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Kerli Tulva Aug 2014
You live in a fascination
You live in an imagination
You live in a perfect world
In your head.

You escape from cruelty
You escape from reality
You escape from unwanted
In your head.

There is a battle
There is a war
There is fighting
In your head.

Just like in reality
But in this case
The battle is with
Your thoughts
Your emotions
Your feelings.

If you cannot win the battle
In your head.
You cannot win the battle
In reality.
Dear Hello Poetry Poet,

Is what you say
It's what you do
Everything I hear
In every "I. Love. You."


You want her, You love her.
I want you, I love you.
You don't want me, You don't love me.
She only needs you, She doesn't love you.

You feel about her, The way I feel about you.
I feel your pain, I feel what you do.

The point of all this?

I show you sympathy and mercy.
Unlike you do for me.

So much hypocrisy
But it doesn't matter to me.

Cause as much as you say you love her, I love you that much more.
And as much as you say you'd do for her,  I'd do for you that much more.

Tonight as you lay by my side, thinking about her while you're holding me tight and you find this letter here on Hello Poetry, I hope this may help you to understand,  that although I think you're an amazing man, you're hurting me like she's hurting you.

There's nothing left to say or do...
This hypocrisy is killing me and it's certainly not helping you...  

Just never forget about The Girl Who Loved You. ❤
The man I love is a poet on here,  his identity I shall keep hidden.  
Please don't hate him for what he's doing to me,  for just like you and me, he can't help who he loves.
You see...  
This is a big world and I'd like to say that I've found my "ONE"
But there's too many others out there to say that my search is done.
So for this "ONE", eventually and soon I'll have to give up the dream.
As to what else is out there? That remains to be seen...
Aubrey Aug 2014
I get it.
Your heart is ripped out and it's me that took it... forced you to take me back against better judgement. I trapped you here with me for years.
And now, I've torn it from your chest and laid it to rest under my heel.
**** your broken heart and your empty sobs and your selfish pleas for me to take you back.  
"You never loved me from the beginning!"
                                        was love you.
You had a chance to make it right.
You had the choice. You chose to lie
and steal and have no respect for our lives...
and then, as if that was not enough for me to see through your sad eyes and sweet smile...
then you said you would take my life
out of fear and guilt and pain and desperation...
**** your pain and your incessant need for gratification and validation...
"I just love my wife and kids."
LOVE is not a word you throw around to make you look the part.
You are no husband and father.
You are no man.
Entitled like an adolescent and selfish like a child,
you would rather tear these kids from my arms and send them to the abyss called OKDHS than call ONE time to speak to them.
Believe me...
my veins pump bile strong enough to blot out your face
my heart is full of unbridled hate
when I heard what you did today....
the piece of my heart that was for the father of my child died.
That will never heal.
That part is gone.
You haven't broke my heart, you gave it the most beautiful battle scar.
Believe me...
if I see your face
after all of this is done
if I have any chance
just ******* one...
I know you believe me.
I'm no liar.
Believe me...
I have thrown myself into the fire.
Candy Noire Aug 2014
Darts formed in the mouth
Fire through the heart like bullets
And you know you're in the wrong
But your blood boils and at boiling point
You lose all sense of morality and justness
And eye up your opponent
Trying to weigh up your options
Oh where did I go wrong?
Are we fighting to make up the passion we used to share?
Oh lay me bare on the battlefield
Spill your guts, put down your weapons
And as we come to an end of fighting
Hold our hands up and surrender
We notice that no one can remember
Why we started in the first place
And we fall next to each other
Waiting for the next round
Waiting to see who the champion will be...
Michael Amery Aug 2014
Two hearts were never closer when separated,
Nor more apart when near.

We do not stress the important stuff
Rather we raise the ****** flag of war over the inconsequential,
And trample our soft field of love beneath the heavy trod of harsh spoken words stomping over the ripe carcasses of anger.

Where do we go from here?
Do we turn back time and bite our tongues never uttering the words that have bound us one to another,
Or do we plod onwards trusting that joy, loyalty and our oft proclaimed love will win through our clouded emotions to arrive at those poppy fields where this war becomes just another memory?
Spencer Dennison Aug 2014
When the very ground beneath me cracks
and my brittle sword lies broken
then I will ask that no quarter be drawn
andwhen the victor next sees the dawn,
no words of regret are spoken.

When I approach the pearly gates
treading upon the clouds above,
I will not weep for you nor I,
for I know the code we both live by
and the cruel gods that we both love.

When the victor has met his demise
and meets his victim in the next world,
let us let the past be the past
and not allow our anger to last
for you cannot shake hands when your fist is curled.
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