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While walking through a warm afternoon
that suddenly turned from bright to dim,
with blazing clouds that began to loom
and shadows grew deeper and light was thin:

My way ahead was unexpectedly barred
by an iron gate, its lock snapped shut.
It’s topped by spikes well made to ward
off hurdlers, sharpened, made to deeply cut.

Past the gatehouse, a tunnel, a fallen shelter
from the rapidly coming hard rainfall
that once was sung about by a jester
in time with a tambourine, as I recall.

It leads to a light that’s still ablaze
where sunbeams’ sheen still sparkles bright,
beckoning us all to pass this gate
that looks at first glance a menacing might.

To stay before this wrought iron fence,
its spikes tipped with red poison that drips
into the soil that’s in cracked distress?
I won’t just wait here in the dawning eclipse.

No lock is unpickable, no wall too high
for those with the will to reach new skies.
Inspired by this photo I took of a locked gate and tunnel in Park Sanssouci:

(Yes, there’s a Dylan reference in there)
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
Step by step. O Woman, the Guardian Angel of my heart
I would follow you to the road of happiness
I would make enormous sacrifices to join your path
I implore you to have absolutely no doubt
I’ll find you because I love you so much, I love you
I won't care about all varieties of problems
Remember the beautiful song by Alain Barrière
I will cross borders and break down barriers
To exhume you, cherish you and love you more
As was done throughout the ages
Until you come back to me, until you ultimately come back
You and I will never, never have peace
Step by step, bit by bit, little or big step
You and I will be together under a new roof.

Despite the tides, winds and hurricanes: I love you
And I shall neither scream and nor shout that I love you.

Woman, woman of my heart, if you did not come back
Step by step, I would search the encyclopedias of secrets
To find the door to your heart and the key to your soul
I will bravely cross all borders. O Woman!
Woman of my being, I am ready to be criticized
Castigated, censored, cannonaded, even crucified and nailed
As was done throughout the ages
To resurrect love and love you more
I exhort you to nourish no, no doubt
Since you will be alone on my path, on my road.
Until you come back to me, until you ultimately come back
You and I will never, never have peace
Step by step, bit by bit, small or giant step
You and I shall carry the same cross together.

Despite rain, wind and thunder: I love you
And I shall chuckle, laugh, and smile because I love you.

P.S. Tribute to Alain Bellec (Barrière), a great singer and poet.
Translation of my poem‘ Si tu ne me revenais’.

Copyright © December 2004, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
Like house siding I stack the facade till a barrier grows
It adds curb appeal and social value I suppose
But for me it's a false face to hide the lows
Getting me through this reality that blows
A life time of running into doors with a sign reading "sorry we're closed"
Hanging next to the mandatory posted notice of demolition proposed

f Jan 2022
warriors did not build
there barriers to be broken
made with a brave stone  
no push could penetrate

were an army of 86
to pull its length,
its fall would cause eruptions.
the land would be calm
never to experience destruction

where did they come from?
why do they build blocks?
how does an army dare
to divide the great wall?
my walls are my study block. i cant get myself to study for anything and I have my exams coming up. nice poem I got out of it.
Man Apr 2021
i am on a disk
and the pale, blue dot
is paler than ever before
above me
is more blue
a simulated sky
and a basin we've come to call
our shores

untethered and undeterred

there's a tree in my yard
whose roots reach
the barriers of our world
they long to touch
that void
that would see the waves
we tide
frozen still
Melody Mann Mar 2021
A stranger amid a room of familiars stumbles upon her in the path,
She resonates with life on a continuum,
As he beats freely to a vibration he strums,
Acquainted by unprecedented occurrences they muddle among the mix,
Gaining comfort and solace in the energy exchanged.

A union of continuous vibrations orchestrate their story unfolding,
Painting glories and wonders defying logic and time,
In colors unseen and promises refined,
All to abruptly halt steadfast and still,
This departure creates distance and barriers afoul,
Sentenced as strangers staggering aside to tread their own courses, Echoing of an ache still.
Pax Dec 2020
I ask the people of the world
Why must we keep boxes of
each race, barricades in each
Borders, separate lives of each
Cultures, as our truth varries in
    each mirrored choices, then we
Carry the havy consequences,
The burden of these shackled
Past - we ponder to wonder
These nightmarish Regrets
So in the end, the answer is
Subjective, rules and walls
Are there for a reasonable
It maybe
good or bad
Light or dark
Day or night
An infinite battle
Running in circles
         to maintain
chaos and order
in one box.
we the inhabitants of the world
Conquerors to our own selfish deeds
Our Survival depends
to the equally cruel
jungle and our own fellow.
Rollercoaster Dec 2020
I look at your fences
and your flimsy nests.
The wind comes in and breaks them.
You rebuild, the bear comes in and breaks them.
Yet you still rebuild.
Why do you do that when you know it's pointless?
LeV3e Sep 2020
I have something to show you
A piece of perspective
You, otherwise, would never know
See, through my eyes it went but
From yours it goes and
Words can only get us so far so
We just make more up as we go
I've never felt quite like this before
How would you put it? Um
When understanding looks like a chasm so vast that
Alexandria could be cast down to the firey pits of Mankinds worst shortcomings...
The sad fact is that
We can imagine anything except what it's like to walk in the skin of another.
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