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Marri May 2019
Who am I?
I must be black because my absent father won’t come back.
I am eccentric. I am authentic.
I am something you would never forget to mention.
I am a Black woman.

Who do you want me to be?
I must be Asian because with eyes like these I can solve any equation.
I am intelligent. I am pure elegance.
I am delicate.
I am an Asian woman.

Who do you think I am?
I must be Hispanic because my last name simply states it.
I am diligent. I am militant.
I am an immigrant.
I am a Hispanic woman.

Who should I be?
I may be white by culture, but not by sight.
I am privileged. I am a perfect image.
I have no limits.
I am a White woman.

On paper, the box I checked says Asian,
But sometimes I forget.
What if my race isn't solo, or singular?
It’s a duet—or even a quartet.
My race is tricolor—sometimes invisible.
My race isn't inside, and no, it's not physical.

What if my race is the rushing water of the Mississippi river?
The river just flows and flows—
Runs wherever it may go,
But some are quiet as they trickle in;
Drop by drop a new river begins,
As the water mixes, roaring free.
If you want to label my race, fine, label me.
Label my hair, my customs, or my speech.
Race is just a rumor that mankind decided to teach.

I wish I could forget that I have a race,
That the color is still staining my face.
I'm tired of the separation,
The segregation, the humiliation,
The exhaustion of having a race.
Why label the color on my skin?
Why not embrace the person that I hold within?

*R.A.C.E. stands for Reclassify All Children Equally.
Big Virge May 2019
It's HARD To Stay ... " Cool " ..  
When Police ... Act The FOOL ... !!!  

They're USING ... " The Bomb " ...  
To ... Make You BELIEVE ...  
That ... WE ... DON'T Belong ...
So ...  
Let Me Explain ...  
Why This Will Bring PAIN ...  
To ... " Asians and Blacks " ...  
Again and AGAIN ... !!!!  
It Was ... Saturday ...  
A Nice ... SUNNY Day ... !!!  
I'm ... Driving My Car ...  
But Stopped For ...  " Rizzla' " ...  
As I Get Out ...  
I See The POLICE ...  
I ... LOOK AT THEM ...  
Cos' They're ... WATCHING ME ... !!!  
Two ... UNIFORMED  Women ...  
With A PIG STENCH ... !!!!!  
EXACTLY The Type ...  
That ... Make Some Fists CLENCH ... !!!!!  
But ....  
Let Me Move On  ....  
I ... Walk Out The Shop ...  
Get Back In My Car ...  
But .....
My Car Has Been .... MARKED .... !!!!!  
My Friend ...
Who Was With Me  

Said  ...  
"V you've been clocked ...  
The guy on the corner  
said, Watch For Those Cops !"  
He Saw Them ... " Converse " ...  
and YES ... Something WORSE ... !!!
They've ...
Turned The Car ROUND ...  
They'll Be Back Round The Block ... !!!  
You'll ...
NEVER Guess What ... !?!  
But ...
When I Pulled Off ...  
The Cops Were ... " IN TOW " ...  
My ...
Friend And I Sat There ...  
And Said ... " HERE WE GO !!! " ...  
I Turned Down MY ROAD ... !!!  
Which ... Knocked Them ...  
.............................................                    ­                

                                      OFF Track ... ?!?  
I ...
Pulled The Car Over ...  
To See Them ...
... TURN BACK ... !!!
And That's When I Knew ...  
That These ... " Dumb Girls in Blue " ...  
Were ......
Coming To QUIZ Me ...  

And ...    
Dish Out ABUSE ... !!!  
I Drove To ... MY HOUSE ... !!!  
and Parked RIGHT OUTSIDE ... !!!  
Then Me and My Man ...  
Jumped Out Of My Ride ...  
Then Slowly .................................................................­.. They Came ......  
To Play The ... " Old Game " ... !?!  
"Your car is a rental ?"  
"In Fact, it's a lease !"  
This is where I ...
Started Getting AGGRIEVED ... !!!!!  
"I must be too black  
to drive a Mercedes !"  
"It's a random check sir,  
calm down will you please !"  
"Not when you've stopped me  
down My ******* Street !  
I've lived here for years.
You've got a **** cheek !  
We had been advised,  
when we parked down the street,  
that, you had decided  
to try it with me,  
well now that you have,  
of course i'm angry !"  
It Simply ... Has Taken ...  
ONE ... Muslim Jamaican ...  
To Get The ... " Old Bill " ...  
To Put Blacks THROUGH THE MILL ... !?!  
If This Was A Movie ... ???  
Try THIS For A Title ...  
" VIRGE KILLED The Old Bill " ...  
Now ... Killing AIN'T Right ... !!!  
But ... Why Should I Chill ...
When They Treat Us Like THIS ... !?!    
Man ...
I've Had MY FILL ... !!!!!  
Two Minutes of Silence ...  
Has NOT Given Guidance ...  
To People Who Say ....  
" Let's STOP All This Violence !!! "  
There's Science BEHIND ...  
These Acts of ... DEFIANCE ...    
Behind ....  
" Certain Doors " ...  
They Plan ...  
CONTROL of ... "The Ethnics" ... !!!!!  
Their Plans ARE UPSETTING ... !!!!!  
cos' Stories They're Telling ...  
Are TRULY ... PATHETIC ... !!!  
But Let Me Get Back ...  
To These Two ... Female FOOLS ... !!!  
Who Think They're  ALL THAT ... !!!  
Cos' They're Now ... " Girls in Blue " ...  
I Have A ... " Disabled Bay "  
Outside of ... My House ...  
So ... Hear What They Did ...  
To Prove They Had ... CLOUT ... !!!  
"You're parked in a bay,  
with no badge on display !"
"My mum was disabled !  
She's Dead Now Okay !"  
She Issued ... " A Ticket " ...  
As We .................................................. Walked Away ......................  
I Said ...  
"Issue The Council !l  
It's them who should pay !  
They know my mum's dead,  
but they've still left the bay !"  
She Said ....  
Nothing Further ...  
What More Could She Say ?  
My Friend Said To Me ...  
"Pig two asked his name !"  
I Said ....  
"She's a Pig !  
A Pig Has NO SHAME !"  
The Point of This Prose ...  
Is Simply ... To SHOW ...  
" The Plan " ...  
Is In Motion ... !!!  
They've Put Out ... " The Notion " ...  
That Blacks Make ... BOMB POTIONS ... !!!!!  
We're ...

"under it" ... now ... !!!  
From ...
Driving On Streets ...  
To ... London's Underground ...  
WE ARE Now ...  
... " The Ones " ...  
They're ...
Going To HOUND ... !!!  
EVEN If We ...  
ARE Making Them ... POUNDS  ... ?!!!?  
I'm SICK of ................................... THE STENCH ............. !!!!!!!  
I Sense .... " Something SMELLY " ....  
It's CLEARLY ... The Pigs ...  
and ... What's On YOUR TELLY ... !!!!!!!
This Story Just PROVES ....  
That  .......  
" They're At It Already ! " .....
I still have the ticket the policewoman wrote, to this day, and never received any notice to pay, nuff said.

However, different times as they were back in 2K5, as the times move on, the plan of division of people, is moving along, so it feels like the same ish', just a different pong, sadly ....

Can't we all just ... Get Along ... ???
(I say sarcastically !!!)
Randy Johnson May 2019
My fourteen year old daughter was the star of a children's TV show.
But because she grew large *******, they decided to let her go.
They said that because of her growth spurt, it would be inappropriate for her to be on a children's show.
They said they were sure that I would understand but I was furious and I said "Hell no".
I said that it was discrimination and it was an immoral reason for firing my teenage daughter.
She was more than willing to sue because of the morals that my wife and I have taught her.
It was wrong to fire her because of mother nature 's handiwork and the judge agreed.
My daughter was awarded ten million dollars, that was what the judge decreed.
We didn't sue because of the money, we sued to stand up to their discrimination.
When I say that they didn't get away with what they did, it's not an exaggeration.
Mary E Zollars Apr 2019
Sit right down in your seat, please
        Raise your hand to speak, please
        Get a pass to leave, please
I need all attention on me, please
                Revolution is over, please,
        Obedience is key, please
                There’s nothing wrong anymore, see
                Look at these 3rd world countries, see
                Be proud of where you were born, see
                We are perfectly free, see
Be silent and listen to me, free
                Migration will be to be stopped, free
                The leader can pardon himself, free
                Women in positions of power, free
                Hate is perfectly legal, free
        You can protest as well, free
        You have the power of speech, free
Don’t talk over the teacher, please
Don’t talk over the teacher, please
         I know better than you, see
        We control your life, see
        We are building the future, see
        We are the best in the world, see
Be silent and listen to me, please

As long as you’re rich and white,  
“Teaching Freedom” is about what politicians, media, and older generations in general  are teaching my generation. I wanted to show how they control young people to make them feel free. Recently, on the Day of Silence, I heard a kid say "Anyone can do anything now. Why do they have to make such a big deal about it?"Since then, I've been thinking about how many kids don't think race, religion, gender, and sexuality are issues anymore, because they've never experienced that discrimination. Just because you haven't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Roses

O, the Flowers lying
On the bed!
Never blame the Roses
That rise far afield and fade.
For they never lose
Their grace
Like the Flowers wilted
In the vase.

S. Bharat
Hope Apr 2019
school teachers
most people
they tell us to be ourselves
but then
they discriminate against all of us

if two best friends
of the same *** embrace
children and teens
will say
“that’s gay”
and what if it is?

I thought we were supposed to be ourselves

if someone does something weird
do you know how rude this is
to people
who can’t help that they were born
with extra needs?

if someone has tattoos
they may not get a job
because something important to them
has been etched into their skin permanently
and you don’t have the capacity to understand it

if someone is kind or talented or smart
you are immediately intimidated
because you can’t handle it if someone
is better than you
well let me tell you this:
there will ALWAYS
be someone better

if a woman is strong
or making it on her own
you make up rumors about them
to bring them down
because you think they need a man
to support them

if a young girl is confident
you squash her spirit
so she won’t make it
so she can’t say no

if she is curvy
you tell her to lose weight
but if she’s skinny
she needs to fill out

if they’re dark
they can’t be trusted
and will be judged
just because of
the color of their skin

This is all

these people are no different than you
and yet you push them down

and all the while
you’ve been telling the population
to be themselves.
Pretty self explanatory
Connor Anon Mar 2019
It ignites inside them; it does boil and swell,
Another emotion man attempts to quell.
But this vapour of hatred and these bubbles of wrath,
Seem determined to scorch those that dare cross their path.
Flames stoked by abhorrence, froth stirred by malice,
"How dare the heathens encroach into our palace?"
This typhoon of sentiment, this eruption of conviction,
I find it to be the source of many an affliction.
Man stands idly by, gawking in shock,
The opportunity passes with the hands of the clock.
The lid though of iron can't contain this hot steam,
The sensation that boasts it would tear at the seam.
Guilt simmers; hope evaporates in shame,
One more missed prevention, yet no one to blame.
Man exclaims rather loudly, "Next time I will help!"
As the downtrodden perish, with a suppressed yelp.
Hatred kills.
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