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adriana Jul 2018
Cabo San Lucas.
Gratefully dead.
You in my head.
you're about to catch that flight, said you wanna wait on me. told you i'd been up all night, but it's better not to wait on me.
Shofi Ahmed May 2018
I love you
there is no reason
no because, no why.
Because I love you.
Elizabeth Zenk Jul 2018
large letters on the page of words I've used.
it doesn't account for repetition.
it doesn't account for context
I'm a little peeved.
Upon (die) re rhea ding previous poem
     All In The Name Of "Progress" zen
a glaring, leering,
     and twittering left par wren
     dared to a right (i.e. bribe)
     corrective punctuation measure
     slyly slipping Special Ops symbol ")"
     for so many yen,

thus see slipped thru my excellent
     proof reading, when
lo and behold consternation,
     inconsideration, and perturbation
I thought to take a page
     from playbook of Sylvia Plath,
     and stick my head in the oven
but lo, a sardine recipe

     (though a bit fishy),
     could be found necessitating cauldron
     only available for purchase in Turin
thus donned with a shrouded cape,
     aye didst make whoosh,
     hence, went there and came back
     and frankly tubby earnest,
     thence began stir'n

a bubbling concoction brew
though duration for perfect consistency
     aye lacked any clue
thus, needed to contact
     Hannibal the cannibal
     asper what to do
in order (I explained)
     to sever livingsocial,

     and forever hang my head in shame
     cuz, accidentally omitting
     one right parenthesis too few
hence, esteemed flawless glory,
     (sans error free grammarian
     reputation pitched downward
     where careless evinced
     Kamikaze nosedive, where

     matter of fact gross humiliation
     instantaneously grew
and the only viable option
     forced me to hew
admitting to egregious, fatuous, abhorent
and readily confesses
     compunction viz, grievously
     blatant Anglo Saxon

     Horrifying transgression
involving backward curved "C" sin bent
a most execrable,
     incorrigible, and unforgivable
     literary faux pas incurring
     major cosmic event
stripped of title special
     Das Scribe double bubble "A" gent!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Upon complying never to err again
Matthew Scott Harris since
     accepted plea bargain
accepting sentence resting his chin
til indelible necklaced "U" lettered grin
forever visible to kith and kin.
Diana Garcia Jun 2018
If I had taken chances with all those advances we would of met under different circumstances.
But in the end where the river bends
Turns out we’re all friends

I’m sorry for being so sorry
For being weak
For watching
Too much Maury
I live in a fantasy land
I get sad
Cause my reality is ******
I want so much
Just to touch
The heart of
Of he who hasn’t
Had mine for lunch

It’s my fault
It always is
You would think by now
I would be used do this
I don’t want to ruin anything
I don’t want to get in the way of what the future could bring
I need to get out before my soul begins to cling

I’m sorry.
For being lonely
For falling, low key
I’m sorry
I’m weak
The love I receive
Is much too bleak
I’m sorry
I wish I was stronger
I should just leave
Over and yonder

My only worry is
The farther i go
My heart will grow
That much fonder

I try my best not too
All this uncertainty has me

I never felt so worried
Over an ending
Of a story
Only before ours could be read
It always already fuckind dead

Before I go
I just wanted
To let you know

I’m Sorry
If I could give away my ability to FEEL, that would be great
Lily Jun 2018
Because of you,
I’ve been at my lowest of lows,
My darkest places,
My 2 am’s with flowing tears.
Because of you,
I’ve been at my highest of highs,
My brightest places,
My 2 pm’s dancing in the rain, mocking my tears.
Because of you,
I’ve been on the edge of a cliff,
So high that there would be no going back;
Luring me to a terrible, rocky place.
Because of you,
I’ve flown off the cliff,
Soaring on the wings of an eagle,
Never to come down to that rocky place.
Because of you,
I’ve experienced the most terrible
Emotions I’ve ever experienced,
The most harmful, toxic, poisonous times.
Because of you,
I’ve experienced the best
Emotions I’ve ever experienced,
The most beautiful, wonderful, complex.
I guess what I’m trying to say is
Thank you.
Thank you for showing me the
Highs and lows,
The desperation and the freedom,
The horror and the joy.
I am what I am
Because of you.
Imran Islam Apr 2018
Give me your soft mind
Because you are so kind
Let me see your eyes
Because they are so nice.

I need an ocean full of love
Don’t be shy, is that all you have?
I look for a bright morning
Which ray is shining on your face.

Give me your happy smile
Let me follow your style
Give me your young heart
Let me enjoy your voice.

You impress me with your honesty
I want your love, not your beauty
Don’t let me wait, say something
I will be waiting till you say, 'Yes'!
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