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evangeline Feb 8
And at the end of the night
when all the creaks in the floorboard are tired
of creaking
and the sky looks like oil slick on asphalt,
all fuzzy black and still;
while midnight creeps in
through gaps in laughter
and yawns wide enough to swallow me whole;
after the lull of full bellies
and soft yellow good-nights fade into the blissful quiet,

I still close my eyes
and I think of you.
lovers’ anthem
Raven Kuhn Jan 4
selected for her,
but felt,
deep down,
familiar chains.
Originally a blackout poem, so the tenses are flawed.
Jeremy Betts Nov 2024
I swear...
I didn't mean to **** the best of me
Or squash what I like in me
Yet here I stand
****** weapon in hand
My essence
Dripping down the blade
Like rain from a cloud
Or tears of a clown
Landing on the razors edge
A familiar sight and sound

Jeremy Betts Oct 2024
From the lonely side of the window
I watch you go
Your image distorted by the heavy rain
Or is that a downpour of liquid pain?
Either way and regardless you fade away
But I don't want to look away
Not interested in picking up the pieces this time
Back in this pit, I don't have it in me to climb
So familiar with heartache and heart break
I start to think that this love shiit is fake
It's okay, I feel right at home with painfully numb
My mistake was the lie I told myself,
That this day would never come

Jeremy Betts Oct 2024
Lost in my own mind
Trying desperately to find
A point to witch I can rewind
At the very least define,
A familiar moment that'll remind
That it's not always been a difficult timeline
And if I can do that I should be fine

lucia Sep 2024
no, you do not love me that way
i'm just someone who's—familiar
do not confuse your feelings
with the idea of familiarity
my keyboard's breathing
i swear i saw it take a deep breath
or maybe i just need some sleep
need some air
Jeremy Betts Aug 2024
Eye to eye with a two faced mirror
Stern threats stated towards this duplicate I see
"I'm warning you, don't ******* in there,
You know you don't like it when we're angry"
Though, my mind and I both know I know better
Fully aware I don't have a victory on it's territory
A half baked example of what makes a quitter
There's a lose on every flipped page of my story

Jeremy Betts Jul 2024
I pretty much know what's in-store
I've been here before
Some days I feel I've never left
One day it'll be where I take my last breath

For me, it's very strange to see familiar people who don't recognize me. I feel like I am in a different dimension where my personality has never existed, and the people there used to know someone who looked like me. When I asked them, "Do you recognize me?" they replied, "Well, your face looks familiar."
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