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Pepper Smith Jun 2017
My wolves are at war,
Angry ******* beasts,
Mapping out their territory,
Tattooing stigmata on my flesh,
Haunting my moon,
My soul a ****** battleground,
Stripped bones,
Marrow ****** dry.

At the first speck of dawn,
I am their master,
Shackling my beasts,
To distant lands,
Decaying facades and dead spirits.
My wolves howl,
Feed me,
Break my chains,
Set me free.
Varsha Nehra May 2017
There is she, Sitting in her cage,
Looking at something, Far from her reach,
Many thoughts runs through her mind,
But only independence outsmart all,
Independence is important for her,
She recalls the time,
When she was independent,
When she flied high in sky,
When her songs were filled with joy,
When her life was not a life in cage,
Now all she does is sit here,
In this cage, dependent on the one,
Who has in-prisoned her,
For the sake of her beauty and songs,
But she's not happy anymore,
And so are her songs,
They are sad, just like her,
She is slowly losing her hope,
Of a bright and independent future,
Maybe she will die in this cage,
Without reaching for the sky,
But she will try with all her might,
To be free from this cage.
Debbie Brindley May 2017
For 15yrs we had a love
pure and true
Love so perfect
I feel bound to you
Like intertwining vines
of a wisteria
My heart shatters
a million times over
knowing you can never
be my forever

Soon the time will come
for you to leave this place
of chaos and confusion
Not knowing
what is real
what is delusion

We may meet again
In another time and place
Forever in my heart
You have a special space

With all that is happening
I'd  live this life
a thousand times

So I could have you once more
not only as my lover
but also as my friend
Saravanan Apr 2017
When my mind wants to stretch as high as the sky

and  my soul would move in as deep as an ocean,

When my voice needs to reverberate earth's every nook and corner;

and  my body longs for a space to breathe my life out,

Oh Mankind! Why did you imprison me?

into that clusters of tradition I didn't choose for,

into those chains of men I didn't opt for,

into the god-forbidden civilization I didn't ask for

and into the clutches of death I didn't seek for.

amidst domesticated minds is Me, the caged bird

waiting for the vault to open and the closet to collapse for I know,

Strangulated souls will be liberated by death! -

the death of narrow-mindedness!
Sarah Michelle Apr 2017
they treated her well
she tried not to complain
but she never could get
used to the cage
Branden Youngs Apr 2017
She was a bird locked in a cage, so she never knew how to fly.
The only sound she ever made, was a soft cry.
No wonder why she felt like she never belong,
she was such a beautiful bird, but without a song.
komal aggarwal Apr 2017
Let me fly high
Breaking all ******* by
Let them see
All my wisery
Defining the path
Alonging the sea
By passing all the misery !!
Ishani Behera Apr 2017
And it's not that
I can lay the blame
for my obsession at your door
For it was me
who draped your words
with added meaning
dangling the gossamer sheets
from the paltry phrases
that fell a little too carelessly
from your cursed mouth,
never guessing ,even once,
that they would wind up serving
as iron blinds
*for my caged soul
Alan S Bailey Apr 2017
Over and over,
this smooth sound is going through one
ear and the other, the settle sound
of the rushing of blood
flowing through my ever shedding,
ever alleviating body, by nature? NO.
Still accompanied by the "truth," my human
parts being made without molded clay,
all of them free now, a part of something many
find "naughty."
You can find similarities in the mountains,
in the various hills arches, like the back, the neck,
the lift of the full volume of your chest,
You reach for the toothbrush, the comb,
ashamed; your hair in tangles, of the teeth that decay,
though one time you shall see how the
chest is so filled with pain. Nevermind.
We all don't care about that pain until it happens that
eventual day. This human body made "without perfections,"
it continues to smell, to pleasure or suffer, to be hungry,
to find itself wrapped up in it's sole need for ***.
We must remember to be clean for inspections.
No exceptions, no matter what is being said.
It will keep clawing, keep scratching, until it finds it's
way out, once it escapes it's metal cage.
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