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Why does time fly?  
Why can’t it stay?  
I wished it would hurry,  
Now I beg it to wait.  

I counted the days,  
I longed for this flight,  
But now that it’s here,  
Something’s not right.  

I walk like I’m certain,  
Like I know where to go,  
Yet deep in my chest,  
I still don’t quite know.  

Did you feel this too?  
Were you just as afraid?  
Did you stand at the edge,  
Wishing time could delay?  

I take one more breath,  
And let go of the past,  
Time won’t stop for me
But I can make this moment last.
I don’t want tomorrow to come
Do your tears always win?

Yes, does everyone fall to their knees
The second you crack up to cry?
Do all those who hurt you
Come back around to apologize?
Do they tell you it feels like tearing out their hearts
To watch those tears,
Those liquids that can never be solidified,
Run down your cheeks?

Would they do anything to make you smile?
Because they don’t, not for me.
Nobody ever does.

They never realize how wrong they’ve been,
Never run back to me with apologies.
They never sincerely wish to see me stop hurting,
Never want to wipe my tears away.

They don’t, not for me.

I asked a friend why,
And she said it’s because I never look hurt.
I never show how deeply I feel.
Even when I speak up,
I don’t look like a victim.
I always seem so powerful, so comfortable with words and neglect,
They don’t know they’ve hurt me.

Can nobody acknowledge their mistakes?
Unless guilt-tripped?
Should they not know when they’ve wronged me?
Should they not feel an insatiable urge to make me smile?
But they don’t.

And it’s all because I don’t cry.
There are no tears for them to wipe,
No slumped shoulders or quivering lips.
So I have to cry, a river, I’d let it flow,
Because then, maybe, my tears would always win.
Who do you know who's tears always win?
Mina 6d
Pretty birds in a cage
Little birds in a rage
Red, yellow, green and blue
All bonded like a glue
They try, cry and weep
They fly and forget the creep
Young friends of Earth
Flightless friends from birth
Wish they were never born
Until they eat sweet corn
I don't remember the original poem but I tried to write something out of a stanza
Imran Ahmed Feb 21
By Imran Ahmed

They Were Bound By Fate Before They Knew Words

Two Silent Hearts Like Caged-Up Birds

Eyes Would Meet Yet Lips Stayed Still

Love Unspoken But Felt With Will

He A Dreamer Lost In Pages

She A Beauty Bright For Ages

He Built His World To Make Her Proud

She Was The Sun Behind His Cloud

But Seasons Changed Her Heart Grew Cold

She Left Behind The Dreams He Told

Bloomed In Beauty Sought The Stars

Left His Love With Unseen Scars

She Walked Away In Silk And Gold

Chose A Story Wealth Foretold

He Stayed Behind With Books Undone

A Love-Lost Shadow Facing None

In His Room Where Echoes Sighed

He Smiled By Day By Night He Cried

His Beard Grew Long His Eyes Grew Dim

The World Was Lost It Was Not Him

She Flew Across The Endless Seas

With Whispered Vows On Foreign Breeze

He Sat Alone In Love’s Old Chains

Drowning Deep In Silent Pains

And When She Came The Years Had Passed

But Love Had Held His First His Last

He Met Her Gaze Through Hollow Sight

A Shattered Soul A Fading Light

A Broken Smile A Whispered Breath

Then Love Collapsed Beneath His Death

She Screamed She Wept The Sky Turned Pale

A Final Cry A Love’s Lost Tale

Beside His Body Her Sorrow Laid

Her Hand In His Her Heartbeat Swayed.
J Wendell Coplin Dec 2024
Do I suffer?
Everything I do, I do wrong.
I can’t even get help.
I want to manifest my pain—
to bleed into your vision,
to force you to see me.

I hate that I’m an inconvenience.
I hate that I could be a problem.
I hate that I cause offense.
But please, please see me.

I need to be loud.
I need to be heard.
I need to be seen.
just see me.

I’m sorry to ruin your day.
I’m hurting too.
I hate myself.
I might do it.
I might finally show you.

My last laugh:
the silence shatters.
I will finally be remembered.
You can’t ignore this.
Adryta Feb 14
It was a beautiful evening,
A rare purple sky and empty-
And I was thinking of you.

I wish I didn't, but I did,
And I do, more often than I like.

I remember, I fell asleep,
And when I woke up again,
the evening I so loved was gone-
like you.
Everything is normal
so not much to sing or say.
No summer thunderstorm,
the snow was magical only for an hour.

Old men
aren’t removing women’s ******* with removable dentures.
A belly laugh now and then,
an empty belly’s holy.

With simple joy
mortals may forget to fear their deaths.
Simply put,
we do not survive. But what an adventure!

I heard an archangel cry
Don’t hurt the trees!
Also, save democracy.
Also, stop barking, believing in that higher power.

What’s Ken doing today?
Watching TED talk lectures,
planning next Spring’s garden.
It’s Death, not the Jewish king, in your rose garden.

As climates change
species escape predators
and predators chase down prey.
Choose sacrifice or blame.

I look at faces
and they look at mine, mute, animated spirits,
black wet rocks,
victims among flames.

I like my anonymity,
lost in my own city,
in the shade of a gazebo,
a mosquito’s acceptance of its position among a million mosquitoes.
My dad was never a dad, just a father,
Never resembling a father figure, just existing.

His voice is gruff and deep,
Every time I hear it, I can't help wondering,

"Why is he so detached?"
"Why does he keep his distance?"

I thought he was supposed to love me unconditionally,
To always be there for me,
To offer a shoulder to cry on in hard times,
But instead he abandoned me.
The silence echoes, deep and wide,
Where once your presence used to hide.
A shadow now, where love never lived,
A hollow place, no warmth to give.

In every room, your absence cries,
A thousand questions fill my mind.
Why did you leave? Why can't you stay?
I waited for you, but you’ve turned away.

Your absence leaves a mark so deep,
A longing that I cannot keep.
My father disowned me.
Ellery Jan 20
The sky is bone-white
and guilty-faced,
and some horrible cry is preparing itself
between my two lips–
I have become lamb from sheep,
   regressed again;
I cannot stop screaming,
I cannot graze the land
without knowing that I am becoming
someone I have already been.

The things that make me happy,
that used to,
all exist in some other place:
   where I came from,
where I’ll never be again,
where the creek water is always warm
and the lamb-scream
is so deep inside of me
I cannot reach it with my fist.

- Ellery Rose
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