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Parker Oct 2021
I view the world through the lens of my parents
All men as power hungry, ***** animals that I'll never be enough for
All women as not wanting me, rejecting my very being without knowing who I am
GaryFairy Oct 2021
sickem boy red tick, brindle that's my *****
**** dog, have a scratch when cat get an itch
born and bread parvo bigger by the litter
bitten by the sister to hit a lick blood bitter

feline forgot the fox, canine forgot the socks
cat crawls up walls and stalks down rocks
dogs calling out saying that cat's all claws
dogs can't talk after being walked into jaws

if cat's i give a ****, dog ear will take a ****
you bury a bone just to re-awaken it
when i play it's real, brown nose is fakin it
he likes to roll in ****, i leap away from it

dog will is human and a cat's will is stronger
cat summer is for hunters, dog years are longer
nine lives feels like yours with eight more
come on dog why we need all the hate for? hissssssss
this is not about  politics, besides politics of family
stillhuman Oct 2021
Everything was dark
in our house
but our home was safe and sound
and we were laughing
like Gods had nothing on us
and life was fulfilling for us
and the night would go on
for hours on end
without us felling tired
and our wishes had been granted
Merlie T Oct 2021
One thing I never expected from this world
was to lose you
A constant and an always
With you gone I'm not so sure that I am here
Not all of me at least
I've never wished to return to the past
Now it's all I could ever dream
Cruel joke to have the memories, but no you
We will miss you for the rest of time
All the love you had to leave behind..
I'm so sorry
I love you so much
JT Oct 2021
I don't remember the first time I met you.
Only old ripped up pictures
that I may or may not be in
'cause babies all look alike after a while.

I remember the second time I met you.
Your old apartment dulled by
a haze of cigarette smoke
and your nose shone red and fat like a clown's.

I remember the third time I met you.
You sat adorned with flowers
as a man stood and sang your praises
and a woman walked plainly behind the procession.
I wonder if my granddad ever wondered about me too
Steph Wams Oct 2021
Are my tears made of gasoline?

Why do they stoke the flames of your fury?

Are my tears icy cold?

Why do they make the warmth of your love, cool?

Are my tears hideous?

Why must you always look away when I cry?

Are my tears ear-splittingly loud ?

Why do you look at them with pain and irritation?
A poem about the different reactions my family has to me crying.
If you like this follow me on instagram: ejiro_wams
Alexis K Oct 2021
A son, a brother.
Ended his story early.
A daughter, a mother.
Fought a battle she couldn't win.
A sister to #2, a daughter.
Causes unknown.

They say it comes in threes,
So lord please let us be.
Rose Diamond Oct 2021
I pressed the red button
Your smile the last thing I saw
I bid you good night
And was left alone with my thoughts

I told you I would write something happy
and you I wish to impress
but what if the only thing I can write about
are the thoughts that run obsessively through my head

I can only write about dreams
that I wish I had
about charming scenarios
where the ending is never sad

about others’s love life
their feelings and pains
I try to get in their head to decipher
what it contains

is it love or lust
that keeps him going
does he really love her
Or it’s fake love that’s showing

my dear sweet sister
says my poems are too gloomy
she asks why can’t i write
of things that are sunny

she asks for joy,
excitement and fun
but how can I write of feelings
I can’t out run

I do feel happiness
I try to explain
but what can I do when
it’s much easier to write about the pain

about heart breaks and sleepless nights
Crying and feeling alone inside
conflicting emotions when I’m feeling low
I just let my tears guide the way in how they flow

but my dear sister and friend of mine
maybe it’s time to have a change of heart
I should think when I feel and seek the good
for its inside me and I only have to find that page in the book

look deeper
than what I thought I knew
and write about how
my dreams come true

Write about friendships family and cake
smiles and laughter road trips and games
find what really drives me the motivation of my heart
and finally write a story that includes every part

Add my smiles,
the way I get up in the mornings,
my love for reading
and a steaming cup of coffee

The pain in my legs,
after a long night cooking
and how sleepless nights are worth it
when you see how big their smiles are looking

Find within myself
stories that are blended
and change the narrative to include
beginnings, middles and endings.
There are multiple sides to every story... “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” - Charles R. Swindoll
MJL Oct 2021
It's not your fault
You were created
Made for the rain
Given the hammer
That brings the gold
Use it for the dream
Days will turn to fire
You are burning now
Will you feel the heat
Before it it's too late?

© MJL 2021
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