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Danny Price Jun 2015
We are alone here
in the company of life,
where the skies all fill with water,
drench our aching bones
to nourish greener pastures.

We are alone here
in the company of light,
where providers stroke our shaking hearts,
relaxing roots around our father's holy limbs.

We are alone here
in the company of song,
where pure breathing hum in chorus
to forget our concrete legacy.

We are not wanted here—
            the last of us
in the company of peace,
where avenging beauty dances
as the rightful heir regains her throne

and we remain alone.
Luke Jun 2015
It’s the sound of emptiness that has me beat,
the king of a golden empire turning to silver at my feet.
My self-worth depreciates with every echoed whisper,
it wouldn’t change a thing if I told her that I missed her.

I am not wanting of this crown of despair,
it has been a beautiful muse,
but there has to be something more, somewhere.

Written a thousand love songs, that’s a thousand suicide notes I’ve left,
killed myself to commit a paramour to paper, her love I haven't kept.
It’s the thought of that emptiness that haunts me from my sleep,
Will I run out of reasons to stay if I have nothing left to keep?

I am not wanting of this crown of despair,
It has been a beautiful muse,
but there has to be something more, somewhere.

It’s the dream of living that keeps me from defeat.
The belief there’s a place in time and space where again we shall meet.
When the calcified streams flow after years of desolation and decay,
she’ll be waiting in the river to carry me home, to carry me away.
Luke Jun 2015
Oh conscience,
this is where we must part.
I promise to keep your damage here in my thrice heavy heart.
Your guidance once illuminated a long and treacherous path
but the destination you had planned for me
has become too distant, far too embedded in the dark.

Oh lover,
I’ve done my best to keep myself,
I can’t believe it’s been this hard.
Because no matter what I say or do,
I’m the only one that gets torn apart.
And I’ve grown tired of these fiends,
vultures scavenging through the carrion heap,
so called friends looking for their fill.
Oh misery, you’re no company to keep.

Oh mother, if you could only see
what this world lost in the throes of avarice has done to me.
it has taken everything I had and erased the lines I drew upon the sand.
and I’ve worn myself thin trying to exist between them,
to find myself again.

Oh conscience,
this is where we must part.
But I promise to keep you, oh burden,
here in my broken, heavy heart.
Luke Jun 2015
No remorse.
This lack of guilt. This lack of regret.
I’ve seen it before. That same look in her eyes.
She will leave me again and I will ask for more.

I don’t know if I’m a glutton for her punishment
or just pavlovian to the pain,
because I still find comfort in all of her beauty
and even in the ugliness she left when she went away.

But I’ve grown tired of her ghost,
and how it rings in our past with the shake of relentless chains,
haunting the space between who I wish to be and who I am today.
I can’t be with her and for the life of me,
I just can’t seem to push her away,
So I resign, lonely in love and hopeful upon this road
that she’ll relieve me of her ghost somewhere along the way
Misplaced Texan Jun 2015
Who are you when I'm not in town?
Perhaps the same girl I love to be around?
Better yet are you that way with someone new?
Now you've done things I never thought you'd do.

If it was a woman I cared less about
I'd open the door, and simply tell you "out"
You seem to mean more and I don't know why
Maybe I'll grow up and come over tonight

If it was a man I didn't see as my brother
(For lack of better words) I'd **** that *******.
I see his pain too and I can't lead an attack
Although I've felt the pain of a stab in the back

I will not lie, I deserve this after-all
Let's hope this doesn't cause our feelings to fall
I do not know how my life will unfold
At the end of the day, it's you I'd like to hold

I speak like I'm in High school, dumb and full of love, high as bird
These feelings that you give me..... wait I just used the L word

Many nights have passed with her sleeping in my head
But when I wake up, I'm laying in your bed
You make her disappear, like no one else before
And you make me think twice before walking out the door.

Let's really be honest, we're not each other's type
But your smile makes me believe in all the hype
Please don't listen to things you may have heard
Just know that I..... Almost used the L word.
A poem back to you my dear.
Grace Grimsley Jun 2015
Never once could one begin
To comprehend
The mass of emotion and depth
That we are to swim
Yet we are trapped with no escape
Left to the fate of falling
Into a void in the timeline
Of an ever spinning whirlpool
The surface no longer in sight
Leaves the waves crashing over head
As our bodies struggle to cope with the fight
That is tearing us apart
We pray from the bottom of our hearts
That we can make it, one day
We will open our eyes and see the shore on the horizen
But that day seems far from our gaze
And as we are stunned and afraid
We fall further into the Ocean
thegirlwhowrites May 2015
your pain
wraps itself
around my heart,
a noose
surprisingly tight
for one
of letting go.

it whispers
against my ears
of tears overflowing,
what is bottled up

i empty
your words
into my palms,
allowing each memory
to filter through
my fingers,
every metaphor
to cut through,
each sick longing
to permeate.

i must admit
that i have no use
for your heartbreak,
for i have enough
of my own
to last me
through the night,
but i soak myself through
what is taken
from your heart
to find its way
through mine.

each poem
leaves a ****
i dare not
stare at
for too long.
it is enough
that i feel.
it would have been
too much
if i should see,
if i should revel
at what is
even before your eyes.

so tonight,
let me be blind
but feeling,
to every throbbing
you've nursed,
to every cry
you've muffled.
tonight, i mourn
with you
the loss
of a love
not worth having.

i weep with you,
not because
i, too, have experienced
your defeat,
but because i, too,
have loved you,
and like
everything else
that rots,
we, too,
shall find
our resurrection
in the decay.
one day soon,
we’ll find
our salvation
in surrender.

for k.c.
She makes puns
She laughs too hard at the wrong parts of jokes
She giggles in silence
Because of something that happened years ago
She remembers everything
Except the truth
Lies are her **** the thing on which she thrives
If her whole life is a lie then what isn't there for her to prove?
Everyday is a struggle she is destined to lose
She makes puns
She cries at night when she's supposed to be sleeping
She laughs so hard at herself
Because her disorders amuse her
She's fine but every time she thinks she's winning its the biggest lie
Mara W Kayh May 2015
It came gently,
Like a leaf
after a gust of wind
breaks it loose.

An ebb and flow
As step by step
it became crystal clear
this long awaited tryst
Would not take place.

Like a delicate leaf
gracefully spiralling
to its resting place,
I took defeat in stride.
head high,
my pride not arrogance,
but an appropriate
Ladylike shield.

You were perfect..gentle
and a man.
That is, after all, why
though dry to the touch
I hold a flame to you still.

You placed me gently
on the bed
where other casualties
of love and fantasy
turn to dust
through time's
compassionate touch.

Yet hope I harbor
in my hardened veins still..
gentle like a hummingbird's heart beat,
pathetic as a defeated gambler,
that this affair will revive itself.  
That the let down,
final for now,
Is not forever.

Until then I heave a restful sigh
And bid you well, secret love.
farewell fragile, unharnessed dream.

Please bear with me as I try to dribble this scenario out! I felt it was getting sappy in the end, so I ended it with some humor. This is one of those real life events... But of course laced with just a dash of fantasy so I don't give too much away :)
Bluedyedroses May 2015
There's destruction in the air..
Coming from my fingertips and landing on a blade
Only, the blade is a pill, and no it's not just one
10, 9, 8
Just sit and wait
7, 6, 5
**** I'm still alive
4, 3, 2
Guess I won't be making this one through
Over the lips and through the gums, look out stomach, here it comes!
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