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Ignatius Hosiana Jul 2015
The war was over but we were still battling
Fighting the doom darkness in our Souls
Like an Ancient steam ship hurtling
Towards the Bamuda or waterfalls

We had lost the best of our youth
Warring for something that wasn't
The world brought down her wrath
For a lot had changed and hadn't

Some had lost eyes, others vision
We fought to protect the reign
Without any solid reason
And our lives washed to the drain

We fought for what we believed
And healed or not some of us lived
pooki3pooki3 Jul 2015
What do you do
When you've fallen in love
What do you do
When it becomes a game of cat and mouse
What do you do
When it's not black and white

What do you do
When love is a daily fight

'Cause I've fallen again
Thought I could get over you
But instead I burrowed deeper
Now I'm under your spell

But what use is it all
The feelings I feel
When at night I'm still crying
And wondering how we got here

Here to the balance
About to be tipped
Trying to survive
Even though we're about to explode

I see it in your eyes
Because we're both resisting
Fighting because how could this possibly work
Yet our resolves are weak
As you cradle me to your chest

What do I do
When I've fallen in love
What do I do
When it becomes a game of cat and mouse

What do I do

When it's not black and white

What do I do

When love is a daily fight
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
My poem is a message, you may try to decipher it if you will
you may laugh at me, maybe cry, but I won't let you sit still
evoking emotions deep in your soul, and you need to know
feelings that define who you are, from your heart they flow

A message of truth and hope, to those feeling they live alone
as you read, you begin to think, you can no longer postpone
my words enter your heart, since that's from where they came
thoughts of truth meant to incite, because in them is no shame

Words from within, an absolute truth, is with what we do battle
trying to stir sleeping souls from their slumber, with a rattle
having considered the desired goals, they're as clear as is day
within reach to all, because acquiring the truth is not far away

The spiritual world can be seen, but not with the sight of your eyes
you must first find absolute truth, by submitting yourself to the wise
allowing yourself to perceive, truth resides above a human sphere
a plateau where holy letters and numbers, to Creation they adhere

The world was created for one purpose, to find completion via correction
where humanity will unite, exchanging hatred and jealously for affection
man was created in G-d's image, indifference to be replaced with concern
being able to honor men as we honor ourselves, humanity has yet to learn

Focused on our own needs, we've become cold to just what this life is about
it's not about what I can do for me and mine, or where to maximize my clout
life is about working on our ugly character traits, accepting a need to change
stop looking in that mirror, your vanity is what is truly the thing that is strange

The yesterdays in your life, gone forever and never to return, so try and accept
we down below were not created as angels, each of us with our distinct defect
yet hope exists while we are still alive, we must act now and examine our ways
choosing to follow that safe path of introspection, while we still have those days
My poem is a message, you may try to decipher it if you will
kenny Diamond Jul 2015
I miss the feeling
The head on my heart as we lay
Is my heart so torn
I feel like my heart needs be reborn
Can you fix me?
I miss the random texts
The kind words that stuck to my soul
A thought of hope, but always crushed with the past
A battle that seems that can't be won
i am just man with few words lost in todays world
Ignatius Hosiana Jul 2015
And I fight hard,fighting the battles all alone
It doesn't matter whether I lose but I have to win
So I fight with love and courage in my bone

I fight for brothers and sisters gone
Getting filth of guilt on my soul hitherto clean
And I fight hard,fighting the battles all alone

I ensure my foes regret why they were born
Slaying them with neither Calvary nor shoulder on which to lean
So I fight with love and courage in my bone

Its for my people's safety and for my own
I don't want to see them chained in slavery where I've been
And I fight hard,fighting the battles all alone

I want them to cross to safety and not drown in jeers and scorn
To blind their sight to the injustice and despair I've seen
So I fight with love and courage in my bone

I wont dare let my family groan and moan
I can't forgive myself if they are trapped between
And I fight hard,fighting the battles all alone
So I fight with love and courage in my bone
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
his frail form
offers a salted tribute
to the warriors lying
dead and dying on and under
his geta.  A thousand
clacking sounds rise up
into the stormy seas as
these tiny samurai know
defeat once
The Samurai Ghost *****, or heike crab, was used by Carl Sagan in Cosmos to illustrate evolution and survival of the fittest.  The battle of Dan-no-ura immortalized in the Tale of Heike was a pivotal moment in Japan’s history, which established the first military dictatorship and resulted in the death of a child emperor.
David Omodunmiju Jul 2015
Fiercely, this battle I’ve fought
Still this evil won’t stop in my thought
I’ve tried curbing it with some discipline
But my mind won’t just stay clean
A voice in me says “by strength shall no man prevail”
It’s blur! Lord please remove this veil
You must loose it
To get it fit
My mind? I asked
God, that’s a difficult task
It needs renewal with the Word
It would keep you connected, serving as a cord
Erasing every evil from its hidings
Filling your inside with living findings
Giving you an every-time check
So as not to head for a wreck
Consciously dethrone every idol on your inside
Placing your motives aside
Leave your ‘direction’ to Me, like a sheep
And your winning will sure define cheap
I’ve given you a mantle
And at its instance you win the battle
A longtime ago I got you the victory
You’ll be assured by going through the history.

                                                                                                        - David Omodunmiju.
The originality manufactured naturally,
strength gained without any body building,
hard work born with no need to learn it.
Rising and falling known from first sight.
Being a refugee has now become a norhm.
Watching the sun set on empty  stomaches like some soup opera.
Poverty unplanned has been
jotted in the caleneders.

Always ready to take to the heels like some marathon race fleeing from wars.
Carrying a spiritaul shield to protect their lives because not even  any asurance can cover their deaths.
So many cries nobody knows if they are of joy or sorrow,
but i know that most of them project a message of pain.

Learning to be a doctor with no degree only because their societies need to be saved.
Little boys carry heavy battle machinery and are forced into war without any military trianing.

Poor Africa you are projected as helpless,
but nothing is so rich as your soils and every other thing that crawls on you,
the preys and its preditors so firece and cunning clever than those  pets that trained at some fancy school.
Your landscapes so unique they all are amazing to glare at.
Nothing makes you Africa so beautiful
than the golden rays from the sun departing to its sleep.
Giving everyone that chance to grasp a smile.

Africa is rich not because of money, but beacause of the natural resources extracted from it.
Something i thought of writting with no intention, I hope it makes sense
Soiled in fear, brandishing courage
They march on
To the cry of left-right-left
A far cry from the rhythm of nature,
Like horses wearing blinkers,
The uniform not quite merging
With the throbbing green-brown landscape,
I wonder, if they ever wonder,
If they’re chasing their enemy,
Or plotting an escape?
Do they know,
Whom they’re trying to hide from?
The men on the other side, or nature herself,
Committing an unnatural act as they were?
Is this a twisted version of
Survival of the fittest at play?
The soldiers retreat into the jungle
A flying bird on its way back to its nest,
Eclipses the setting sun for a split second,
They mistake it for a military plane,
Take aim and witness the giant shadow
Shrink to a fluttering blob of life
Writhe and then lie still,
As it landed on the ground,
The sun sets in this unnatural setting of
Survival of the fittest.
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