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Neon Beaches May 2018
My little astroman
You float through the empty
A tiny white
Against a giant blue,
A beautiful diamond in an infinite black
It is free
It is alive
It is wonderful
It is Earth


My little astroman,
Utterly alone
With no one by your side
Sit and watch
As the world

In an instant
With blinding brilliance
A once Beautiful diamond
Has become grey coal
For this gem is marked with fury and fire

The world blazes,
it’s charred throat too burnt to scream
It’s eyes to seared too see

My little astroman
You know you will never go back
Never see the red
Nor feel the green
Never hear the birds
Nor taste the air reach out...

My little astroman
no longer do you have a home
My little astroman,
Now, do you float alone
Pedro Batista Apr 2018
Floating slowly in space
Watching Earth from a million miles away
Waiting for the air to just fade
And all I can think is if she is okay

A fearful smile overtakes my face
As fear overcomes the pain
The less I care where I stay
All I want is for her to be okay

I hope she ain´t feeling the same
Cause this pain is making me insane
All I want is for her to enjoy her day
To smile and wave on a warm summer day

I hope I have told you everything you deserve
And even if so ill regret not saying more
I will never feel like I told you all
Words can't describe what truly is love

Please don't cry as I float away
All I want is for you to be okay
It's what pushes me through the day
Back on Earth or here in space
The feeling will always be the same
No matter how many miles away

Is this what love feels like
Even as the air runs dry and the fear goes wild
All I can think is about her smile
An astronaut lost in space, saying a final farewell to his love back in Earth
Nelize Mar 2018
Mother turns cold as the light rotates
Revealing a dome of shining eyes
Moon crescent glisten, as I listen
Nachtmusic now turned on:
Crickets' overture
City car whispers on highway 99
Leaves hush
Frogs open doors
As watches tick in pronation
Mother tilts Her face in divine rotation
Muted light
Pulling from above
Stardust in my ****** glove
Gives me reason to believe
We are all astronauts
I love the ambience and unique atmosphere that the night brings. I often go outside and feel as if I am in space, literally. Yet, I feel at home, despite the nostalgic and majestic feeling of being part of this universe. We are all astronauts.
Xant Feb 2018
He's up there
The lonesome astronaut,
with a will to fly,
and a skill of flight

He and a star
that have just collided
both dies gracefully
Like a flower withering in spring
But the star still haughty
And so full of itself it explodes
Into a supernova

He and the star
that emits the brightest light
And obscures the eyes
of whoever that sees
As he dies ever so faithfully

And the flaring light?
Blinds thousands as it emerged
in the darkest seven p.m.
But we were wildly astonished
by the lonesome astronaut
who was a dashing astronaut

A poem inspired by a song.
Devon Gonzalez Jan 2018
I don't know where my life lies,
on the spectrum of time
woven with space,
set at a panthers pace.

I'm here in this solar symptom.
A perfect distance from the sun,
An idealistic ozone.
The third planet, but still alone.

You're in your solar symptom.
The planet's surface burns hot,
Your atmosphere rich in CO2.
Somehow, I still feel you.

Only an eighth of a galaxy away.
Baby that's still twelve thousand light years.
Subside to the quantum gears.

Your gravity weighs on you heavy,
let it take you in.
Trust me, it will alter your time in space. Setting years at a days pace.

Just hold on.
I'm on my three thousandth light year,
hold fast.
I fear my life might not last.

Your time winds in slow motion.
Baby, please wait.
My time is still the same.
Your days are my years,
and all of my fears.

This vessel will reach you.
Weather my bodies decayed
or you see my last day.
Rachana Dec 2017
Floating around in the void experiencing zero-gravity,
Hoping  that I would fall into a huge dark cavity!
Never coming back to see my fellow beings,
And be in space all day long sight-seeing.
But I do want to prove the Flat-Earthers wrong,
And come back to Earth and get recognition like Armstrong!
Jon Sawyer Dec 2017
It is absolutely remarkable.

To leave the rock that nurtured you
using the gifts that were given to you,
despite all the Earth's attempts to keep us content,
to explore a world away from a world.

For ourselves, and for ourself.
This is a time when calling an astronaut a hero
surpasses all nationality,
and the entire world can be prideful at being a human.
by my wife, Adyson Wright
3 Dec 2017
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
She's a crazy blonde and she's funny
She can do no right and she can do no wrong
An astronaut and a 2000 year old genie
In a bottle and somehow they've to get along

Barbara Eden and Larry Hagman are the stars
Of the show hilarious in awkward moments
"Is my master upset with me?" She always asks
Yet coy when he can get whatever he wants

Winks and nobs transformed in the blink of an eye
Appear or disappear "your wish is my command"
Or "master I'm at your service." She'd say but sly
Pony tailed girlish genie often can't comprehend

Master's orders disobeyed as he acts a fool
Uncorrupted innocently gazed hands in my chin
On deserted island genie ******* clad beautiful
I was too young to know to wish for to imagine
Original Black and White 1965 tv sitcom that I enjoyed watching so much.
Isaac Middleton Jun 2017
your desire since you were a child was to be a singer,
The world gave you cigarettes.
You also wanted to be an astronaut,
The world gave you gravity,

Eventually you grew content enough to lay down on the grass, smoke your mind away, and stare at the stars.
It's never too late to quit.
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