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Low-born, lowly,
lumbered, plebian
mushrooms, steal and
take, their final gasp.
 Before, a fastly approaching,
 Babylonian Avalanche. Where, lined up, thinly, ivoried-blue, are petulant
       pigs. That, usually; sniff out, lick, arr-
             est and lock up; black, brown and
               white truffles. The unguilty

              are apprehended. For false,
             treasonous reasons. So, who
            can blame the fungis, for wanting
       to seize, the cult of vulturous swines?
     By; the scruff of the system, and br-
   eak their snouts, until, their peccaried
      feathers are ruffled? The champignon,
     were; hewed and chewed, aplenty. By;

    hoggish, gnarled teeth, curled trotters
    and lavish appetites. But, those that  
   fell, to the Babylonian Avalanche, will,
  eventually, become a Mushroom Cloud.
 They'll float over, the 50, fuzzy, boarish
 corpses, to stellar, toadstool plateaus. When, their; final, pixie dust; they bite.

© poormansdreams
A poem about the police and mushrooms.
Ylzm Nov 2024
Son of Dragon, born of Woman
Free to roam, in kings' ears whispering
Mighty kingdoms thus rose, and fell
But Son of Man, exiled and chained

In wisdom Dragon saw his end
His arm in might deceived to save
Corrupted the seed to remain
One King over all men on earth

Thus all flesh drowned yet his seed lives
For seed to father not of flesh
And Dragon in Abyss' depths bound
Awaits the End for Man's judgement

Son of Dragon, wise as father
Knowing Man as he knows himself
His kingdom from his kingdom rose
From ashes yet again to ashes

His eighth and last kingdom now reigns
Over all earth but least glorious
A constant decline from the first
This last an unseen mired wreck

Son of Dragon wise but not wise
As creature imperfect and flawed
All men bow but his kingdom falls
Against He who binds his father

Son of Man, weak but he's to rule
From dungeon's depths raised above kings
For his Father's sceptre he holds
And upon the dragon he rides

When kingdom by Man ruled as right
Gold's free and peace its currency
Without wars nor bribes kings subdued
A glimpse of that ordained to be

Son of Dragon schemes as End nears
Tempts Man he's now King of all earth
And stars bow and all heavens too
And Sons as brothers reign in Peace

The Dragon's Year, this year has come
Son of Man hears Son of Dragon
Peace tempts, and brothers sit to rule
And Mother's name is Babylon
Bekah Halle Feb 2024
Connectivity drives us, compels us forward,
Technology, used unwisely, is the dark king of this age; that proclaims hope in wires connected underground and
Invisible signals shoot through the air, trying to share signs that we care, but
Ultimately, it severs us from reality and each other over there: digital Babylon.
Heads down, thoughts inward,
We don’t see the lost on the street,
We don’t see the lady lying in pain, covered in shame, trying to re-cover herself and start over again,
But, effortlessly, we switch off from that kid searching our eyes that he matters,
When we keep looking at ourselves, our next selfie: selfie addicts!
If we don’t post our newest vain attempt to connect, we turn to other drugs to numb the pain,
That our brain is craving to solve;
The receptivity issue.
So we need to switch off to switch on again to our indelible source of
Connection with real life within and with others out,
Who says spirituality doesn’t matter: it’s not for this day and age,
It divides and fuels us with rage,
But it does!
It is,
And it is to come.
Connection to the forever dimension, the reason for the ascension to
Reconnect us back to the truth again.
I am going on a digital fast for the next 40 days in the lead up to Easter, so I reflected on the poems I have written and saw this one. I had forgotten about it, and in re-reading it I feel the charge of emotion as if I was there in that moment again. Wow. May new revelation arise over the next 40 days.
Shofi Ahmed Jun 2021
The Babylonian hanging gardens is vanished
                            maybe the fairies tucked it away.
Lo the clouds swim on your dry leaves, rainfalls
                                                        hum on the way!
Amy Perry Jan 2021
Under the Babylonian sea
Lives a place hid from you and me
And in this place, broken in two in the sand,
Known as a fault line cursing the land,
Is the place where we return again.

You and me, citizens of the earth - we’re people from the center of
The earth
And we search out to the stars
To try and find our birth.
All while the truth lies under our feet.
But don’t ask me.
This is the mystery you see.
The mystery of me.

Not to make the story all revolve around me,
But I lived for lifetimes as nature’s pulse,
A most high pixie maintaining the roses,
All the little vines and terraces,
And I was whimsical and wise
And greatly cherished.
I lived to be about a thousand years,
And died of self-sacrifice
In 2005.
As our planet grew more and more technical,
Avoiding the organic, skeptical,
It was for a simple reason:
The present goes in two directions.
The present goes forward and
The present goes backward.
And somewhere in between
We have our fate,
Our choices.
Free will drives this place.
Don’t think too much of gravity
Or relativity.
Free will is the ingredient in this Universe
Holding it all together.

So the extraterrestrials that guard this planet,
They guard like a gourd
Rotting on a hot Saturday.
They guard like a hound
Pitched on a chain
To its little box of a house.
They guard like an abusive stepfather.
Like they are the way.
And I know them.
They killed all the mermaids,
When I reigned as Queen.
That is for another tale,
Or tail?
I forget what sort of humor is
Current at this age,
But puns are a sign of great wit,
So with them, I’ll spit.

I reigned as Queen of the Mermaid people and indeed all of the people. I reigned when there were humanoids
Similar to you, but stouter.
It was before your race mated with
My race.
We raced
Towards death.
You captured my people with the utmost brutality.
I see it done to my cousins,
The porpoises and whales,
And it hurts me
To see it happen again.
You stab these creatures in their blowholes,
Just like you stabbed my sisters
And eventually, me,
In our wombs.
The pregnant ones howled the loudest.
You brutally desecrated my people.
You did it again on the land
To the people we were most connected to,
The original tribes of North America.
And not that it’s you, people of the land.
I am one of you.
That will not change in this lifetime.
As Earth Mother for a thousand years
I obtained the Earthly information,
The muscle memory
Of the plants.

We call it a planet
And terra,
Like Mother Earth is a plant.
We see her as affectionate
And beautiful,
But some has seen her wrath.
She shakes,
She fears the madness
That lives on her skin,
And burrows into her,
Deeper and deeper,
Searching for her heart.
But I, as Queen fairy,
Took the honor
Of self-sacrifice
And took her heart
And hid it
In an average baby girl.
Will she realize her goddess heritage?
Wiped her mind and by-passed the sacred
Earth Mother heart.

Baby girl grows up in Babylon.
The chances of her
Freeing her Beast
Are as low as it goes.
Half of the pixies wept
Half of the pixies cheered.
Then they chose sides
And the positions, they veered.
Wide awake, I don't dream
Feels like I'm dying here
I just wanna scream

To the end, I march on
Singing along with the illuminated ones
They drain blood and we move on
Forget about the crying, we're keeping secrets
Just another day surviving in Babylon

We've done it now, we're so utterly ******
Can't stop love
Can't stop those corrupt
Just take a bow, play ignorant
We're already ******
So do what you can, make amends
And get ready for your punishment

The end is nigh
and we're all going to die
Don't even try stopping it
Or you'll surely regret it.
Dylan McFadden May 2020
Behold the Man who goes to see
The New Creation then set free
The place no sins or sorrows grow
The Promised Land to come aglow

Oh flee the gates of Babylon!
The ***** who feeds on her own spawn...
May Zion be your heav’nly home
The City where true lovers roam

One ambition, one direction
A new dawn
While in front of me stands Babylon
There it stands
Ripe with perfection.
The place of sin, filled with corruption
The true place
For salvation.
I think I lost myself
I've been searching but I have no sense of self
I'm lost, I'm somewhere else
Somewhere far, far away
I'm trying my best to go on
But it's hard to see when you're in Babylon
Is that where I'm at? I'm losing my mind
and I need to be exercised

I reach out to feel for anyone, anyone there?
I've been victimized and there's no hope for me here
I try to push through and speak with god
but I hear no reply, my prayers are being ignored
Why have you done this to me oh dear lord?
is it because of the things I've been, the things I've seen?
I've spoken in tongues and for that, I die young

My identity, my purpose, my demons
I close my eyes to listen, I hear it
it's beautiful and it's nothing
But silence.
Created by me on January 12th, 2020
Max Neumann Dec 2019
concrete, metal, steel and glass
lustrous phalluses
lighting up the dark
no stars

with an iron fist
the rulers of the world
reign the world
out of the towers of babylon 8.

who are these people?
what are they doing all day and all night long?
what are we being told?

beneath the towers: a vast red light district
populated by desperate, greedy, machiavellian creatures:
driven by addiction

drugs are sold in the street 24/7
since the councilmen of babylon 8 established a drug policy
that is called "babylon's way".

it has been administered for three decades and ensures that slingers and dealers are given a set place to do what they are used to do.

in order to calm worried citizens, the police raid a stash house every couple of weeks while dealers are waiting across the street to go on as soon as the cops will be leaving.

the rulers of the world are addicted to themselves; many are using.

the slingers are faithful to any kind of mind-altering substance; many are dying right now.

close to you and close to me
while these words are written down and by the time they will be read.

people die daily because they do drugs.

most die due to abuse
some because of regular use
and even a few
trying it the first time.

what do YOU think ––
can anybody hear the addicts' last breaths inside the towers?

how do the rulers of the world perceive the world?
what's going on in babylon 8?

besides: babylon 8 is not an imaginary city.

it's real name is
frankfurt am main
located in
(a.k.a. "bankfurt" a.k.a. "krankfurt")

globally known for
its fair
its stock exchange ––
and a skyline
of bank towers
"Krank" means "sick" and "ill" in German.

The slang term "Krankfurt" describes an alienated place where barely everything is possible, regardless of the German law system.

And where illegal activity
takes place in all social environments.

The city's drug policy is called "Frankfurter Weg".
(Frankfurt's Way.)

According to several statistics, the drug trade within the red light district draws a profit of $ 1.1 million. Each day of the year.
Addiction and greed never sleep.

At the same time, Frankfurt offers a variety of museums, theaters and an opera house;
many of them being internationally popular.

The Main river and his shores are lovely; on Sundays, many people go there for a walk.

It is never about a place.
It's about the way of your life.

Today is a good day.

Babylon 8 is a composition of different poems. Read the first part:
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