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David Plantinga Jan 2022
The scaup is searching for a shore
To build her nest, a lonely beach,
Or rocky cliff no fox can reach.  
Egg-gobblers and roosting mothers war.  
There is no land, just churn and spray,
The billows heave and wave-crests foam,
Nowhere for her to make a home,
If there’s a coast, it’s far away.  
From hovering and fluttering, her wings
Are weary, and her soaring droops.  
Neither scanning, nor her endless loops
Find shelter from cold blusterings.  
And soon she’ll drop, and soon she’ll drown.  
Unless she finds a landing spot.  
And there, out there, a blip, a dot.  
A floe, an island made of ice,
Too big to bob, and just as firm
As any continent, a berm
Bears, seals or penguins would think nice.  
Not great for birds, but she’s no choice.  

She lands, she rests, she lays her eggs.  
Her frigid roost has numbed her legs,
But it’s a nest, so she’ll rejoice.  
Her eggs are warm, and soon they’ll hatch.  
Hatchlings can sip from melted snow,
But grubs don’t squirm on this bare floe,
And there’s no fish around to catch.    
Icebergs are barren and they’re hard.  
But far beneath the ice and sea,
Rich bottomland, a cozy lea,
The sea-bed makes a better yard.  
Born to water, they will breathe
Water, as their mother did the air.
And though aquatic birds aren’t rare
Gilled scaups are scarce as hens that teethe.  
A separate species, her lost young
Will never know their mother soared,
Or dropped the offspring she adored.  
In ocean depths unwarmed by sun.  
In that strange element they’ll thrive,
Becoming what has never been,
A species hitherto unseen.
Unknown to her, but they’ll survive.  

She drops the eggs, and trills goodbye.  
Then, mournfully, the scaup takes wing.  
To cross what’s past accomplishing.
The coast’s too far, but she will try.
Nigdaw Dec 2021
emotional kata
series of strokes
against the resistance
of canvas
a picture evolves
almost like nature
becoming organic
an extension of emotion
battle conquering calamity
the brush talks
even shouts some passages
poem based in
pigment and oil
at the end
everyone is exhausted
something happened
beyond the reasonable
control of evolution
Creating a stronger, smarter, human is fading,
Look at evolution today!
Raising children, no respect, or manners,
Thinking cell phones, and video games,
Are the path, to a successful life today.
No common sense, making rules, as they play,
Some get too deep, then the gray bar motel, they stay.
A lot of crazy talks, not a clue what they mean,
A bunch of words, no job, they can’t afford a cone with ice cream.
Spending, their grandparents, and parents, retirement away,
Not showing, any love or compassion,
To those who care for them, every day.

The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
12/04/2021 AD
7:00 AM
Zywa Nov 2021
The little mermaid:

on her tail, she got buttocks --

from all the sitting.
Collection "NightWatch"
Zywa Oct 2021
Always novelties,

that is the evolution:

copying errors.
Collection "New Ago"
Purcy Flaherty Jul 2021
We are all evolved from the same microbe;
A microbe which evolved into every known species, using just two dozen ingredients; drawn from the same chemical soup.
(We are related to every living thing)

Each and every species is evolving at it's correct / specific survival rate, yet the more we humans progress, the more distance we choose to put between us and our fellow lifeforms; often choosing to alter their evolutionary progress, not for our own survival! but for bit coin, vanity or prestige.
**** our fellow lifeforms; I want a packet of crisps!
Purcy Flaherty Jul 2021
Every killer is in pursuit of life,
I suspect that the key to a long life, is in deaths commonality.
I've no doubt that obstacles such as cancer and diabetes will be the key to our longevity; not because we eradicate them, but because we include them in some way.

(Its just a feeling)
It's about re-interpreting what developments your seeing.
sergiodib May 2021
In the beginning was the continuation of the species then came love.
In the beginning was the survival of the fittest then came altruism.
In the beginning was the pack then came narcissism.
In the beginning was the alpha male then came democracy.
In the beginning was the present then came the past and the future.
In the beginning was Keynisism then came neoliberalism and depression.
In the beginning was Lucy
Then came **** Sapiens Sapiens.
What next?
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