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Death-throws Apr 2015
Buckle in, actually **** it take the buckles out of the car
Who cares I've given up,
Lets wrap ourselves  in tinfoil instead,
Not so the government can avoid reading our minds
But more over so everyone can see we've tossed them out the window
Gone with the

Oh how unfortunate
My mind was delicate like silk but you wore me like weather
Does my age show? like velvet left in the rain
My shirt is covered in stains but its o.k!
Mad Hatters Make Maddening Hats Madder
We have literally nothing to loose but whats left of our corpses
Because our souls ran long ago, with the wind form our lungs
Buckle in your heart my fallen angel its all you have left
Get ready for the roller coaster with no brakes
We've opened Hades
We've ****** with Pandora's box
We burnt all of our bridges,
But in the this desert island we've dug out of the ocean
with plastic buckets and spaces

In this space we have made our beds my dear
We've stepped to far, Done too much , I fear.
Its time to sleep in the mess we have made
along with our blades and spades
And see if it isnt too much to bare
im done here
(an edit of an old poem i wrote, enjoy :)
Charlie Apr 2015
I don't think our love could ever be rekindled because it's always so fleeting
These feelings and missing and wanting and loving and hoping for something
better to happen, but

I miss you like the grass misses the rain and the boy across the street misses his drugs and like my best friend misses the love she shared with a boy who couldn't figure himself out.

I miss you like the deaf miss music and blind miss sunsets
I miss your smile and your laugh and your hands and your hair,
even when I poke fun at it.
I wish I wasn't so harsh to you sometimes because really, I'm trying my best to be tough so I don't melt into your arms when I see you because
I'm that scared.

I miss arguing with you like a brother and talking with you like a counselor and loving you like you were the only one left.
Sometimes, I miss just talking to you. Just the sound of your voice or how you used to defend me and tell me you love me and you don't anymore.
You don't do any of that and you wonder why we don't go for coffee 24/7 anymore.
I miss going out for coffee, 24/7.
I miss everything that happened and I wish I could take it all back because I swear to God, if there was one person I felt was meant for me in this whole world,
it would be you.
Sad Caroline gets sad and writes about ex-boyfriend/best friends and cries a lot.
JR Falk Apr 2015
I'm seventeen.
I have scars lining my ribs, my thighs, my arms and my mind.
I either count my calories or blur them altogether; 500 a day or 4000 a day.
I am not an athlete.
I have no illnesses.
I've never been diagnosed.
I've simply been attempting to be the woman I've been demanded I be.
I'm failing, miserably.
Right now:
My mom is unconscious, failing to drown herself in alcohol.
My sister has locked herself in her room, isolating.
My dad is telling my neighbors their views are wrong,
And I am lying in bed, binge eating.
I'm seventeen.
This poem really does not have a beat.
This poem is a flow,
steadier than my self esteem.
Mirrors lie and pictures steal.
TV taunts and horror is real,
I'm seventeen and
I've tried to die,
I've learned to lie
To family.
I'm no stranger to the sisters death and night.
gives and takes, reaping the soil with the bodies of the ill
darkens the world, honing in on those I was promised I could turn to,
reminding them I am no refuge, I am ill
I'm seventeen and
My hands shake at the thought of losing my balance,
Ironic seeing as I won't even be standing
But the thought of disappointing you
Throws me down without hesitation.
I'm seventeen.

I'm seventeen.
vent. old lines tossed in and out, I'm really unsure on this. just writing right now.
Lead me to your bedroom and lay me down on a box of glass
Take me like the others you drowned in to keep away your past
Moan someone else's name I want to feel your every gasp
As you **** me like they all ****** with you, at last
The irony is bitter,
But it will pass
I love you to the depths of my soul and wounded heart
But this can be the only way I realize this too fast
Thinking too much will only **** you,
Come to me baby
Let's give this one more chance
MKD Apr 2015
I'm getting kind of tired
So I think I'll go to sleep
I gets pretty lonely
Counting pills instead of sheep
And if you ever need me
You needn't make a peep
For I am here beside you
When monsters start to creep

I'm getting kind of cold
So I think I'll cover up
Oh don't mind those lines
They were only cuts
And if you ever worry
You needn't bring it up
Trust me, I see them
Just keep your lips sewn shut

I'm getting kind of hungry
But I will not eat
This feeling in my head
Another challenge, one more feat
And if you start to see
That I've begun to shrink
Please do not stop me
No matter what you think

I'm getting kind of scared
So I think I'm going to hide
A few memories and trinkets
Are all you'll ever find
And if you start to miss me
Just push me out of mind
For I'm not coming home soon
Though you treated me so kind

I'm getting kind of worse
But that's only what I think
The monsters and the demons
I see them when I blink
And if you ever wonder
If you had seen me sink
Remember all my smiles
Every crack and every *****

I'm getting kind of ****** up
So I think I'll go away
You don't really want me here
I see this every day
And if you ever think
There's something left to say
Write it in a letter
And burn it all away

I'm getting kind of lonely
So I think I'll wait for you
I may wait forever
But at least you see it's true
And if you ever think of me
Or want to start anew
I'll be holding on
Among the lonely few
Belle Victoria Apr 2015
they say Im a heartbreaker
so dont get to close, I will tear your universe apart
the stars will stop shining when I am done with you
at least that is what the people say

but most of the time these people are forgetting something

I am not doing this on purpose
I am not trying to smash every piece apart

my love for you just doesn't excist in the world I live
because I do see the way you look at me..
but I just don't believe the way you look is right for me

I need someone who fights back, someone strong
a person who knows how to handle me at my worst

in my own world everything is a little bit more beautiful
in my mind these gardens are a little bit more magical
true lovers together touching the clouds in the sky
you can't blame me for being a dreamer

they say Im a heartbreaker
but darling don't throw your heart into the ocean
if it didn't knew how to swim in the first place
for my unrecognized lover.
Charlie Mar 2015
Life isn't all wrong, it's just not all fun.
Sometimes, when you have friends like mine,
you learn to to forget your fears, **** your worries, kiss the boys and girls you would love to hold.
**** the rest, because even if you don't feel it, you're the best.
Keah Jones Mar 2015
A. This year I will no longer be tangled top sheets,
soiled comforters, or stained mattresses.
My blood runs clear and the extra year made me a little harder to ****. I started kissing boys on corners who had girlfriends, being someone we would never imagine of me and I bet you never expected ***** to run through these sober veins, couldn't handle me after four shots and you are inebriated by the alcohol seeping from my pores.
B. I started the year off kissing a bottle, not you
you ruined it, left me behind, a newborn still unsure how to walk unstable and unbalanced on tender feet.
you ruined it, left me to fend for myself among the wolves of the world,
C. It took me 907 days to learn how to love you in the way you needed it, this gestation was the slow decline of everything that defined me.
No one ever told me that each person needs love molded to them
so on the 909th day when you left, i had just perfected the sculpture, didn't have time to show you before you rushed in, knocked it on the floor and were gone
D. that is how we ended, shattered splinters of clay, scattering mosaic beautiful on the floor.
tied tongues and upset stomachs from too much alcohol and too little sleep
E. this is how we ended, strangers lips and foreign bed sheets
we went out like a poem if only I could find the right words
Mel Jan 2015
In a heartbeat, to the core of my being. think before you speak. you could never understand so don't ******* talk about or wish things you know absolutely ******* nothing about. It's not a "gift",its a ******* curse, there are no advantages... I can't change anything no matter how hard I try,my whole life.  I truly despise myself so how could I ever,ever love another? I refuse to drag anyone down with such foolishness. It would never work between you and I, as much as I care and love helping take care of others. I'm barely holding it together so if I can't fix myself, how could I fix you? I doubt I'm strong enough.
Spooky Babe Feb 2015
I'm sitting here and I'm crying
All night long
Being forced to write these stupid songs
As if they help us move along

No you're wrong
So wrong

You expect to me just get over you
As if you weren't my whole world
You think I can just be whole again
Well I'm not that strong of a girl

No I'm a human being
Whose breaking down
My chest is open
I'm on ground

My knees are discolored and bruised
My eyes are red
And I wish I was dead
Because I don't wanna live without you
August 10th 2014 1:12am
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