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Afrodita Nestor Apr 2016
You don't shoot a flying angel
You don't crash their tender wings
You don't let them ever fall
Nor you take them straight to hell

You don't say your deepest fears
Nor you tell what lies beneath
When it hurts they will know
Angels feel with their soul

If you ever come across an angel
That wants to take you up blue sky
Drop your shield from the start
And let the angel touch your heart

So never shoot a flying angel
They are more than just a stranger
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
Mark Parker Apr 2016
A battered head,
a bleeding brow,
washed in silence.
This is a prayer
for the victims
of ignorant violence.

You don't know when it started,
you began feeling half-hearted.
The peace within is broken,
you want speak but your choking.
And you can't let it go,
never be unspoken.
Often you're left in stitches,
yet your soul is worth untold riches.

A dusty street,
where the children meet
that have no alliance.
This is a prayer
for the sufferers
of ignorant violence.

One day they're safe, then they're not,
wars are not what we sought.
Explosions only leave what you believe,
while the helpless mothers grieve,
crying for help from God.
The angels aren't coming,
their sounds are leading to nothing.

This is a prayer
for the shattered vagabonds.
My grandfather was an old Okie thrown from his home who joined the military and became a front line engineer during the end of WW2 and continued to work in the middle east and Africa until he retired. From the day I knew him until the day he died, his fridge was stacked fuller than a supermarket. He said make sure everyone eats at the very least. It was the most important thing to him that everyone ate. He smacked one of my cousins upside the head one time for taking food away from a younger family member.
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
There's certain people God sends down
  To bless us here on earth
Although you may not see them there
  They've watched 'ore you since birth!

They're often times just standing 'round
  So close right by your side
You'll never know they're standing there
  Can't see them if you tried!

They're hidden all around your world
  The average "Joe" they seem
You'll never see them casting spells
  Or popping up in dreams!

They don't have massive sets of wings
  Or mutant ways to fly
They don't  appear from thinnest air
  Or warp up in the sky!

They're human just like you and me
  With such a simple task
They follow best My God's design
  Do everything He asks!

You'll feel their presence when at times
  He needs a helping hand
A human touch to show His love
  To us, a mortal man!

Those special people in your life,
  A touch of God's own love
Those special friends He sends to us,
  His Angels from above!!
As each one of us run life's race, there are people God has placed all along the "racetrack of life" to encourage us in our weak moments, help us up when we fall, and even cheer us on as we are doing well. Whether we see them there or not, they have been there all along. I thank God for these family, friends and loved ones He has blessed me with. Each one are truly Angels from Above!
Maia Vasconez Mar 2016
Met an angel in an alley,
I'm sure all angels snort dust.
She told me she was lost.

I pointed towards the nearest ditch and said,
"Sweetheart, go home"
I want to delete this but its popular
elizabeth Mar 2016
The sun was shining over the trees,
Hovering, suspended by invisible strings.
The minutes tick by slowly
And the clouds, like angels,
Floated across the sky.
Loud, large, and lively geese
Passed overhead, disrupting the quiet scene.
To describe the colors
Would be like trying to describe
The Sistine Chapel Ceiling;
It would be hard to limn
The beauty of it all.
Angels do not have wings
Demons do not have tails
What they told us
Are plain *******.

otherworldly creatures,
Are larger than the streets we've roamed
Are greater than the books we've read
Are deeper than the oceans we've swallowed

Are longer than the nights we've sojourned
Are scarier than the monsters in our head
Are vaster than all stories
and possibilities
and gloriousness combined.

So tell me, girl,
who needs wings and tails
and a god that fails
When we're grander
Than life itself?
Because we never meet the comrades until it is time.
oleg Mar 2016
if this is how it's supposed to be        
then i have no regrets                    
i live my life the only way i know        
collecting tears, blood and sorrow        
into a glass jar                          
my wings are small but grow every day                                        
the more i die inside the bigger          
my wings spread                            
i am ready                                
i am not afraid                          
i am an angel i am a monster              
forever i will live                        
before my eyes
you will all die
translated from serbian.
Emma Hill Mar 2016
Put me in a chokehold and press my face into goose feather
stained with mascara tears, acid rain rolling down translucent
glowing and painted with rouge the color of
hot in my heart and pumping to the furthest reaches of my
bound and held captive by smooth black ropes leaving me
to go against your will, I am at the mercy of games we
rough and don't treat me like I'm fragile I'm not meant to
down barriers and ascend stairs toward the gates of
Is found in leather and lace, cuffs, safe words and
resonates with angel wings beating as drums
Unedited /
JK Cabresos Mar 2016
We dreamed about the future
and we forgot yesterday,
the pains in our earthly life;
Heaven has the remedy.
Along the angels singing
the songs of love,
believing they exist
is believing to God.
We dreamed about the future
but the future is today,
stop thinking about what ifs
and accept what is.
Shileigh22 Mar 2016
Onyx wings and silky feathers
Sadly beautiful and mesmerizingly furious
A broken soul and a shattered heart to pair
Scarred, pale skin appears translucent
A face that is beautifully depressing

Once upon a time
They walked among the stars
Now they are forced to walk amongst humans

The devil showed pity
For he was God's favorite and an angel once long ago
One wrong choice
Now he rules below

So angels become demons
Because they were once loved
But wanted more

So Lucifer showed mercy
Now they have their beauty again
Now they are angels with a dark side
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