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May 2015 · 749
Dat Boi May 2015
Shattered remains of a heart
Pieces sticking together,
I am a puzzle
And I can't be any different.

You may wipe my tears away
With a single finger
But you can't control me
Not on a single day.
May 2015 · 9.2k
Dat Boi May 2015
Feminism ˈfeməˌnizəm/
the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

People try to change a word into something else
Fantasy, made up, fiction, created....
You get angry when something you hold dear is "messed up"
"Diluted" or "polluted",
But why are you so eager to change the meaning of feminism?
You claim you are for equal rights, but not for feminism
Are you claiming you drink water but not H2O?

You want to make something different
Your own,
You want to make everything about you
You are selfish, are you not?
And your argument is weak, too.
You say "Feminists discriminate, that's why you shouldn't be one."
But do you know the actual definition?
You are that lazy,
To not search two words?
Technology helps you know the definition,
And a lick of time,
But you are too hateful, lazy, and selfish to care.

Join us. You're better here.
*Feminism means equality. Don't get it twisted.
This is my (I think) first feminism poem, but it's not really a poem, just something to help me get what I want out there.
May 2015 · 869
People Will
Dat Boi May 2015
People will hate you
People will rate you
And compare you to others
They will try to smother your light
With their blankets of lies
And hatred

But you have to remember,
That it isn't up to them what you are,
Who you are,
What you can do.

And you have to remember,
That you are a red rose,
Beautiful and strong.
Whoever you are,

**Wherever you are
love yourself/and love others/don't spread *******
Mar 2015 · 523
Light in the Dark
Dat Boi Mar 2015
We can always find the light in the dark
Daisies in a barren field,
The smiling face of a battered boy in the midst of war
The moon always rises in the night
Pulls us from a dark blanket
And hugs us tight
There's always happiness in sadness
To pull us away from the madness
Mar 2015 · 420
Dat Boi Mar 2015
I'm sitting there with a frozen smile,
My eyes glazed over,
Inside them is a wistful soul
Drifting across barren plains
Wishing for a home that doesn't exist.
A small smile frozen in time
Mar 2015 · 1.6k
Sun or Moon
Dat Boi Mar 2015
My eyes burned as I stared at the searing sun,
It bore its painful rays.
It grinned, with blinding yellow teeth.
I slumped over,
Palms pressed to my thick brown eyes,
But that could not stop it.
The sun laughed,
It enjoyed my sorrow.
Some say, the sun is bright,
Therefore, it's personality is ever so light
But I know better,
Darkness would embrace me,
Pull me close
But it would only be a daily dose.
Some say sunlight is better than the moon,
But the moon does not burn my eyes.
Mar 2015 · 468
Red Little Leaves
Dat Boi Mar 2015
Red little leaves
Floating through the sky,
I ask, how does it feel
To be so high?
They smile, flying through
We don't know,
We're just a crew
Mar 2015 · 396
Tell a Story
Dat Boi Mar 2015
I could sit and tell a story
Where tears are made of gold
And my dreams,
There's no mold
The dresses are puffy and blue
And beauty
Will never be due
I could tell a story
Mar 2015 · 10.5k
End of the Road
Dat Boi Mar 2015
I lived at the end of the road.

Lilies, daisies, roses, zinnias, orchids, azaleas, and bellflowers.

Growing at the side of the river in such rich colors.

I lived at the end of the road where no one dared venture.

I lived in that small peeling yellow house, at the end of that long road.
End of the road
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
Imagine Myself
Dat Boi Mar 2015
Sometimes I imagine myself as a Queen
With a spiked crown
Ruler of women and men and all in between
My arms, ever so brown,
Laden with jewels and stones
And at my feet,

Sometimes I imagine myself as a person
Of remarkable feats
And at my dinner table,
Delicious meats
With silks of my own,
You will forget my skin tone

Sometimes I imagine myself to be on the throne.
Dat Boi Mar 2015
She holds Aegis in her hand
Flee before it, if you can
The head of a monster hangs from a fleece
Look, you look, and you turn to stone
Fight her, you fight her, and you will be bone
Mar 2015 · 547
Dat Boi Mar 2015
I can see through this darkness
A tunnel of nightmares,
Plaguing so freely
Who could reject them
Who hang so queenly?

Is it a matter of time
When the sun will leave us
And the night forever rule?

I dream of butterflies
And sunny skies
And happy endings
And excellent beginnings

Are there no happy people left
But the upset ones
Who wear the sweater of grief
Is there no one to help
The weak and the powerless?

I dream of blue mornings
And purple evenings
I dream of happy children
And golden songs

But here we are, in the deathly throngs
Who are we to dismiss it?
Who are we to embrace it?
We are none, but human.

I can tell you a thousand things
That I would rather be
To extend my wings as a bird
To sharpen my claws like a cat
To leap ever so proudly like a leopard

But there is one thing I am
And that is human.
Humans just..ugh. You get used to it :/
Mar 2015 · 775
Laced with Tears
Dat Boi Mar 2015
I can weep until tomorrow
My mind, so full of sorrow
I can cry out to you
But will you show up
Right out of the blue?

I can flutter my wings
A little more and
Sing a little louder

But I will always be laced with tears
Salty, shiny fears

They trap me in
But I can't tell if I
Really want to keep going
Will I win?

I will always be laced with tears
Always be laced with the memories of my dears
Can I, just can I, live a life where
I can wake to the sun
And live up to all the fun?

But will I
Be trapped in a salty cell
Tears dripping down the sides
Like you've never seen before?

All I can say
Is that I will always be laced with tears.
Mar 2015 · 586
They Think They're Better
Dat Boi Mar 2015
"Nerds are losers!" They cry.
"Geeks get bruisers!"
The boys and the girls laugh.
They aren't using the word right,
We all know.

We're the ones with our faces in books
With glasses rocking against the surface of our noses
While the others, the ones with the pretty unblemished faces
Get their roses
We accept out honorable certificates
Dignity, pride, it is quite evident

Romance comes to them easily
Romance comes to us in the form of poetry

They laugh, seeing us talk about our favorites
Books, movies, works of wonder,

They think they're better
They think that their popularity comes from looks, money, physical strength

But who do we care?

They're meatheads, idiots, mirror-loving *******.
What are we? Mathematicians, geniuses, book-loving witches.

*They think they're better.
Not THAT great but I thought some of you would like it.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Look At Yourself
Dat Boi Mar 2015
You can take what I have
You can hurt me into nothingness
You can speak about me in that foul way

Use me, berate me
There's no one to inflate me
You can grab my hand
And tell me you hate me

That I'm unworthy
That I should be dead
That my birth was a mistake
That I should go to church and pray
That I'll die today

But let me tell you something
You are a piece of dirt
Would I stoop to your level?
To get trod upon?

I think not.

But you will never be better than me
You will always be the filthy person who,
Untrue to their words,
Will never be something great

I will rule a nation
I will organize a society
I will be recognized.

You, however, will be the beggar on the ground
Begging for scraps
Your wild hair specked with mud,
Your hands covered in dirt.

You will remember when you treated me like I was the dirt beneath
Your expensive shoe-clad feet
When you thought you had me beat
You thought your insults were sharp spears
Ready to impale me,
To **** me.

You will look at yourself
A ***** person with puffy, ****** lips
Tattered rags that hang on your body and show what is under them
You will cry,
And it will be a bath.

You can tell me I'm not good enough
You can tell me I'm a spawn of some horrible creature
You can tell me what you want.

But there will come a time
When you look at yourself.
I just wrote this 'cause I was feeling vengeful, but this is also for people who have had sky-high horses that I have met. It can also be interpreted other ways, but I'll leave that to you.
Mar 2015 · 3.1k
Dat Boi Mar 2015
Have you ever done nothing wrong
Yet to be punished so severely?
Body of a monster, face of a woman,
It isn't flesh that you wear
But scales, green ones
Hissing is your music
And the sound of an unsheathed sword your funeral dirge
Have you ever
Been Medusa?
Mar 2015 · 7.0k
Wealth like Crowns
Dat Boi Mar 2015
They wear their wealth like a crown
Glittering jewels adorning their kitchen chairs
Red leather velvet resting on the sofas
Pearls dripping in champagne
This lavish mansion is their Kingdom
The money their thrones of precious stones
Their influence their ermine and silk cloths
Their wealth like crowns
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
The Abduction of Proserpina
Dat Boi Mar 2015
She was just a young goddess
About what modern people would call a "teenage girl"
Running through a field of lotuses,
Her white dress lapping at her legs
Her golden hair whipping in the wind

Her friends, they call out
"We'll be asleep. Don't wander so much,"
She reassures them she'll be fine
With a smile and a nod, they rest in the field of flowers.

Flowers catch the young goddess' eye
Appealing with its bright colors
And lovely shape,
She thinks, Who could resist such beauty?

For the answer is none,
Maybe not even the wisest of mortals
She bends down, the flowers poking at her covered thighs
It's a bright flower, just like the blue skies

Proserpina, our lovely and innocent goddess, she picks until her heart's content
Flower after flower.
One is gone, another shows up, and so goes to the cycle.

She's gone too far, but Proserpina doesn't know that
She's about to sit and inspect these lovely flowers that she has picked
When there's a rumble below the earth.
Alarmed, she recoils, ready to break into a run

The ground opens up, a man in armor
This is the one they call Hades, God of the Underworld
Proserpina, alarmed, cannot see his face for it is pallid
Pale and sunken, but that doesn't matter now.

Hades, with his might, grabs the young goddess, who is screaming for help that she does not receive

Help! I am being abducted, but why me, a goddess,
When there are plenty of mortal women?

Proserpina doesn't know the workings of a god's heart, no,
Especially one who's her father's brother.
She's taken down under,
Where death rules and ghosts go by, like some sort of dead city
Inhabited by soulless spirits

Proserpina, it seems, will not be seeing her mother or the land above in
Quite a while, but Proserpina, soon she will not care.

Ah, to be young, and to be a goddess.
Mar 2015 · 8.5k
Nike - Victoria
Dat Boi Mar 2015
The goddess
Of golden-faced victory
Her head brilliantly decorated with green laurels
Victoria, bestowing victory for what is named after her
Down to the red-plumed Romans with their gleaming swords

Nike, champion of the Greek gods.
Riding the chariot of victory into battle
The laurels catches the light of a mirror
It dances away, after its victorious champion

She may be a bit crazy or at least hungry
For the taste of that sweet victory
Let her be Roman; let her be Greek;
She is never weak

What one might say, she does not know
For her victory is clogging up her ears
Goddess of victory, we all want a taste of her power.
Mar 2015 · 711
Empire of Thoughts
Dat Boi Mar 2015
The Kingdom of Dreams
Swords raised in memory
Shields brandished with hope
Castle made of thoughts

We are the soldiers, with our helmets of want
Our swords to remember the happy times and the dark
Our shields to guide us through the thick confusion

Our Kings, their glittering crowns, provide us with happiness
With thoughts of a better tomorrow
Our Queens, with their lavish dresses
To remind us that it will get better
But even though our mind landscape gets wetter,
We'll remember that bad times never last

Pick ourselves up
Hoist ourselves on memory,
Shield each other with hope
Cling to each other,
The thoughts come like a sea of cattle

The demons may plague our minds with their dangerous weapons
But our righteous army, hope, happiness, thoughts, memory
Rise up from the ashes we call our spirit
"Defeat this enemy," We command with desperation

Our army and the enemies clash
We clutch our shields
Hope, I need hope.
The enemy is defeated.
We fall into a dream, not awoken for long

A new Kingdom is constructed.
Built on thoughts, hope, happiness, memory
It's our Empire of Thought
We shall remember what was fought.
Dat Boi Mar 2015
Sun kissed skin
Molten gold eyes
Bright as a star
Dusted with starry powder
Smile as bright as a nebula
In the night sky
She blows a kiss, the star is saying good-bye.

Skin like the blazing sun overhead
Fierce as a shining orb of sunlight
A kiss hotter than any other thing
She will be next to you
But beware, for her love is hitherto
You'll never see a sun girl like her again.

She is bathed in a lovely moonlight
Silver, as those moonlike eyes
She can capture you with a single look
But her time is limited - you may have to rebook
Stunning silver dress, it's a beacon for moonlight
Will you make her feel right?
Hold her tight, she tends to drift
She is a gift
Brought by the moon.
Mar 2015 · 891
Dat Boi Mar 2015
She turns to face him,
Her bright cobalt eyes glistening with salty water
She fights the urge to hug him,
To be there for him forever
But it's her job as is sister
To resist
To pull herself together
Brush aside her conflicting feelings
And leave him
Her mind seems to be screaming are you really leaving him?
She crumples to a heap, pleading
Crying, those bright blue eyes
Begging his chocolate ones
Forgive me, forgive me, I love you, forgive me.
She can't let go now
Forgive me, brother, for I have sinned.

— The End —