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Steve Page Jan 2020
Blinkered and blindfolded
and hooded for good measure
- I run.
And when I run out of road,
that's when I fly.
Thinking about too much and not getting on.
Bhill Jan 2020
distraction can touch
touch in manners that are not familiar
memory claws will reach out
touching with thoughts forgotten
past awareness may re-enter
making effort to build on those remembrances

Brian Hill - 2020 # 28
What is your distraction?
Dream Fisher Dec 2019
I might be just a distraction
Like flowers during hard times
Giving a funny quip to obtain reaction
Then falling back into line.
It's a bit obnoxious, leaving me a lack of real
I can only imagine how everyone else feels.
The goofy kid who opens his lid
just to laugh at himself and what everyone else did.
That's how I play it in my mind
That's how it plays in theirs too.

A one note joke spoke is funny
Until it's being told the hundredth time
It was quirky and a little punny
But best to leave a dying joke to die
Don't laugh, it encourages attention,
Walk past, leaving me no mention.
It's humorless and rumor is
I do it for self-defense and deflection,
The room is heavy and I hate the tension.

I might just be a distraction
Like an ice cream cone,
A sometimes treat worth a smile
But you don't miss it when it's gone.
Debbie Lydon Dec 2019
A red thread of shame is tightly woven into our silenced souls,
An inherited madness dripped its way down to whoever works the controls,
This nebulous state, this numb state, it's our common default setting,
Here we all are, blind to the brain trick, content in our worldwide forgetting.

Nothing like a perpetually distracted brain to box away the brilliance,
Put that box back in the cupboard, don't you dare invite **** dissonance,
And remember when the party guests arrive, silence is insulting,
Privacy is suspicious, mystery is annoying and thoughts kept to yourself are revolting.

Show us romance, show us pretty, let us always see the screen,
Give us an abundance of fake new reality, let us turn on the simulation rain,
We would like to see her and we would like to see him while pretending we're the ones having fun,
Dopamine is leading the way for us all, our ruling neurotransmitter, our kindly king hormone.
Alek Mielnikow Nov 2019
She left home with a flower in
her hair and her pink, light up
sneakers on her feet. She slouches
in the backseat. Her stare's fixed
on the splattered insect gliding
above the hills and barns and trees,
flying as fast as the freeway.

Her mother is behind the wheel.
The radio's on loud enough to
block the nasty thoughts.

And she is sobbing.
Eve Marinier Oct 2019
I tap my notes with the tip of my black pen
Before I dare to look... then I look again.
I endure for another ten,
****... I just can't resist
And another cookie ceases to exist.
Hey, at least now it can't disrupt my zen!
Big Virge Oct 2019
Girls ... DISTRACT ME ... !!!    

Do They ... Distract YOU ... ?    
There's SOMETHING IN ...    
The Way They ... MOVE ... !!!    
They Look SO GOOD ... !!!    
In ... " High Heel Shoes " ...    
But .....    
WATCH YOURSELF ... !!!    
I'm ... WARNING YOU ... !!!!    
Some of Them ....    
Make ... "Shifty Moves" ... !!!    
Ask ... Most Men ...    
They'll ... Give You Proof ... !!!    
... " FATAL ATTRACTION " ... !!!    
Goes With ... " DISTRACTION " ... !!!!!    
Like ... Ill Health Does ...    
With ... " Medical Actions " ... !!!!!    
" I Can't Get NO Satisfaction !!! "    
But .... What If I Learnt ... ???    
How To Do ... " Leg Waxing " ... !!?!!    
Just ... WOMENS' Legs ... !!!    
EVERYDAY ... ALL DAY ... !!!!!    
Would You Like That Girls ... ???    
" Hey " ... What Do You Say ... ?!?    
Well ... One Thing I'll Say ...    
I'd Be ... SMILING ALL DAY ... !!!!    
Girls Might Find ... ?    
My Hands ... " Relaxing " ...    
But ... I'd Find Them ...    
So ****** ... DISTRACTING ... !!!!!    
See ...  
Sometimes Women ...    
RULE ... My Mind ...    
But When Some Talk .....  
I ... CANNOT FIND ... ?!?!?    
A Way To Put ...    
Their Thoughts In Rhyme ... !?!    
I Try To Be ... DIRECT ... !!!    
Just Like ... STRAIGHT Lines ...    
When Dealing With ...
... Female Designs ...    
But ... If They've Got ...    
THOSE ... " **** Curves " ... !!!    
Sometimes I Just Get ...  
... " Lost For Words " ... ?!?    
DISTRACTIONS ... See ... !!!    
What A ... SPECIES ... !!!!!!?!!!!!!!    
That's Why I Write ...    
This ... Poetry ...    
To Let Girls Know ...    
What ... " Rests In Me " ...    
A ... LOVE For You ...    
But I've Been Schooled ...    
Don't Think That I'm ...    
A .... " ****** Tool " ....    
That ... You Can USE ...    
When You Want To ... !!!    
Cos' Most ... DON'T LIKE ...    
When Men ... USE THEM ... !!!    
Come On Ladies ... !!!    
DON'T Act ... CRAZY ... !!?!!    
Fellas KNOW ...    
How ... THAT ONE Goes ...    
"You used me, just to fill my hole !"    
"because you acted, like a pro"  
"What did you say ?    
You're gonna pay !"
"See, there you go !    
I told you so !"  
RELAX Now Folks ... !!!    
It's Just A ... " Joke " ... !!!    
But Think It Through ...    
Let Those Words ... SOAK ... !!!    
I  LOVE ... Women ... !!!    
But Here's The TRUTH ... !!!    
These Days ... " MOST " ...    
Just Act .... " THE FOOL " .... ?!!!?    
They're ... " Playing Games " ...    
and ... " LUSTING Fame " ...
But DON'T BELIEVE In ....  
... " Taking Blame " ...      
WHY Ladies ... ???    
Do You Feel ... "Ashamed" ...    
of Things You've ... Done ... ?!?    
In The ...  
Name of ... " LOVE " ... ?!?    
Love is ... " A WORD " ... !!!    
Like THIS ONE ... " Virge "... !!!    
Yeah That's ME ... !!!    
Judge Me On ...    
The Way I BE ... !!!    
NOT ... The Words ... !!!    
That You Now Read ...    
Or ... Hear Me Speak ...    
Cos' ... " Some " ...    
Are ... TRUE ... !!!!!!    
But ... Some of Them ...    
Are ... " FUNNY To Me " ... !!!    
LIKE Some Ladies ...    
... That I Meet ... !!!      
Come On Guys ... !!!    
Are You ... " With Me " ... ???    
DON'T ...  
HATE ME Ladies ...    
I Don't Hate You ... !!!    
" Some " ... of You ...    
Are ... Really Cool ... !!!!!    
But ...    
Just A ... " few " ...    
You Know The Koo' ... !!!    
Some of You ...    
AREN'T Being TRUE ...    
With .... " Yourselves " .... ?!?    
Or Men You Choose ...    
To ... Try To Make ...    
Things ... Work With You ...    
GIVE ... Your Love ...    
WITHOUT ... " Entrapment " ...    
Cos' Right Now ... Time ...    
Is ... FAST Elapsing ... !!!
And ... THE TRUTH IS  ...    
You're A ...  
... " Distraction " ...
The wonder of the female form, is indeed, quite a distraction !
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