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ShininGale Oct 2021
It was a long day and now it's night,
you have lived 85 years with your hands held tight.

You have lived a life, provided light and
became many people's flower oh! so bright.

Many people didn't expect this moment, even I couldn't guess it.
But on this day forward, no promises can be made.
I know you dreamt of peace, peace within our family.
Forgive us all, because until the end only a new war was created.

Thank you for all battles that you fought for us,
the ones you won with us, thank you for being with us.

Today is your 31325th day in this vast world, with a long journey within your memories. With broken heart and scattered feelings,
with the cure of the ones who loved you and the wholeness of those you loved.

I know tomorrow might get better, but I'll just hold on to this pain
a little longer... as I wave goodbye and kiss you from afar, I was grateful to be by your side when I was able.

I was and still am! grateful of every inch of you grace and blessing.
It was hard seeing you in pain, though we know one day it'll come... but the bus just came too soon.

Lastly, we promise to achieve our dreams, to continue our passion.
To love our parents, to love our siblings, to love one another as it was your dream before the light turned green.

Farewell, my lola! It was an honor to serve you and love you!
it was an honor to be loved and supported by you.
We will still go on, move on, stay on the ground and
keep our heads high!

But fear not! we promise to bring you memories with us!
To keep your teachings, to appreciate your lectures
and to give our all, just like you did...
I love love love you with all my heart and soul!
~ 010021010042PM ~
It was a blessed yet painful day! Who knew this day would come, even though there were shallow and dark days... I am happy that I saw the bright and happy times. Lola, I love you forever and my heart will always feel grateful, from this day to eternity.

Thank you! thank you! thank you! I, we, wouldn't even reach this level of education without you and God's grace! All to you and to Him, I hope that you are together now! I hope the pain already stopped! I LOVE YOU!!!

There are too many things I want to say, today is not enough!
I will continue to write and think of things to tell you, I will say many things! All the love and kindness shall be said and bring back to you!
Carlo C Gomez Oct 2021
Ah, the fallacy
in talk of tree limbs
and fragments of the broken-apart.

                     Those scars opened a rare window
                     below the cloud tops
                     and into her room,
                     where a new dress of fallen leaves
                     hung in her wardrobe,
                     fleshing out her understanding
                     of how that blemish
                     lingered long enough for
                     her own intentions,
                     hidden behind the frown,
                     to surface.

The myth in her eyes
wishing they could say,
"Might we share this fall together?"
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2021
In a drearing height on grave dead bones of branch,
Where leaves conspicuously kept craven distance,
Forsaken lovers set about to roost on topple-
Down sprig to break each side of their own family
Tree.  With a clutch of ruff stones, pulled hardly
Rare, with green hearts a-glowing from gizzards,
They fed six hatchling harpies, all tooth and wail
But one, whom they feared would not take to tearing
Flesh and to them appeared a foundling, not a rock,
But some down weathered creature, without lift,
All weight and no sun, savage grace had shaped
A new bound Prometheus, still dying for sleep.

                                                         ­         Provided
At birth, with nest and wings, each lashing rigged
In wax.  My father, who from a race of lions,
A king and the last of his kind, built, whilst mother
Destroyed and she, the culling raptor, by incestuous
Murdering, would pick and scrape to clean the marrow
From our souls, preening, like a clip winged eagle,
Would screech throughout all season, suffering close
To the essence of faith, my father, who with her formed
Two halves of a wounded gryphon, un-noble in pride
With a bent on fatal flights of his own undoing,
Marveled at her eyes, gray and gay as accusers,
She cursed in sight of angels, all wings below

My brothers, exotic birds all, limbo dancers,
Preferring the colder climes, flopped after me
And never became fliers, for feathers to them
Were but fantails for a harpy, or for gathering
Dust or at best, something to support their own
Lying.  And I found myself, the mid-heiring brood,
In a state when the soul is after dreaming to its body,
Hobbled-de-boyed at the abyss and I saw through
That air and my fold, I dreaded like omens and echoes
Of extinction, like mixed messages of flightless birds
And managed to pierce the innards of ovate shrouds,
To spike that filmy firmament and the yoke, fell away
And the seep hole ground was spurting and the sky,
An ocean of bloom, in all direction, winked—
With a maelstrom eye, for amongst my family, full
Of strangers, I heard that soul lifting love only God
Could send, sleepwalking on thresholds of faith.

I awoke from a dream and felt that I could fly,
Not like the yearning Icarus but, like a rash
Of spirit or that Arabian bird— simply leave
This earth and make my way through its mantle, blithely
Fallow, shedding my harrowed bone, I dropped off,
Sprung from my ashen bed of down and rose—
Out of doors, splintering from the smote that cut
Down the youth of my days, almost smothered away
And I blazed above the icy coal pelted perch,
My wings spreading far from gross flames as they died,
Unfettered in judgements, scaled so feathery, they conceived
That weight was a lie and the waste I kept, from eyes,
As leaves, became a parish of open palms as I spred
My plume and breath now bore an atmosphere
And lungs, they powered the wind and streaming rays;
My frozen veins, burst, blinding an earthen sun
And fled my shadow, transfigured in flight, into
Being, some aerial creature— not a pure spirit,
But like a child soaring, whose wound was as a wing,
On the heal.

— a metamorphosis
GaryFairy Oct 2021
Yeah Yeah
you didn't know she was your first cousin

Contempt breeds within the one who lets it bend them over.

The opposite of familiarity breeds contempt.
strangeness, unfamiliarity


it all has to do with seeing yourself as some kind of perfect being, and really doesn't bother the one you have the contempt

Contempt of Court? God will tell you.

(another poet's favorite saying murdered by logic and love. Yes, I know there are people who will say my writing is violent...that's the same people it smacks around. It will be okay...when you're gone. Do you get it? Someone who is ****** has kind of a right to feel contempt for the most familiar of all.)
Stop inbreeding sickos......BOOM
growingpains Oct 2021
Disrespect isn’t a language I speak anymore
But it’s the language we used to adore
Only with you was I able to miscommunicate
Only with you were my opinions misconstrued

Disrespect isn’t a language I speak anymore
My memory of it is rusty
I can barely remember the grammar
It was intricate and had a specific structure
My boundaries were always compromised
After every time I’d let you lie

Disrespect isn’t a language I speak anymore
My tongue can barely roll the r’s
My voice can no longer shout the insults
And my mind has forgotten how to manipulate as a result

Disrespect isn’t a language I speak anymore
So, when we saw each other unexpectedly
When used one of its idioms  
I could no longer recognize it
I no longer am fluent in it
Much love,

Carl D'Souza Oct 2021
In an ideal
would every working person
get time off work
to rest,
to rejuvenate,
to play,
to self-entertain,
to self-educate,
to care for and improve one's mental-health,
to travel and explore,
to do family-joy,
to do friendship-joy,
to do romance-joy,
to do joy and happiness activities?
m Oct 2021
You're all I need
The whisper of the leaves in the breeze
The sun scattered along the ground
You, smiling and running gleefully
Just so happy to be alive
I try to keep up but your wonder forever exceeds me
You're all I need
To keep me from freezing over
My best friend forever
There's nothing you could ever do to hurt me except disappear
and I know one day I will have to say goodbye
But in my heart, you're eternal
Pets are really special
Aleksey Oct 2021
The day I died
To live I tried
I woke up smiling
Texted my friends good morning
My dad, I hugged
My mom, I kissed
My dog, I pat and my face it licked
We went for a walk
Ended up in the park
Threw a ball, got back a "thank you" bark
Met my friends, had a lot of fun
But then the pain begun
I stop by a tree
Wrote my pain as poetry
This usually saved me

I'm sad
No!...I'm depressed
I'm mad
No!...I'm stressed
There's a heavy pain inside my chest
It's been there for years, it gives me no rest
It's also in my mind
No cure I could find

Tell me why should I keep living?
When all the good,
for a split second meant nothing
And a split second it's all it took
To end my life right where I stood.
That's the day I died...
Even though, to live I tried...

So tomorrow starts without me.
Without the saviour, poetry.

The day after I died
I woke up sad
I couldn't text my friends
I couldn't hug my dad
I couldn't kiss my mom
I couldn't pet my dog
I couldn't throw the ball
I didn't hear a bark, I heard a whimper.
I couldn't meet my friends
I couldn't make them smile

I looked down at my lifeless body
I heard the cries of my loved ones
I tried wiping down their tears to no avail
The day after I killed myself
I didn't **** the pain as well.
I just passed it on...

The day after I killed myself
To bring me back, they tried
I wanted to live
But I had died.
Because of you
I'm all here
Buried all the pains
Dug a new chapter
Imported new feelings
Seeded hope
Exported all the grievances
Took hold of the promises
Watered the heart
Cementing the broken pieces together
Laminated the smile
And on the wall I nailed it
Began a tireless journey
Wishing for the best
Trusting the eyes
Enjoying the sweet melody
A lullaby I need for a lifetime

Remember those days?
Acting silly and stupid
The ignorance we entertained
The confusion we embraced
Embroidering the hatred
An the mist of pain we got lost
Turning our backs on each other
Anger reddening our eyes
Silence that became a graveyard
Silence that almost murdered our hearts
Intoxicating our feelings
Destroying the taproots of our future
I remember that days
Buried now

Now I smile
For we hold it
In our hands we are molding it
Together moistening the clay
That long ago cracked
With no hope of being a palp again
We have it
We repainted the wall
A new dawn of hope
A beginning of a new chapter
The chills of winter all gone
Summer says hello
With its rain we will puddle
In the mud together
Yes the mud of love we will ***** ourselves
For we buried the past
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