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J Valle Nov 2016
It is all about the memories,
That like the dreams we fail,
And the thoughts we will not share,
They drain and slip through our fingertips.

Waking up from a sad dream,
One we would love to forget,
But love induced sadness,
It is hard one to get rid of.

The dawn rises synching with your chest
Your eyes shining from the watery tears,
And your mind is playing games,
It feels as if you are together,
Then reality and the dream world collide.
And you are staring through the window,
All alone.

It is all about the memories,
Those we keep close to our hearts,
Close enough to make us feel alive,
Close enough to let them hurt us.

That like the dreams we fail,
We forget and never go for them again,
Ashamed of the idea of fulfilling them,
Too frightened to share them.

And the thoughts we will not share,
They are rotting in our veins,
Growing hungry inside their lair,
Waiting for a chance to escape.
leinstinct Oct 2016
It's late and i don't have a tongue down in my throat
It's tough when your game does not even work when you are drunk
Addictions they're so nice, they help me to go on
Women they enchant by the end of the night they're not your's
Maybe we should balance the party ,and the work
I am such a **** i am an *** but it's just work
I don't love you I'm just lonely
I know it's no excuse
If i hurt i am sorry
Desolated by the night
Mazen Edlibi Oct 2016
Who you Trust!
On the Ladder of life, your steps are counted..
On the Ladder of life, you will question all your beliefs and your being alive!
Nobody is there except that voices of who love you!
The voices that will be there always as your voice will be for them!
You are fully worth of every step in your life!
You always trying your best because your life means a lot to you!
You always keep trying although you fail a lot!
You always keep that hope lightening inside you!
You always have that "Meaning" that you are the one that will clear "Uncertainty" and light the Way! 7-9-2016
Leigh Marie Sep 2016
When you say that
I am better than him
You are forgetting that
He and I are both grown from
The same sandy soil

We may have sprouted differently
But to write him off is to
write me off too
As if my roots
and my stalk
and my flower
are not one

Well friend,
The most beautiful flowers have
The deepest roots
Mine, are intertwined with his
(Though I do not need him
to thrive)
Our stories, can not be separated cause
We've been through the rain
and mud
and beating wind

Even if we
flower in
incongruous seasons
neither of us are
better or
worse or
less full of life

How can someone with
the same ***** soul be
unworthy of my time?
Viseract Sep 2016
Demonic possession is what it feels like sometimes,
The way I spit words out and they just happen to rhyme
I sit and think sometimes, about what I wanna write
But then it never comes to me , avoids me it stays outta sight and I

Don't know why I'm writing this, I'm sure I'll find a message
To send across the void that is this world and then the rest will
All make sense, no pretence, nor any pretext
That I'm using just busting words before I forget

I gotta add a little something about what happened today
I got my ****** grade from chemistry it was no A
Just a D, and I was worried but my Father doesn't care
I'm no good at Chemistry, he knows that it ain't fair

It's all about experimentation and adapting
To the strengths and weaknesses that make you a masterpiece happening
This world is full of unique people and you are another one too
So you gotta put your head down, do what you gotta do

I would like to make an announcement, before it leaves my mind
To clear up some other **** that I left behind
Me and Georgia now, you know her? I wrote a lot
About how much I hated her, how I wanted to rot

Yeah, we're good now, so please do not look back
On my works, when I went bezerk and launched a stupid internet attack
Some of it was my fault, and I've come to terms with it
We good now, it's okay, so please don't read that ****

I'm sitting here on my bed, not knowing what I'm about to write
Just knowing that I need another way to pass the night
So I spit fire, I'll retire, maybe right about now
Have a good day or night, my friends, be careful when you go out

may make this a series, I'm not sure... it'll just be me writing a rap about my day or whatever floats into my head
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