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neth jones Mar 2019
Glorious wounding of the efficient decline
plugged into darkness
the catastrophic say ;

Cancel the cure
and let The Cancer mature
Rule only the Unruly
make Gangsters of us all

- ignite [tag signature]
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
Trojan Love

I’ve got the melancholy blues,
So keep your blue suede shoes,
For I don’t want to dance.

I’m in the mood of a tragic victim,
Going through a personal bereavement,
On the very last gasp of his awful life
And now is the time to kiss my forehead goodbye.

I hope and pray I have a better afterlife
And I hope it’s much shorter than my time on this Earth.
For a life time of Hell, I have endured.

I never did manage to find a cure,
To this black smoldering effigy I call my heart.
The solid stone prison, which keeps me trapped
And stops other people feeling this crap,
But stops me from feeling any happiness.

For my body is my temple and I worship at no altar,
For this temple is now in ruins and my faith has been shattered,
By this thing called love, which I have taken for granted,
For it is now a cryptic Aztec mystery which I cannot master.

And the barbed whip I crack,
Cannot tame this Trojan love,
That has crept into my heart and eaten away at my soul.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
haysia Mar 2019
"Someday, you'll look up to me
I'll be on the stage with my degree.
She promised her mother.

One day, her mother was crying
As she looked at her
But instead of medal,
it was rope, in her neck.
Depression has no face
Nik Bland Mar 2019
The symptoms, I can see
What’s hard’s to find the malady
There are problems arising
And the thought so paralyzing
I fit in perfectly
In the drawer of expired batteries
Can’t find a use, but I’m still working
Though I don’t mask well the hurting

There’s no mistaking me
A 6’2” catastrophe
Not the favorite, but I’m up there
Just don’t read my list of errs
I no longer apologize for myself
Though I’m not opposed to some help
These wings are malting, I don’t fly
But I aspire for the sky

Can you see me falling
Though on air seems like I’m walking
The open wounds masquerade as scars
I’m walking strongly, but not that far
Partial truth are still lies
Yet they’re sung lullabies
I’m trying to find truth in me
And am sometimes left out to bleed

The only apparent cure for this
Is to live my life and do my best
But life looks soft, but rubs on rough
And sometimes best is not enough
A prophet for thing in hindsight
A tympanum of unjust and unright
Crawling from the weight of memories
To hope and find the malady
Arisa Mar 2019
You're not depressed.
You're just ******* yourself.
Take a day off,
Drink more water,
Works for me every time.
Better yet take a vacation.
Go to Bali for shopping spree,
The beach and the sun will do you good.
Change your diet, you lack iron, obviously.
Replace the word 'Anxious' with 'Excited'
- It will make you feel wholesome.
Take some yoga classes,
Buy yourself a cute puppy,
They increase endorphin levels.
Ice cream is cheaper than therapy! Eat some of that too.
There is also another cure - Jesus. Jesus loves you.
Cheer up, honey!
It's all in your head!
Don't let it affect you!
You're not depressed!
This is all t e m p o r a r y .
I hate people who talk like this to me.
thesa Feb 2019
i drank you
as my cure

when maybe the whole time
you have been the poison
Ineffable Feb 2019
open up
first sip
its relaxing
i look out into
the dark night, it's cold
how did I get to this point again?
no, I don't care, i just take a loooong
sip, sip, sip, i like getting warmer it's
not as lonely. i recently read that drink
ing tea is a cure for loneliness because it
imitates human warmth, even though just
sip, siiip, for temporary time is'nt that just
pathetic? swallow, burn, warmth, rinse
siipp and repeat. cold air freezes, freesses
frees me! the bottle is my best friend and
sihps, now even my best friend is hollow
wat a shaym, sh amme, shame
ghalya Jan 2019
They tell me that one day someone will come into my life and make everything feel right again,
but how can they? I've always longed for things I can't have, people that don't return.
I have never felt the sublimity of anyone's presence like I did with yours, nevertheless, I pushed you away.
I always do this, when I finally find something good worth keeping, the fear of losing it makes me subconsciously push it away.
I let everything get the best of me, not realizing what I'm worth, I never keep what I deserve.
I am brimming with secrecy inside of me, your presence still lingers within me.
The truth was never meant to be seen, only touched and left for eternity to disintegrate.
Even if we were destined to be, I think it's only imaginary.
Sharon Talbot Jan 2019
What is our maker, why does it put us here to die
What is Life if it must end,
What of our sense of beauty,
Of mesmeric minster air?
Or the way light bends on a summer afternoon,
The way the mourning dove croons,
If it must be taken all away,
When some of us must go and some of us to stay?

What is the love we feel,
For one another—deep, fearsome and real?
Why put it there for us to overcome,
Since the tension of love is not for some.
Or why take it into our hearts,
Only to wrench and stab us as we part?

Especially those who love only a few?
They open themselves to one or two—
Pour every part of their being into one soul,
Ignoring those who can't make us whole,
If only to watch it drain, or disappear as they depart?
Taking with them all our mind and heart?

Why do we expect an explanation
Of this cruel phenomenon,
The findings, trials and accommodation
That we build our lives upon?

And yet, with hope, however weak,
Stanching up our wavering hearts,
We tell ourselves we’ve found what we seek,
Something deeper than knowledge or art,
Until we are torn apart.

No religion can explain it.
Psychology tries and fails to name it.
We are creatures of mist and desire,
Of logic and deliberation,
Whose desperate brains whisper “Find a cure!”
And we wait only to have experts demur.

But deep within our harrowed souls,
We know that, for only a few,
Does this equation work,
And for the rest of us, it pales.
We plummet toward the hangman’s ****
And yet thank him for his gruesome work.

For our few bittersweet tales of life,
And that relief we feel comes at last,
Though we’ve no reason to believe it so.
We merely seek an end to the heartrending past,
Even if it just marks us as life slows.
And watches us as we go.

Does anyone care what happens to the lonely,
Or especially the aggrieved?
I doubt they do; they care about only
Themselves, their desires and taking leave.
Then they swiftly exit, and discard us—the bereaved.

Sharon Talbot
August 11, 2015
Thoughts about impending death.
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