbow
in a world full of grey?
So this is me coming out. I'm a Trans FTM and Gay.
Love is love <3
why do you let yourself swallow you whole?
why do you make living so hard?
who has control?
idk but I'm grey and I'm white
my colour is melting like ice
thin as the body thats shedding everything nice
don't think twice its not alright, worse at night
when you're directing every aspect of an overcast life
dream of nothing, dream of better sleep,
sleep beside a knife till you annihilate that creep
when memory hurts, when the cut is too deep
know that although you've lost a lot,
your mind is yours to keep
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