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Timothy Ward Sep 2016
let's not
break up
let's not
break up
our warm
and tender
lest they
cool and turn
cold and brittle
and "experienced"
with every
broken try
let's not....
I know it sounds desperate but I didn't want my bf and myself to break up n make up. I gave him a clear choice and when I saw him hesitate I walked away. I don't regret it but it hurts to know he was too weak to express himself. I'm trying to move forward sans drama :)
Matthew Harlovic Aug 2016
i theorized the continuity
of my contemplation
as you picked your guitar
questioning all of creation.
you told me, "i hold no
obligation to anyone else.
if i break a promise, then
i will break it to myself."

© Matthew Harlovic
[in theory]
I took your ticket and
Pondered the number,
When might it be me?
Was a thought that I wondered
But now, as it seems, you want us to
Stay, not move on, just stay
As we are.

I thought I was playing a
Waiting game,
Anticipation of
Linked in a love to be

Dreams of white
Danced round my head
And although I'm still twirling
It seems the music has stopped
And the wait is no more

For there is no other room
No other next level,
The door locked
And you hold the key

I could cry
Drown in tears
Try to swim through the keyhole
But I thought you were my ticket
Thought you'd let me in

I can't fight in the waiting room,
Nor beg you to move through
For if you wanted me, if you wanted to
You'd have taken my ticket and said
"I do too..."
storm siren Aug 2016
I have broken parts of me
That I never want you to see.

But if I'm going to make a change,
I might as well let out the raw vulnerable parts of me,
And let you take your pick,
You can stay or you can walk.

And it's a ****** mess,
Quite literally,
The stories of these scars.
But smear away some blood,
And you can see something different.

And I'm scared of what you'll find,
If I tell you all my secrets and fears.
Because what if you leave,
And take those parts with you?

But the only way to trust someone
Is to trust them.
So here it is, here I am,
Here is all that I am.

Every broken vulnerable bit.
I don't have much
Skin left unmarked,
But if you'll take me as I am,
I can see myself
Half as well as you see me.

And I'm terrified
That you'll shine lights
On the darkest corners of my mind,
And run for the hills,
But the Bluebird I know
Is one of the bravest people
I've ever met.

Maybe I'm something atrocious,
Or maybe I'm just downtrodden,
But either way,
I'm scared but I'm as ready as I'll ever be,
Because I don't think anyone is ever really ready for anything.

I'll dig my fingers into my ribcage,
And split myself
To show you my heart and all it's scars,
And my soul and all the stains my sins have left upon it.

Close your eyes,
And don't open them until I tell you to.
Mood swings yeah!
existential ***
curious no longer
not surprised anymore
no word wasted
all composition
to the most nurturing
when it reverberates
echoes into
wandering into
the most complex
of gender
the most intense
experience was
trying to remember
the intensity;=elan%20gregory&qid;=1459178234&ref;_=sr_1_1&sr;=8-1
Exponential Nothing
whiteness is a free radical
no allegiance to organic intelligence
exerted by a force
a pressure
that made some of us humans
no loyalty to being a human
once and for all
our bodies do not know
what to do with it
like fake sugar
used to be real
used to be liquor
used to be steel
nuclear whiteness
exponential nothing
it did not take nature
into its equation
colonizing our cells
affecting our gene function
what is the cure?;=elan%20gregory&qid;=1459178234&ref;_=sr_1_1&sr;=8-1
Sarah Michelle Aug 2016
A crow dares to mourn his
loneliness after he failed to
commit to his ******

And the flamingo dares
to say to all her flamboyance,
"Your feathers may not shine

as luminous as my
own," while the magpies standby and
enjoy their lives too much.
Cierra Spina Jul 2016
Never concentrating on the act itself
Just flowing through the day to day
I don’t know if I actually focus on anything
I just go through the motions
I’ve gotten so good at not committing to anything
I won’t even commit to an action  
A thought
An idea to act on
How do you fix your biggest problem,
when your biggest problem is you?
Victoria Jul 2016
Open up and let me in

Open doors and open arms

Open concepts, because I want to make a home with you

Open-ings Begin-ings Start-ing

Open House, the first time I pretended you were mine

Open to you

Oh pen



to paper

and fingers to keys, I could never explain how my legs opened to you because you were already mine and we’d done this before, just not with each other.  Though we already knew that I was the last person you’d touch and you were the last person I’d touch.  After that day,

We closed our doors to the world
Sarah Michelle Jul 2016
Trouble has its own number.
This prank would be funnier
if you were by my side
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