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Ami Shae Mar 2016
Walked along a dusty dirt road
hoping to find a place
where I could just unload
this heavy burden of grief
that weighs down on me
and before long
I found myself
perched under a huge shade tree--
the wind blew strong
tossing the branches and leaves about
and I kept hoping somehow
this tree so huge and stout
would look inside of me
and somehow help
to just set me free.

Trees know far more
than we humans do, you know--
so often trees stand tall and proud
and continue to leaf out and grow
while we humans stupidly
continue to destroy and wreck the land
and all the while the trees
just keep standing so proud and grand
--so is it any wonder that I dare
to hope this huge tree will help
that it will somehow care
about all the burdens I carry now?
I suppose it's too much to ask
of this sacred gift of nature right now...
I truly love and respect trees...
Àŧùl Jan 2016
It was in the Mughal period
That a combined bathroom,
Shower & toilet put together,
Were called a Ghusl Khana.
Inside it proceeded many stuff,
Literally meaning cleansing,
Of both the body and soul.

Sat the emperor inside,
Busy in cleaning his body,
And his soul too with water,
And with the warmth of it,
He tried cleansing his soul,
After administrating the empire,
And being engaged in battles.

The battles of truth,
The battles of trust,
The battles of faith.
My HP Poem #993
©Atul Kaushal
Robert C Howard Jul 2015
Two billion years ago
the river we call Colorado
opened a **** in the Kaibab Plateau

sculpting sandstone, granite, and limestone spectra
on the rugged canyon walls -
reflecting the seering Arizona sun.

Millennial torrents scoured the surface.
Juniper and Aspen, torn from the expanding banks,
****** into the river's red-stained vortex.

All the while the restless Colorado,
obedient to gravity's law,
scoured its bed a mile below the rim.
The last dinosaur perished - choked by volcanic soot.

Pangaea rumbled, groaned and split
and an eye-blink ago our African parents
stood to take their first faltering steps.

Their progeny crossed the Bering bridge
roaming south to build stone shelters
tucked against these canyon walls.

Did the Havasupai huddle in fright
of the jagged firelight searing the skies -
pounding the air across the hollows?

And emerging at storm’s end
did they gaze at the rainbow mist
spread over the buttes and valleys?

After dusk, with fires withering to embers,
did they rest supine,
heads pillowed on their arms,
pondering the jewel case universe above?

*November, 2006
Included in Unity Tree, published by Create Space available from in both book and Kindle formats.;=1447340098&sr;=8-1&keywords;=Unity+Tree
You see, I am not human.
I am but a soul with a breath of life.
I am love. I am art. I am dust.
I am made one as the stars.
SAME particles and molecules as the universe.
It must matter that I am made up of M A T T E R
I am limitless. Infinite. Well, I feel infinite in some sort of way.
I transcend time and space to explore its singularity.
... where love was... I began

I am with a naked spirit - bare albeit naive.

I exist
     to feel, to see, to touch, to smell, to taste and to experience
     this tangible world.


I am pain.
       I am madness.
            I am bohemian.
                 A nomad. A gypsy. A wanderer thirsty for the adventure.

I am not simply made by happenstance
This is the universe. This is fate. This is our destiny.

Let the cosmos guide you. Let it surround you. Let it flow in you.

For I am part of the GRAND  DESIGN

          *and so are you
Solaces Sep 2015
Sometimes I wonder. Sometimes I feel.
As though I am the dreamer.  The creator of this light wheel.
The feeling comes to me at times. Am I truly alone.
Is everyone around me truly in a different zone.
Its then I separate me from them.  And I hear and see the calls..
No longer am I trapped in these walls.
Signals of light. Echoes and transmissions.    
Strange memories I start to envision.
But only for a moment, Only for a fraction.
The reminders come to be and I lose this reaction.
So I drive on home and forget it about it all.
At least until I remember again, inside of these walls.
Lost and found.  Just to be found and lost.
The clouds hid the red sky that day
Amid the wind and rain
No red sky meant no sailors warning
The waves broke high and hard
They passed the breakers and the kegs
They missed the red sky morning

The ships out on the water
From the shore to the Grand Banks
Were helpless in the coming storm
No choice to turn and run
The best bet was stay put
There was no port to get warm

The skies were filled with nothingness
the clouds like a sharks eye
Shades of black were all they saw
The icy waves of winter
Broke the calm of the early morn
For red sky in the morning is an unwritten sailors law

The Captain closed the bar down
On the Digby ferry crossing
The doors were being opened by each wave
They couldn't see the white caps
Only sky and see was all
And the souls he had to save

There were fifteen boats in transit
When the storm came bearing down
Most were halfway home or so
Now they all were stranded
In the journey between heaven and hell
Which direction they were headed only God would know

Turn sideways and you'd flip it
Just sit still and you were dead
You had to ride the water hellish ride
Hatches all were battened
Windows sealed and doors shut tight
Sailors tried to stay inside

Water spouts were forming
Off the stern and then the port
Navigate the safest spot and keep low
The door to Davy Jones' locker
Was opened and ready to accept
Any boat who made the choice to venture down below

On shore the coast guard were all scrambled
Planes were sent out just in case
More to recover than to save
Families awaited word by radio
The lines from all the ships were down
Some lost to a watery grave

Each year the ocean opens up
Mother Nature takes some back
It's just the circle of life at sea
Prayers are said at the Mariners Hall
Bells are rung for the dead
The sailors soul belongs to the water and it never can be free

Are you one that lives on water?
You know one day your luck will end
You knew this fact from the start
Sailors know the sea's a minefield
It's a war with God each day
You have to fight with all your heart
Peter Aguilar May 2015
I saw shadows dance
Synchronized madness
Bereft of definition
Colors and forces melding
For a moment, the polars met
A very brief eclipse
You are so monumental to me,
With sun behind you truly shine,
Scraggy tree, birds love to nest
In your knobby boughs, so blest,
The winds that roar in open fields
Blasting no fright under your yields.
How spry you be my gracious one,
Good stay for wings in burning sun,
I love to rest beheld your branches,
For near you all of creation dances,
And know as we old nature is calm,
And all is worthy, safe in your alms.
Ishita Mar 2015
How beautiful is the life
With all its vibrant colours
The colours which define its creativity
Life is colour,colour is life
Shades of translucent rainbow
Casting his grace on embellished life
The allured tints of the moring sun
Captivating the vivacity in people's life
How abhorent the nature be
Enchained,restricted without the colours
Blemishing the ornamentation garnished from heaven
But suddenly the grandness breathed for its life
As colours started to play an illusive vibe
Awakening the sluggishness in one's life
Unfolding the colours honesty with ecstasy.
My 2nd poem which was published in a magazine.
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