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Cunning Linguist Apr 2015
Dissipate into oblivion
To become the nether
To lapse in consciousness

To enter the void
Flow to omniscience
Live without measure
To float through the meshwork

To drift through space-time
& Become the needle
To weave my percipience
& Teeter on the precipice

To transcend ascension
Ameliorate the ethereal
To glitch beyond boundaries
Defragment my surroundings

To eclipse the sun
In perpetual rapturing
Suspend reality
Be one with the everlasting
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
Out of the labyrinth of time
There is no sense of urgency
Ageless soul and silent traveler
Heart’s that’s young and generous
Not crumpled under the pressures
Encircled with the eternal feeling
Relationships do not wrinkle with time
Time is not the culprit anymore
No blemishes and succor required
It’s a woven fabric of trust
Not weakened by the ravages of time
Canopy of tranquility gives refuge
To the unleashed hearts
Dared to defy the boundaries of life
Ever fulfilling demeanor of soul
Look at life from a new perspective
Sarah Johnson Apr 2015
let's talk about lonely nights
and even lonelier mornings

what is there to love in the
sunrise when you can't see
that beauty reflected in
someone else's eyes?

there's only poetry in windy rooms
and without someone to share a quiet
cup of coffee with.

I want to float home,
high heels in hand,
arm in arm with you
and your hippy music I love
and your quiet ways, my lips on
your cheek
and your bare chest

(and my number there, above your heart,
scrawled in sharpie)

and us surrounded by bodies
and the pull of the music
deafening in the crowded basement
obscure lagers and a young ego
temporary tattoos courtesy
of the stoop crew

earlier, in the parking lot,
voices calling my name from the dark,
the sound rising over our heads and shoulders,
the feel of it in the hollow of my chest


I want to grasp the sleepy pines,
I want to hold the ease of your language

I see and hear and feel
so much
Where does it all go?
stream of consciousness, jack, questioning
Sarah Johnson Apr 2015
the bleak reality of life
is giving spark to a dream
and one day waking up
inside a coffeeshop
in the city you love
but have begun to question

(once the doubt sets in, it aches small and grows and grows)

the magical backdrop,
the music and hipsters,
bikelanes and teetering mountaintops

you can barely grasp the
feeling you once knew so well

breathless expectancy
towering opportunity
a fire in your chest

what was safe was safe in the
unknown and the opportunity

two pennies and a peach soda
coffeeshop dreams and tattoo guns
brokenhearted like a nagging hangnail

the best feeling in the world is
being recognized in a crowd and
pulled into familiar arms

and drunken monologues,
nihilism and Nietzsche

fridge beer - it's in the fridge
***** looks from passerby
purple sunglasses and
a sleeve of mountaintops

mid-afternoon rush and strange men
wearing sports shoes
empty words and another good

there's never enough time to write as life is happening

these are just words and words,
for writing's sake
he told me to write about it
but maybe I can't.
I tried to jump past it -
the messy dreams and the
stark emotion each morning

(I hate waking up to my emotions, spending most of the morning putting them back where they belong...)
stream of consciousness, a day in my life
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
An alien desire takes over
Never felt before
New awareness of existence
When I obliterate the visible
Fortify the mind from distractions
So many structures
Creating an ugly landscape
Obfuscating the horizon
Take control of the imagination
To expunge the unnecessary
Extravagant paraphernalia
Overt exhibition of the trivial
Making a jest of this rich life
Veer away from the mindless journey
Let the alien desire take over
None but you can salvage yourself
From the onslaught of false conformations
Nothing of this will last
Take refuge in the truth of nothingness
Be aware of new existence
In perfect ecstasy and coherence
With the harmonious waves of universe
KM Ramsey Apr 2015
will you still think of me
when the winter’s snow
like ****** needles sticking
and pricking me
slamming your smack
mainlining your masochism
melts to pastel pink mornings
and pregnant dewdrops
gravity propelling them
down flower petal water slides?
will my taste loiter on your lips
will the memory of my touch
my ghost fingers
still leave erupting goose-bumps
your hair standing on end
my unalloyed current
sparking into the night of kerosene.
will the fire bring me to mind?
my face engraved on your memory
like a holy icon
to which you run when the flames
rage as far as you can see
the orange haze of ******
and the hoard of children running
blistered skin
and their screams piercing
each wearing your face.
Cate Apr 2015
Part one:
I wake up. Everything's still kinda quiet. Except the highway. I've slept next to a high way since as long a I can remember. Has everyone? How far do you have to be to escape the endless trickle of passengers and their escorts tumbling down the great divide of one way or the other, compressing and condensing the magnitude and grandeur of the space between them? I like it that way. Always wondering who's face has crossed across your conscious space, that has drifted to the back of your brain. How alike are they to the innumerable faces you pass in the midst of all manner of journeys. Yours is as irrelevant to them as theirs is to you and yet for a split second, you both simultaneously glance over at the precise moment and you know, there's gotta be something more than this.
Part one of a series I'm doing on human connectivity to our environment and surroundings
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
I watch that flame
Flickering coyly
Yet so powerful
Radiance around
Wakes up the flame
Within me
Reflected outside
A silent bond
Flame sways
My eyes follow
It movements
Burns with passion
The air and silence
Adds to the ambiance
Here I sit alone
With the flame
That lights my path
George van Horn Apr 2015
You've lived a long life, burning through each day with a passion barely bridled by gravity
Expelling an otherworldly essence
Drawing me into your orbit, with a hug around my shoulders
Your hands planted firmly on my cheeks was an interstellar daydream
You put me between stars
Now you're fading
And no matter how many light-years away
I'll still feel your supernova
And that's okay
Your nebula will always shine
And your stardust will still burn bright as the eyes that bore witness to your life
Anna Levine Apr 2015
It's like I'm trapped in my head
So many thoughts running through
Happy, sad, deep, shallow
Who the **** knows

I'm going crazy
And no one understands
No one knows how I feel
Oh please get real
You're insignificant
You don't matter in the long run

Be extraordinary
But there's not point
You can be extraordinary and still have no
one understand at all

Nothing will fix you
No one can fix you
Deal with loneliness now
Because it's your perpetual state

Discover who you are
Don't go too far
Your thoughts will protect you
But they're the things that make me blue

Nothing makes sense
Everything will make sense
Someday they say
But if I wait for that day
And I hope and pray
Will the orchestra really start to play
The clear notes that can explain away
All of the problems that plague me today

I hate myself
Could I be more selfish
Could I be more of a hypocrite
Criticising others like taking a hit
Getting high off of bullying others
I sit here looking at my little brother
He thinks he knows all
Well so do I
I wonder what he thinks
As he watches me cry

Is life one fluid movement?
Or some sort of line graph
I do know that life is full of judgment
And to always try to laugh

I think it's moments like these
Where I don't know if I'm ecstatic or depressed
That my mind is truly at its best

My brain's a train
And my fingers run alongside
I'm trying to get these thoughts from in to the outside
But they go too fast
Now they're in the past
I can't think straight
I wish I could make them wait
Just some thoughts that I had, late at night.
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