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Brent Kincaid May 2016
When children go hungry;
And even water is scarce,
When they have no shoes
And no country leader cares.
When school is too expensive
And illness goes unchecked,
Whose cause advances
As the economy is wrecked?

Greed is often the reason
If you ask yourself why.
Neglect and starvation
Makes the angels cry.

When parents neglect children
And seem to easily forget
That animals are not children
And children are not pets.
Everyone needs love and care
And a feeling they belong.
Any other treatment of them
In every culture is wrong.

Power can be made evil
For those who live by a lie.
People used as chattel
Makes the angels cry.

Some of us feel so lost
Overrun by a busy crowd
Seem to find our days are
Covered by a dark cloud.
Our old ones suffer alone
In tiny rooms of shame.
Our goal-oriented society
Seems to forget their name.

So, there is your answer,
You need not ask why.
Yes is the answer.
Indeed, angels do cry.
Pauline Morris May 2016
Giving in is easy
When there is nothing in this life that is pleasing
Brought in to this life as a living sacrifice
I am but a human I have no rights
Angels have their fun with me
Even the ones from heaven, watch with glee
Battered around and about
Then they watch as I bleed out
Angels surround us that is true
But do you sincerely think they protect you
They are there to make sure you hurt
They can't wait till you are turned back to dirt
They are men and evil is man
Be them angelic, or of the human brand
They will make you suffer as all around you they stand
So take me out of this land
I'd reather drowned in quicksand
kaylene- mary Apr 2016
I have traced the war torn lips of death
But never the relief of her graceful intimacy
She found me in a bed made up of morphine
With a stomach still regurgitating loss
Her undertone was pitiful and the octave never changed
But she was full of a warm embrace
By the skin of my teeth, I have touched her only on days that consist of threes
The hour of the unholy
The hour that god sleeps
And he plays my preys on repeat
But humanity still hides at the thought of my farewells
They reside between their bones and mourn their probable loss
They hold no flowers of remorse nor confine
But rather weep for their own, still and barely shifting
Leaving me to soak in fears and fright
They hold their lives in such decay, survival fit
And disregard my uncertain departure
In the face of death, many run home to hide beneath their beds
To mourn the loss of a soul not yet left
They fear the loss of their own in simulation
And will not give up preys for reconciliation
Leaving me to throb, to pulse and bleed dry in a bed made of white
Addie D Apr 2016
What happened to her, Khai?
Is she alive, is she amongst angels?
Which was the reason why
she chose a road so dangerous?

I know, she did it for the sake of me.
I’m the vision in her dreams
and her only wish was to set me free,
if again I could make her beam.

But I can’t  sleep, dear Khai,
The tears ooze out of my eye;
Sometimes I really wonder why
She did so much for me to be free?
This is a poem my best friend wrote; I just made a few corrections and had the rights to use it. I dedicate this one to her, for it is originally her idea.
Hannah Gaines Apr 2016
Angles crying,
Someone good has died,
The Angles sing a lullaby,
To lead the spirit to heaven.

The Angles cry,
For a person who has done wrong,
The Angels sing a lullaby,
To wash the sins away.

The Angles cry,
For a girl whose lost everything,
The Angles sing a lullaby,
To comfort the little one.

The Angles cry,
For someone's who is going to die,
The Angles sing a lullaby,
To put the knife away from the boy's neck.
Lesley Dec 2015
I see angels in the flowers
On long hot walks
Dry summer hours
With each bloom arose
New hope, new growth
Open the wind
Sound of leaves, slapping petals, flapping wings
In the flowers,
Their wings of light
bright glow of hope, new growth
Opening wide
The biggest hug of life
Wings enfold, petals close
Welcoming in,
Harvesting, joy, love & life
Angels’ eyes
See the truth and love in me
Sweet perfume release bequeath
new joy, new blooms
A garden of rooms open wide
All shutters and doors expose
dark crevices and hidden corridors
Bright light in, glow of hope
Flowers bloom
Wind dances through
Sound of leaves, petals slapping,
Flapping wings
Bow & rise an eternity of hours
Hot summer sweet & sours,
But my shadowed eyes can still
See the angels in the flowers.
WiltingMoon Apr 2016
My heart is broken
And yet no Angel could fix
Because only one thing will mean it
And that's the tender touch
Of our very first kiss
Rachael Taylor Apr 2016
Large wings,
Constant mischievous smirk
He fell from the sky
Blurred in shades of red
A war between winged humans
And 9 tailed foxes
Bones snapping,
Metal clashing,
Wings flapping,
Fangs baring
The enemies blood
Mercilessly slaughtering
One another
Proving their strength
Rafael Melendez Apr 2016
When I was younger, just a child. I remember someone telling me that humans emanate the slightest light off the surface of their skin. At the time, my grandmother would take me with her to church to learn about the ways of god, his angels, and the devil and his demons. They spoke of how not a single soul could look at god dead on, that even the holy angels would be blinded from the pure evanescence. And at night when I would lay down, I would pretend that I wasn't so bad if I glowed, even if it wasn't as bright as god itself.
But as I grew older I made discoveries, that the blind once walked among the bright, but now have no choice but to stoop to the shadows. Losing themselves.  No one would let themselves shine. Humanity was stuck in a place I came to think of as hell, and heaven was deep underneath the layers of shadows and cracks. That god was buried within this concrete, under the soles of my shoes, and that the devil laid in the darkest corner of my pupils, and I came to recall that the devil is beautiful and bright too.
Intro to a story that doesn't exist yet.
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