I could see it as clearly as if my eyes were open There as a man in the house And I'm awake alone I lay down in the tub out of sight and dial the phone But while I remain hidden he finds you instead And he puts a bullet in your head He passes by the door of the room And I swear this is how I meet my fate But he walks past And out I dash Out the window And down the wall Across the road and again I call But before they come you are gone No one could save you If only I had been god enough.
When I see her again Let me tell you Every cell becomes alive I awake
The complimentary serendipity The particle charge of Reading from the same mind The quantum sharing of two universal whole beings of light That somehow got entangeled And when I see her It all makes perfect sense This and this and this...
it's four in the morning, and the man you left is sitting on the barstool still in mourning. he's trying to understand how you feel, but it's really difficult to do since when it comes to shots he's had his fill. he wonders what he did wrong in the your relationship that from his perspective is "ours," and what you don't see as you walk away is that he feels remorse so he'll continue this cycle for hours.
Dear Truth, Why must you avoid the ones Who need to see you the most? Only very few in the background Know who you are Yet that is not enough. I pray that one day You are brave enough to expose yourself To the face of authority Before another anti-abortion law is passed And before another black citizen Is whipped—I mean shot.
Dear Hope, You have been away For a while now And I miss you. If you are not to come back to me Then please do us all a favor And stay in Sudan for a while For victims need you more than I do
Dear Attention, You are turned onto the things That aren’t as bad as the death of human lives Why must you point the billionaires Towards the wrong direction? We need you to look at people in need The same way you looked at The burning building
We need all of you back Before 22 million more people are
Encountered some current problems in this poem though I have mixed feelings about how it looks and sounds.
I am an emotion, I live until I die. My ways mean life Or death sometimes. I am a new hope When I am not an apocalypse. Today - I am love in it's purest form Tomorrow - The agony in the depths of hell. I mean nothing As without me nothing would mean a thing. I am And I always am until I die.