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Bassam A Nov 2014
Don't get angry if a balloon
blows up in your face


you are the one who blew it till it popped
MST Sep 2014
I cannot get anything down.
I squeeze and suffocate,
choke the words out,
waterboarded with books,
until there is some water in this ******* drought.
Blame it for the lack of ingenuity,
for the life-long ambiguity,
how I cannot get my message out,
no matter how much I scream and shout.
The more I write the brighter I burn,
but like a fire I go out,
forgetting everything that I learn,
lost in the smoldering embers of doubt.
Tryst Sep 2014
One more **** fool woman,
One more reason why
One more broken useless man needs
One more glass of rye;

No more **** fool women,
No more reasons why;
No more “Plenty grains of sand”,
No more *“No more **** rye!”
First published 12th Sept 2014, 20:15 AEST.
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
The worst type of critic
Is the critic with in me.
I always judge my work
Even if it's written perfectly.

Just like other critics,
I cannot silence this one.
But it takes a toll on my work,
It takes out all the major fun.

I love to write,
I love to share my ideas.
But I think all my work is crud
Even if it's beloved by my peers.

This makes the delete button
Oh so popular.
The inner criticism is choking me
He's got his hands against my jugular.

But I love what I do,
And I'll fight to the death,
Even if my work does ****,
At least I tried my best.

I have to remember,
The best is what matters,
Practice makes perfect
I just have to continue climbing that ladder.

It'll be a tremendous feeling,
When I reach the top,
Because I'll know no critics
Even myself,
Made me stop what I love doing.

Christian Ek Jun 2014
Disappointment is thrown strongly at my direction.
Blame gathers in large quantities like a pest infestation.
"It's your fault" and words like "You always make mistakes" evoke anger.
Anger which I want to take out on myself and take out on others.
I can excel in my work of choice, I know I'm more than average.
The bad gets pointed out more and little praise is given for the good.
Stunned by unmoving words. I'm like a prisoner sentenced to jail, released and expected to do worse.
Destruction emerges from my enraged emotions, i wish your words could offer a solution.
I want to be an alchemist and turn things into gold.
It's ironic how I am a creator of words but cant create better words in my critics.
Conversations lead to arguments because i want to be heard.
I'm sick of revolving doors, sick of being slammed by your atrocious comments.
"You have no common sense" you say to me, maybe I just prefer to be in a daydream, my mind drifting away because life is too dull.
Realize that what you say has an effect and that effect can drive somebody or stop them in motion.
Mikaila Jun 2014
Paradise lost
I wonder sometimes
What sin really is
If it is
Or if it is simply the only way
To explain the unexplainable.
Our humanity courses through veins that sing questions
That bleed questions
That pound questions into our temples when we try to sleep at night

And eventually
We find our answers
Or we die.
But is sin?
Is it?
Or did somebody just need
A reason
For the cruelty
Of a lover?
Here is my
Here is my
Self medication
Is the apology I will never get
And so eventually
I apologize
So that somebody has:
Paradise lost
And somebody
Needs to be sorry
Those of us who love
Like we're at prayer
Those of us who lie with
Who reach up with our mortal fingers
And trace the features
Of sculpted, velvet faces
Those of us who covet
And who are thrown from
Ours is not to question their reasons.
They have no reasons.
Gods need none.
Humans need excuses, need why's and rationalizations
Do what they please
And they do not have reasons.
When you love a god
Your task is to survive her choices
Not question them.
I have learned-
Gods do not explain.
Gods do not listen.
Gods decide
And offer no justification.
Gods decide


And gods
Are never wrong.

I have learned
It is not for us
To challenge choices
That torture us with their suddenness.
It is not for us
To yearn for paradise
Just because we cannot understand
Why it is over.
It is not for us
To ask
Why did you leave?
Of a god who says
She never lies
Who says she loves you
And casts you out
As if the two can both
Be truths.
You can tear the universe to shreds
Trying to make sense of the truths they whisper
And shout.
The words they build you up
And demolish you with.
I could rip a hole
In all of reality
And still the love and hatred of
My own personal
Broken god
Would not fit into
One world.
You can drive yourself mad
Trying to divine the reasons
Of deities.
Having gained and lost paradise
So many times
I have finally learned that
The end game is this:
They are gods
Because we love them.
They are gods
Because we worship
They can do
Whatever they want.
There is no wrong
There is no right
There is only
And they
Make both
And they change both
With the direction of the wind.

If you love someone
In a sacred way
In a pure way
In a transcendent way
What it means is that
They own you
They control your reality
And you
Must live in whatever world
They decide you deserve.

And they will
And you will

It is not pretty.
It is not fair.
It leaves little room for pride
Is how it goes
When you love
A god.

And whether it seems wrong or right
The hard truth is
If you spend your life
Asking why...
*That life will not continue
For very much longer.
PrttyBrd May 2014
you may call it
but you're just an *******
LN May 2014
But who cares if the words you write
can't be properly articulated by others?

Your thoughts weren't meant to be recycled
and simplified through someone's criticism
Your work can't be measured that simply
if at all
because its worth is limitless
it will remain immortal
for if you die, your words will not wither away like you

They'll grow out of you like flowers
and the ink from your pen has its unique flow
circles and straight lines
scribbles and doodles
whatever path your thoughts lead you to
it's the right one
- dont let people define what you write-
Jonas Gonçalves May 2014
I don't know what to be near me
because I spent all my time,
trying to survive the social voracity.

Even with the ****** floor,
everyone continues walking.
The death of another man
is nothing compared
to the lack of time

Such is the pain
which we pretend to bear
so that they don't forget us.
Such is the happiness
which we pretend to have
so that they remember us.

… well, I shut up
in front of the beauty
of my lands…

I don't know how to be who I am,
because long time ago I was hipnotized
by the exterior of this world
– and such is its vivacity.

Although there's so much
to appreciate
I can't stop
thinking of us.

However much the sumptuous flowers
are things to dream about,
we should not forgive us
so naturally,
especially with
so many open wounds.
Jonas Gonçalves May 2014

Write parnassian verses under my skin,
because today I don't want something meaningful,
but detailed and rational.
I'll be impassible, but objective.

Nobody was never as memorable as you,
maybe for having been someone sincere.
So sincere that even I recall your poems:
loose phrases in old papers.

I feel like we've never met
when suddenly we began
to seek perfection of words.

I feel like we've been lost
inside a world
which doesn't value us.


Write symbolist verses under my skin,
because today I don't want something realist,
but dreamlike and mysterious.
I'll be suggestive, but subjetive.

Nobody was never as sentimental as you,
maybe for having been someone crazy.
So crazy that even I admire your lack of lucidity,
declaimed by sung verses.

I feel like we've never met
when suddenly we began
to reject our own reality.

I feel like we've been lost
inside a world
which doesn't satisfy us.


There's no perfection in those verses
just like there are no colors in that life.
And I feel like we've been lost
when, in fact, we've been free,
because we're freer
when we're alone.
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