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Angel Nettles Sep 2014
Love is a battle, a battle for each other's attention
Ekuu Sep 2014
Taking control of life
that is meant to be mine
a life full of happiness and joy
but caught in the middle of a raging war.
Years of fighting has taken its toll
as I sit and watch my life
fight with every tool and nail,
a glimmer of hope surfaces
a little bundle of joy
kicking and screaming
ready to take its place.

For too many years,
I watched as life tossed me
here and there,
up and down.
It is all a game,
I told myself
one minute I would seem to be a winner,
and the next finish as the runner-up.

But a life without a reason
now has a meaning
a battle without a plan
now has a purpose,
to live and fight another day.
Juliet Escobar Sep 2014
"I've been told that to fix the problem, you must first find its root... But you can't fix something that's not broken. I am not broken, just slightly damaged. My mind is like a thousand year old oak tree, and my facade as fragile as porcelain. My emotions act as a wrecking ball and when the night hits I'm nothing but a decaying mask. I fear pain, so I don't welcome love. I turn it away; a ruthless rejection, and send it back to where it came from. It haunts me, and in the night my own demons become insomnia. To fix the problem, I must first find its root." 
Or perhaps I mustn't focus on finding the root, I think the real issue might be that I am conscious that there are monsters in my head and my insomnia is result to the ongoing battle I have with myself and those monsters. Weather to love them or hate them, I do not know.  They save me and protect me, yet they seclude me from the rush of risk and beauty of bewilderment. When I lay in my bed my body feels great fatigue but my mind and my eyes are wide awake; ready to run circles around the world if they could. I no longer think that the solution would be to find a root or a specific turning point, but to end the battle of contradiction with the monsters that have taken over my thoughts and stolen my sleep. So do I love them because they protect me and have made me a smarter person? Or Do I hate them because they are the bricks that make up the walls I have built and they are the guards holding the riffles at the top of the walls shooting every single beautiful daring soul in their attempt to reach the real me? I will hate them. Yes the souls that have hurt me right after gaining my trust are the reason to my hurt and the nutrition to the growth of my monsters, but the very own monsters themselves are the ones responsible for my inability to recover from the inevitable hurt. They have Inprisoned me in this constant dark and uttermost thick desolation. It is because of how overpowered I am by them that I fail every single time in my attempt to breath. They are suffocating me and burying me in a state so dark I fear the incapacity to  get myself out. It is a journey of endless work, the wounds i have will eventually heal, but there will always be scars. It's like an addiction, even after being clean and sober the want of the drug will always be as great as it was the first time. So the fragility of my scars is so great it is completely capable to revert me back into the dark whole if i get hurt or scared again. i need to realize and accept that these things are inevitable and not close myself but open myself even more for the next person. The final solution will be to accept that the mosters?they are their, acknowledge them, deal with them, and never let them take over and do what they want with me. Then and only then will I be able to sleep.
liz Sep 2014
These thoughts will forever be
A silent battle within my mind.
But I shall never let these words
Shoot fire from my lips
To create a war with your oblivious heart.
Megan Jane Sep 2014
And we're stuck four years in these concrete walls
No windows, no relief, no sanity
And we're told our best is good enough
But bad grades and dried tears prove otherwise
We're flowers
Placed in the dark and expected to grow
And some do
But some don't
Most are desperate to prove that they have grown
Desperate to show their unique colors
But they forget
That we're stuck inside these dark trap walls.
We can survive though
By learning to adapt to fluorescent lighting and arthritic hands
By sleeping in the class that kept you up until 2 A.M.
These four years go
And they go quickly
So take advantage of the time that's left
Open your mind
Find relief
Find sanity
Conquer the battle of high school
So that when you think back on it you smile
Grades won't mean anything in 10 years
And we won't remember how late we stayed up last night
High school may have brought out the ugliest in all of us
But what we remember is the greatness it instilled.
Jay Ash Aug 2014
a knight in shining armour
to win a girls heart

a knight in shining armour
to gleam in the sun

a knight in shining armour
is a man who has never seen battle

my armour is not shining
but dented and damaged

i am not a knight in shining armour
the shine is long gone
only a crust of dried blood remains

i am not a knight in shining armour
once maybe, but no more

for i have seen too many battles
and will see too many more

yet as She views Her suitors
She has already chosen Her champion
long before the fight-

there he is boldly:
a knight in shining armour
Spencer Thomas Aug 2014
twenty-two years

I should be mad as hell
I should be opening another door
I should have seen more of the world
I should have made my name known
I should take on the world
I should make a change

It is a daily battle between young and grown

I shouldn't be so naive
I should leave the world alone
I won't try to my name known
I have seen the borders of my world
I will let the door stay shut
I am content

twenty-two more
A friend of mine and I talked about how we should be at the peak of our lives at our age, and we feel like we're still not there. This is the battle in the mind of someone my age.
The smoke is clouding my vision of you
          You're starting to become less clear
              I feel you fading away
       You're voice I can no longer hear
A nightmare I can't wake up from
        Endlessly chased by demons
                It's Scary
       You used to rescue me
Now I'm drowning in the deep sea
        And there's no one here for me
                  Someone Save Me
       I lay here kicking and screaming
Wake me up from this dream
        I want to come back to reality
              There's gotta be more than this
      This nightmare, this dream
Where you're no longer here to help me
      Just make it all go away
              End My Suffering
      Right now, today, in this place
I'm dying, it's happening
         This is my fall from Grace
               *Someone Save Me
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